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Blood Angels


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Hi, these are my recently redone Blood Angels. I have abot 1500 points worth, but they have been a bit neglected. Some were only half done and others were poorly based with flock and sand all over the sides of the bases, devastators and assault squads didn't have the right colour helmets and it basically looked like a mess. So I have decided to right this wrong by spending some time with my first love army and intend to get them fully fit for the fight. So in this log I will be adding pics of the squads when they are redone. So here are the first lot.

the first half of a 10 man tac squad


my assault squad


4 of a 5 man tac squad (the sarg needs re-basing)


my devastator squad


next up will be a fully based up Corbulo and the sarg of the 5 man tac squad.

Cheers for looking,


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Thanks Donkeycow. I figured it was time I did my first army a service and gave them a cohesive look. Lord knows they look a lot more tied together now.

Terminator Squad ;







I know they aren't allowed two heavy weapons but I built these before I'd ever read the codex. One day I hope to get a replacement Storm Bolter arm for the guy with the heavy flamer.

And the completed Tactical Squad ;


And last but not least, the Sarg for the 5 man tactical squad. The shield is just there for aesthetics and has no use in game. In game he just has a power weapon and a bolt pistol.


Cheers for looking,


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Cheers guys. Heh heh yeah I figured that as I had these masters of chapters lying around doing nothing, they may as well become sarges. Speaking of Sergeants, I did a bit more work on the Terminator Sarg as I wasn't 100% sold on him. I've still got to paint the Iron Halo silver because, well, it's an Iron Halo, but he's looks (in my opinion) a lot better now than he did. Oh and yes I'm going to destroy that horrible mold line on the storm bolter.


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TRhey look excellent, I'd certainly be proud to field them on a table.


However the one thing that strikes me is the chunks of plastic left on the bases' rims from where they were attatched to the frame. But nothing a good filin' and another coat of green wouldn't fix.

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Blod Angels were my very first army and seeing these brought back many a fond memory - all because of the colour you have painted them. Reminds me of how Blood Angels used to be many, many moons ago.................. It's got a nice orange tang to it. I love your red!


Only two very small points to make and they are purely aesthetical (sp). Firstly, drill out your barrels. It will make the bolters look a lot better. Socondly, watch out for those mold lines. They are tricky little beggers and always seem to reappear when you think you have got them all!

You paint to a far better standard than I, and maybe this is the inspiration I need to break open the boxes of dust and resurrect my vampires.


Good work!

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Cheers for the advice Lestat, it's something I try to remember but always miss. But you're right it makes them pop more with drilled bolters and no mold lines. As for resurrecting your space-vampires, dude, do it. The world needs more BA players! :P
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A change is as good as a rest, as they say. :D I get my red by undercoating white and then putting on a few thin coats of Blood Red. For highlights I use Blazing Orange and Firey Orange and then give the model a wash of Baal Red to tie them in a bit. I'm not a huge fan of working with white undercoat (mainly due to GW Skull White being rubbish the last few cans), but for a bright red you can't beat it.

I've finished up my dreadnought too tonight, strange to think that I've had him for nearly 2 years and only now put him on his base. Now I just have the DC Rhino to complete and the army is up and running and I can turn my attention to those lovely new Space Hulk miniatures due to arrive. :)


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Thanks for that recipe - It's very similar to what I was experimenting with last night. It was a base coat of Blood Red, follwed by a 1:1 mix of Blood Red and Blazing Orange as the first coat. Highlighting with a 1:1:1 mix of Blood Red, Blazing Orange and Bad Moon Yellow. I used a Baal Red wash too, but with a 2:1 mix of Gryphonne Sepia added - just to add a little more depth in the joints. My BA's have ended up looking a little darker than yours though.


I'll give your recipe a go tonight and compare the results.


Very nice Dreadnought, by the way.

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Cool, you'll have to post up the results, I did think about adding a small amount of Asumen Blue to the Baal Red to darken some of the recesses, but I chickened out in the end. Maybe on the next lot. :D

Son of Horus @ Fair enough, if dirt and grimes your thing, but I have Imperial Fists that look like they've fought for 10 millenia and I wanted the BA to look bright and colourful on the table top so they stand out.


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they're clean, too clean :D


I think with Blood Angels, they look so much better when they are clean. After all, each Blood Angel is ancient even by Marine standards and so have had centuries to keep their armour and wargear pristine.



@ Brother Duncs - I will post some of mine up once I get around to taking some pictures. Oh, and once they look reasonably "table-top" standard. Your Imperial Fists look impressive too - I like the dirty, almost mustard yellow you've got.

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Cheers guys, I've got my 1500 points all sorted now so they're at least ready for battle now. But an army is never done so there is still a Furioso to buy, maybe a drop pod for the Termies...,the list will go on and on. :) I did painted up my Death Company Rhino earlier today aswell. Nothing fancy, more functional than anything really. Put some freehand on the top but may add more later. A few little customisations on it such as the lightson the roof and little tow hitches on the front. I'm particularly pleased with the 1 I put on there, seems silly I know but I'm quite proud of it as I'm not a mega freehander.




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