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The "Rhino Castle"


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Ahh, very true, Koremu! I'd overlooked that.

Even when subbing in a Predator or two, you give up a LOT of firepower by moving.


I also cut and pasted the text out of my blog, for later readers:


I was thinking about gimmicky tactics to use for a Capture and Control mission the other day. I wondered what effect it would have to place your one objective in a defensive area, and then build a "Rhino Castle" around it. Basically, you put three Rhinos in a circle around the objective, with squads embarked. Each squad can fire from the fire points of their Rhino, and all three will be scoring. It is physically possible to create enough of a gap around an objective on a 25mm base that your opponent cannot get within 3" to claim or contest without wrecking one of the Rhinos first. As we all know, wrecking vehicles in 5th Edition is a lot harder than it used to be!

The challenge is keeping something assaulty or hordey (Zerkers, Genestealers, Boyz with Klaw Nob) from getting to you with your limited firepower, and then just assaulting your tanks til one pops. I think the best way to mitigate this is to devise some way of MOVING those Rhinos 1" every turn once the opponent is in charge range. This gives them the 4+ to hit, instead of the autohit.

What might be beneficial is to start out the game with the Rhinos in a "asses in" flower pattern. Point the rear ramps of all the Rhinos at the objective, with the 11AV front and sides facing outward. You can leave a 1"-2" gap between each of the Rhinos, for maximum spacial exclusion (enemies can't pass within 1" of your models, so no sneaking in the gaps!). This gives you that one extra point of AV against antitank fire for the first couple turns.

Once the bad guys get to assaulting range, rotate each Rhino clockwise (or counterclockwise, your choice), and move it forward so that it touches the next Rhin in line. Rotate that one, and start rebuilding your "wall". Continue on to the third Rhino, effectively "circling the wagons." That will give you your 4+ hit rolls against an assault, since each moved at least a little. Remember that rotation doesn't count for movement, so you have to move each Rhino at least an inch or so!

Once the opponent manages to wreck or explode one of your Rhinos...use the survivors to Tank Shock! With proper placement of your tanks, you can push the attacker away from your objective even more. This would be really useful if it was the last turn of the game. You'll be bulldozing the bad guys off your objective, while still claiming it with the tail end of your Rhino, or by disembarking your troops squad out the back.

If the bad guys try to climb over a wreck, every model takes a dangerous terrain test, as a wreck is both difficult AND dangerous! If your Rhino exploded, they take those S3 hits, plus have to move through difficult terrain from the crater.

Obviously, this wouldn't work without additional fire support. You want somethng else firing out at incoming units. A sniper squad with good lanes of fire makes a great overwatch, as the ability to pin helps you hold out for more turns. Add Telion and you can cut Ork Nobz or hidden Powerfists out of attackers. A Devastator squad with plasmacannons, missile launchers, or heavy bolters could whittle down even the roughest units.

You'd also want some fast movers to be able to zoom in and contest the opponent's objective at the last moment, giving you the 1-0 victory. Bikes or landspeeders are ideal. Landspeeders especially, as they can ignore terrain. Bikes have the advantage of being able to zip over difficult terrain and only taking a casualty on a bad dangerous terrain test.

What might be even more interesting is to make your Rhino Castle with a pair of Predators and one Rhino (to claim the objective). The Preds have some heavy firepower, and far better AV. You'd point them at the oncoming enemy and fire out, while the Rhino stays hidden in the back. The Preds also have the ability to rotate their frame to keep that AV13 pointed at the enemy, while rotating the main turret to take shots at better targets.

Another possibility is taking a combination of Razorbacks and Predators. Lots of heavy firepower, and still retaining the ability to embark troops.


Gimmicky, but I'm very tempted to test it out. The bane of this would probably be IG Basilisks dropping rounds right on top of your Rhinos, or Russes firing Demolisher cannons at you.

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If there is only one objective on the field, and you happen to have it, this would work fine. The problem i see is that if your opponent also has anti-armor weapons, then this plan would allow them to set up and blast you "castle" away. Or, if facing deep strike-ables, you would have the issue of fending off troops dropping onto your battle line.


Essentially, a totally stationary defense line like this won't win a fight, but it might stop you from losing one.

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