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Inquisitor Solomon Lok


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Hey guys this is my painting log for as the title suggests Inquisitor Solomon Lok


Here are the first WIP shots the brown is pretty much done but I'm looking for input for colours on other parts of the model I was thinking maybe green for the cloth and under robes as he is Ordo Xenos but I'm not really sure so any input would be great!


Anyway here are the pics:









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the pics are way too dark, i could deal with blurry if i could just see the features of the model better, try better lighting please, also to reduce blurriness just see if your Camera has a timer option, then set it down in front of the mini, push the button, and wait for the timer to run out and bang, a none fuzzy/blurry picture
You need to get at least 1 more lamp for your photos (too much shadow right now). Does your camera have a macro function (little button or icon that looks like a flower usually). If so use that for taking the pics. Those together should improve the overall picture quality and let you get some honest feedback.

Well guys I've been doing some more work today and have got the silver metals done. I still need ideas however on the cloth colours so any input would be greatly appreciated.


Here are the pics:







C & C greatly appreciated!!!



I would go with creams and reds for the cloth bits. I might also do one more highlight on the brown.

I agree with that. Creams and red work well together and if you keep the brown dark and mute it wont clash with the red IMO. Have a look at the Inquisitor models over on the Games Workshop website to get some ideas of what colours they use and where they place them on the model. But looks good so far.


Cheers, Messanger


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