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WIP DIY Scythes Of Eluvia - Update - 01/10/09


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Evening all


Here are the first two Space Marines for my DIY chapter. As of yet I'm a little undecided on the name / chapter symbol for them, I was hoping to get some suggestions and feed back. So far I have a theme for the name Elubian (E-loo-bian)........a bit of inside info Elubian came from wait for it...... BLUE with the L and U swapped around with IAN added to the end. Not the most creative way of coming up with a name for a chapter but it worked for me. By the way my name isn't Ian just in case your wondering.


Blades Of Elubia - Chapter homeworld.

Elubian Knights.

Sycthes of Elubia.

The Elubian brotherhood.


Here is my un-named Librarian



My Vet seargent for my command squad.



Vet face close up.




The bases are not done as you can see I'm thinking a barren waste land, the grey-ish looking style. I hoping that the base wont detract from the mini's them selves.


C & C Most welcome.


EDIT : BLUE backwards is not ELUB, edited for being a dumbass

My name is Ian so that was very confusing.


Anyway, the blue is so close to UM's... are they going to be some sort of UM successor?

And you do know that this site has a Chapter Name Creator right?


It isn't the best, but it can throw together some cool words for ya.. I got my chapter name from it. And I'm pleased.


On the painting note, your models look friggen awesome. You paint fantastic!

I'm almost sad that they are so close to Ultra Marines, I would love to see your brush throw down on something a little foreign to the eye in terms of color.


Can't wait to see more.




VERY nice paint jobs, To bad they look like Ultra Smuffs =) (J/K)


I like the Knights idea for a symbol what about a WHite Horse Head (Like a Knight CHess Piece?) Instead of bikes you could mount them on the chaos chargers minis (For the chaos fantasy Knights) but maybe thats going to far...


Really thought great job on the painting...

I know the colour is close to UM, I'm toying with the idea of making them a successor. I did some mock ups using the awesome army painter, I tried different coloured helms to represent the type of squad, red devastator, yellow assault, blue tactical, and going with the knight theme I will mock up a silver helm for vets. I have a thing for ASM and I have the DL'd version off the GW site of the BA codex ASM for troop types is just to appealing for me.


One idea I have is to make an army that would allow me to either field it as a Codex chapter - master of the forge yummy, Blood angel - Death from above with ASM or DarkAngels - terminators as troop choices when using Belial (sp?). Each codex is to good to not follow, a generic paint scheme and fluff would allow me to achieve this.

I didn't think of Ultras when I looked at your models; the blue is too bright to be ultras in my view.


Anyway; those are absolutely awesome models.


The only thing that lets the librarian down is the script on the book; I think it needs to be more dense and more colourful. Also, his staff looks a little bent, but it might be the camera's lens. However, this is clutching at straws as the paint job is just great :)


The veteran is characterful. For me, the way his boltgun is not quite held straight gives it great dynamism; just shows how little things can give a model a spark of life. Also, you picked just the right head for him.


Looking forward to seeing more!


p.s. how about 'Knights of Elubia'?

Morning all


Thanks for the positive feedback guys.


@MalevolentMc - I've had a go on the Chapter Name Generator and some of the suggestions are really good, but then you get a blinding suggetion like "Cosmic Hippos". I could spend best part of a day clicking the random generator button and seeing how many funny names come up.


@Master Commander Ajax - Helmets will be a different colour to denote squad association. I did try painting the right pauldron a different colour, but it didn't come out the way I wanted I was thinking bone like the Blood Ravens. I'm open to suggestions. I've been looking at the colour theory wheel to see what colour would be contrast against the blue. Orange is the opposite on the chart but I'm not sold on that.


Here is a mock up of what a Devastator marine would look like. (ignore the red, it will be closer to what the librarian tabard looks like)



@Pingo - you are correct the staff is slightly bent, I wont make any adjustments to it untill I've varnished him. I see what you mean about his book the text on there does seem a little spaced for what it's supposed to look like, to be honest when I did it I rushed it. I'll go back to it and refine it a bit and add more colour, if my free hand didn't suck so badly I would draw a little stick man surrounded by a Psi-shield. Might have to get a small piece of paper tonight and do some tests.


@Iron Pheonix - Bloody hell now I've another variable to play with for the chapters name - Eluvia. I must admit though Eluvia rolls off the tongue better than Elubia. Thanks for the suggestion.


@Khrangar - To be honest the Scythes of Elubia / Eluvia, would give me an excuse to model a nasty big Scythe on my Chapter Master.

another vote for Scythes of Eluvia here! The scythe badge would work to make them stand out as different to the Ultras; similarly, I like the black insets on the shoulder pads, its another good way to make them different - will that be added to the Vet mini above?


also, your painting is very good, nice work!



