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Imperial Fists 2nd Company


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Good eve everyone.


The desire to paint up Fists came from not seeing them given enough love (there are a lot of Fists players out there in B&C land, but none at all near me) and an inherent need to change my play style. My first ever army was Blood Angels, and when 4th Edition was out I was running Tactical Marines around with Chainswords and Bolt Pistols! I needed to shoot stuff.


Thus, after getting a bit confused as to why only the 3rd and 5th Company were ever shown in White Dwarf or any publications, I decided to go for 2nd Company. Gold on Yellow... I think I pulled it off, but I'm open to constructive criticism :)


So, without further ado, I give you:


Brother-Captain Vytautas Marquant of the 2nd Company






Thanks for looking, as soon as I get them finished up I'll be posting Tactical Squads Forecis and Khemus

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Hey there fellow son of Dorn


That Captain looks great. Yellow and gold seems to work ;)


Only one thing to say:

Water down your yellow a little bit more as that would make it more gently. It looks very bulky now.


Hey there fellow son of Dorn


That Captain looks great. Yellow and gold seems to work ;)


Only one thing to say:

Water down your yellow a little bit more as that would make it more gently. It looks very bulky now.

What chest did you use? It looks like one of the standard marine torsos with the skull and such shaved off - I like it, and the freehand fist looks pretty sharp there.


I'd also be a liar if I didn't admit that I like your Captain's enormous dakkatron. I mean bolter.

Nice work there. I like the pose and the free hand work. The captain's personal heraldry looks good. I would like to see it close up (or more direct). Does he have a helmet on his hip, or did he just leave it in the drop pod?


Can't wait to see your tactical squads if they are this good. Keep it up!

It is indeed the Marine torso with the skull snipped off carefully and then the rivets and remnants of the skull filed off carefully. I'm none too keen on the large amount of Skulls that show up over Marines, especially the ones on the helms, so I file them off when I think it's in the best interests of the model.


Looking back, maybe I should have done a larger freehand Fist over the left side of his breastplate... Ah well, it looks fine I think.


Thanks, I sat down with the transfer sheet and gave it my best.

nice work brother captain :(


nice yellow, how did you do it, i tried it but i got it all wrong, so i switched to chaos and grey knight marine's (i took the easy way out :D )

haha euhm where the frak did you get the captains head? half cyborg, nice, im looting the idea ;)

got more pics, and units???

The Golden Yellow I have is extremely watery, so I over-compensated on the captain. I think the Tactical Marines are coming out of their final-coating a little better.


Recipe is:


Basecoat with Chaos Black

Iyanden Darksun (feel free to use the Citadel Spraygun, I did after 5 Tactical Marines)

Devlan Mud wash

Iyanden Darksun (with a fine detail brush to get it nice and even)

Thin coat of Golden Yellow


There has been a second little touch-up with Golden Yellow to parts that looked a little out-of-place, and to get a much more even coverage on the larger sections (breast-plate and left shoulder-pad).


The head is indeed from the Tactical Squad box-set, chosen for the grimace that, with the rest of the random bits from any plastic kit I had lying around, says "I'm angry with you, feel the wrath of my big Storm Bolter!".


He's actually the second iteration of my Captain, the first is still unpainted and unfinished. I might post a picture or two actually, if there's interest?


EDIT: No, he left his Helm in the Drop Pod, but with a half-metal head I think he can afford to. Half the chance of being hit in the soft fleshy part of his brain, hm? There are grenades and a Melta-Bomb on his hip, though, and some purity seals around the back.


I'll be taking more pictures soo, getting the Heraldry and the IF transfer, probably his back too. I'll maybe have him based properly too by then!

Really nice work, free hand symvols look great. I was thinking you might want to put the normal tank mount on the bottom of the bolter. Make it look like he neededa weapon and used that powerfist to just rip one off a downed tank or something. Only down side i see is like others have said pint (in the pics at least) looks a bit "thick" but the over all marine is so well done it is a minor point of note at best...

Big Captain deserved Big Gun... Plus the Storm Bolter I put together out of two bolters and some spares from the SM Commander box looked a bit... clunky. It's a bit late to put the turret attachment on, but I'll bear it in mind.


I've just been shopping about on BitzBox and Bits and Kits UK for the components to give him Terminator Armour, so we'll see how that works out too!

Bit of a bump/update, but also not. Space Hulk redux will be with us soon, according to rumours, however I've got a real hankering to play right now. As such I've been reading through the rulebooks from the previous editions and from source material on the internet and in the old PC games and have come up with a few of the rules myself.


Probably won't work too well, but hey, it's a laugh.


I'm giving you all a Heads Up, as I believe my next purchase will be a couple of boxes of Terminators. I'll do a step-by-step of painting them, and a planned conversion that might just set a few people's teeth on edge;


Terminator-armoured Techmarine for use in Space Hulk games (my undoubtedly crappier version, anyway... :S hehe)

  • 2 months later...

Well, this has been FAR too long coming;


I ended up buying Space Hulk, and have designs to de-Blood Angel the terminators and paint them up, adding them to the box of Assault terminators I bought so I can have two squads of 7. I've fully-painted one 10-man squad of Tactical Marines, and have another set of ten awaiting their final coats and touch-ups. I've started getting back into the swing of painting, and my partner is quite interested in taking up 40K too so I might see if she'll allow me to post up pictures of whatever she decides to collect.


Anyhow, here we are; Tactical Squad Largo, two members of which were late to the photoshoot when their drop-pod harnesses got tangled (ehehe... :} oops...)






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