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Long time painter, short time player


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g'day everyone,


I'm a new player to the game, although i've painted SM for some 15 years now, and i'm hoping to get some tips on how to beat those pesky Tau. I can field a force up to about 2500pts, covering most tactical bases (assault, shooty, long range etc). i only play with a couple of mates at the moment and one of them has played the game far longer than me.


We've played numerous times and on each of those occasions i've received a sound thrashing, i just cant seem to get past all those long range rifles, and when i do he has multiple shield drones, fusion blasters and other high S low AP weapons and promptly blows my poor marines away.


I know practice makes perfect, but a couple of tips would really help out


Any advise to a fledgling player???

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drop pod on his face and if he decides he will deploy off the board just try and cover the board edge so as soon as he comes on he gets to shoot you and then youir in assault a few locator beacons on the pods are good also so that things land when they should and/or vanguard using heroic intervention. However its also good to keep some units (or deepstrike later units) further back to hold/take objectives but also deal with fast tau units that might deepstrike behind you.
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Whoa, Hellios, punctuation is our friend. And TBQH that's a horrible tactic against tau. It allows him to tear your army apart piecemeal, not having to prioritize because in terms of guns he'll have better ones and more of them! Anyway, the best ways are to Zerg/Rambo/Boost your way to him with rhinos and bikes. Also krak missile spam against Crisis suit spam is hilarious to watch BUT that's a different story.
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drop pod on his face and if he decides he will deploy off the board just try and cover the board edge so as soon as he comes on he gets to shoot you and then youir in assault a few locator beacons on the pods are good also so that things land when they should and/or vanguard using heroic intervention.


I have no idea what was just said here.

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