@Strike Captain Lysimachus - the Scythes is growing on me the more I think about it. I'll be adding the black inserts when I get home later, I'll get some pictures up light permitting. I'll have to start practicing free handing the Scythe symbol I think before I attempt it on a shoulder pad, I've enough spare floating about to test on. A white scythe symbol on the black back ground will stand out enough to make sure they don't get mistaken as Smurfs. I might even do a banner with the UM symbol on with a big red cross through it.


EDIT: Crossed Scythes or a single Scythe?

What you didn't like the Cosmic Hippos? rofl. :cuss


My 2 cents on the Whole Eluvia/Elubia thing is i can see someone being like.


'Wow great UM army!'


'Thanks but.. actually these are the Scythes of Eluvia.'


'The what?'


'Scythes of Eluvia.'


'.. Uh What about Bermuda?'


My MC name is Malevolent MC, and as easy as that is for me to sound out.. because it's phonetic.(It really is simple)

Press people have a terrible time with it, or if I've just done a show and people want to get my information telling them 'It's Malevolent MC' is just like speaking Chinese to most people.


Just a thought. :tu:




Nice job painting your marines, they do look like UMs but there armor is light enough to tell them apart. I would also go with only one scythe it would be faster to paint and you could make it larger so it would be easier to distinguish your marines from ultra marines.


About the scythe I would think a charging ASM with a scythe would be pretty damn menacing.


How do you paint your faces, I haven’t painted human faces before so some advice on colors would be great.

How do you paint your faces, I haven’t painted human faces before so some advice on colors would be great.


Tallarn Flesh base coat.

Dark Flesh wash all over, making sure it pools in the recesses.

Re-apply Tallarn Flesh

50/50 Tallarn Flesh - Bleached Bone, apply to the raised areas of the face.

Add a little more Bleached bone to the above mix and keep applying to the raised areas of the face, working your way to the extreme edges. Keep adding more Bleached Bone to the mix till your happy with the final highlight. You can add a little Skull White to get the final extreme highlights in certain areas of the face.


To get the shaved head look start mixing grey into the mix and apply it to the top of the head


I hope this helps with your minis.

Apologies for the double post.


Here is the special weapons marine in my command squad, the seargent still needs some work to be done to him. There are a few areas I will re-do the melta end needs sorting out I kind of rushed it last last night, black highlighting on the shoulders needs some love. Script on the scroll, and the chapter symbol.


Let me know what you guys think.



Here is the seargent now with completed base. The banner is still missing its symbol at the moment. I have been looking at the Raven Wing symbol - the winged blade - what I have in mind is to change the blade into a Scythe. How does that sound?


Anywho here is the picture.





At some point today I'll apply a wash to the static grass to take the brightness off of it. The idea of ashen wasteland and bright green healthy looking grass doesn't go hand in hand.


C&C as always guys.

Maybe the Ashen wasteland has something magic in the soil? :)


I like it man; great job. The black shoulder definitely separates them from what would be Ultramarines.


The detail you put into the paintjob is incredible. Is this your Tabletop?

Or are these guys going to be one of those armies painted so well it makes you want to smack your mother?




Thanks for the feedback guys. I've added a Devlan Mud wash to the static grass on their bases now which has taken the life out of it, so its not looking so healthy and vibrant now.


@MalevolentMc - This is going to be my table top standard. There are a few dodgy areas on the mini's that wont be picked up when their on the table top. I can paint a standard marine up in about 6 - 8 hours which is pretty good going for my slow painting skills. Hopefully the more I paint these guys the quicker I can get at painting the standard troops. I've enough mini's boxed up and still on sprues to keep me going for some time yet,

1x Captain - boxed

1x Techmarine (he's going to be my Master Of The Forge) - boxed

1x Librarian - painted

1x Command Squad - part painted

2x 5 Man Assault terminators - boxed

3x 5 Man Assault marines (i'm planning on making it two squads of ten at some point, or 4x combat squads) - boxed

2x 10 Man Tactical marines - boxed

3x 5 Man Devastator squads - boxed

1x Razorback (for the command squad ) - boxed

1x Rhino - boxed

4x Dreadnoughts - built but not painted

1x Ironclad - built but not painted


- I have a thing for assaulty types, dreadnoughts and big ass heavy weapons.


As you can see I have a lot of minis to paint, this is going to be a plog for these guys.


@Tybrus - Thanks for the comments about the banner, to be honest I was a little unsure on how it would go down with every one. I'll add an additional highlight to the laurel to make the edges pop more than they do at the moment. For some reason they look a little dull.


I'm happy the feedback on the black insets has gone down well, I added the yellow trim after looking through my 2nd Ed Ultramarine codex. It wasn't untill I painted the yellow trim with the black inserts that I realised that the Emperors Scythes have a black and yellow scheme, which I thought was funny given the name I'm working on for these guys.


I'm working on the company champion this evening when I get home from work, basecoat, shading and some highlights are already in place. I was planning on painting his helm and top shoulder parts a different colour than the traditional gold you see in the WD and codices. One idea I did have was to paint it yellow the same as the shoulder trims I'm not 100% sold on that idea at the moment. I'm open for some suggestions?


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