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Painting Death Watch Marines


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A friend of mine has requested I paint him a squad of Death Watch, a tiny little organisation I knew next to nothing about and it seems there are very few guides to painting them. (I am not a believer in matt black and a silver left arm)

So I want to post up a work in progress pic of my first Death Watch Marine, just to get some feedback.

He's Chaos Black with Shadow Grey highlights, further highlighted with Codex Grey. The Aquila is bestial brown under with Bleached bone overtop and a skull white highlight.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated, whether it be recommendations for painting style, colour, etc.


Any and all other questions and topics regarding the painting of Death Watch are welcome here too! Thanks!


http://img26.imageshack.us/img26/723/dsc00284l.th.jpg http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/1420/dsc00283h.th.jpg http://img11.imageshack.us/img11/7109/dsc00282rmq.th.jpg http://img11.imageshack.us/img11/5645/dsc00281ttg.th.jpg

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looks cool, though could you possibly get some better and bigger pics? thanks mate. anyway, i always find the deathwatch quite interesting and if you were wondering what style to do i'd definitely try to keep a diverse yet uniform colour scheme to them as ive seen several times a squad where they just look rag-tag space marines put together. im sure you wont do that. XD try to include some personal heraldry as well. that always look nice



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http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/5616/dsc00305hdk.th.jpg http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/8915/dsc00304q.th.jpg http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/7711/dsc00303god.th.jpg



Here are two of the Deathwatch Marines I've done so far (he asked for Space Wolves and Ultramarines. I can't draw heraldry much, and I'm still going to do some purity seals and so on, just wanted an initial feedback on quality and tips). The one on the right has the highlighting in Shadow Grey, with a finer highlight in Codex Grey. The one on the left is just Codex Grey, which I think might actually be a better idea.


As always, I'm really eager to receive any and all feedback. Also, if anyone has a suggestion for keeping a steady hand while highlighting, I'd appreciate it!



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