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Heh heh cheers Lestat it's my best 1, now I'll have to master 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 and 9 and I'm golden :D


Kek I'll be about next week if you haven't got a game already.



Or - just cheat a little and make up your own transfers :)

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Cheers Warpten, it goes back to my 2nd edition days and having colourful marines, when I leaf through the old White Dwarfs I'm struck at how colourful the armies were back then. It seems that these days everything has got a lot darker which is cool, but I've got a dark coloured army with my codex force so I was looking at recapturing the 'glory' days of bright, gleaming armour.
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  • 1 month later...

How's this for necromancy! I figured that rather than starting a whole new thread I should add my new additions to this thread instead. So here we go, I recently finished up a Furioso for my Blood Angels. It's only a table top finish but it does the job. He's got a drop pod coming too, so that he can get stuck in very quickly, no endless walking for him! Also on the way is an Honour Guard which should see my army rise to about 2000 points.


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Cheers guys, like I said it's only tt quality but it'll do for those purposes. I've started up on the Sanguinary Priest for the Honour Guard and I'll get some pictures up when he's done. Cambrius we'll have to get a game in when you come back for sure.
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  • 2 weeks later...


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