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We Fight

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The skies will be filled with screams of the dieing and victorious.


Those who survive will not come out the same man. Even the most war experienced veteran's bowels will release upon sight of the thresher of chain swords and bolter shots emanating from its center.


The center of the battle field a hellish maelstrom of wheels, gore, and bolter ammo. The tanks will call for death and the weak will praise them with bloody scream of hate.


War cries will echo as dreadnaught and titan alike lumber across the field stepping on foe and ally under their massive feet. Motor cycles will zip by severing the heads off the enemies that are at ground level.


The commanders orders will join that of chapter guard and sergeant alike in a glorious hymn of revenge, slaughter, and strategy. Only the fearless with run into the fray as the cowardly will stay behind and in a wave of exalts and panic will be trampled by those ready to die for the emperor.


Truly this is a godless place.



Me and Master_Black_Mule wrote this earlier today. It needs some more editing but I think it gets is point across.

Tell me what you think if you want.

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