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The Trickster


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Heard something about a new SW character named the Trickster at my local GW shop when I was in there a few days ago. The Black Shirt it was based on Lok from Norse mythology.


He also mentioned an elite choice called the Lone Wolf which was similar to the Tyranid Lictor, but seeing how I've heard nothing similar to that I don't trust that one so much.

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Yeah I'm :cuss off that nothing really came to light about the Wolves from GD Germany yesterday. All PK said is that the box set would make 15 space wolves and more if parts taken from other SM box sets. I'm taking everything with a pinch of salt till I see it in pictures or its released from GW.
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I'm taking everything with a pinch of salt till I see it in pictures or its released from GW.


Unfortunately, this is the way GW wants it. They became very tight-lipped after Codex: Space Marines leaked out so early. It wouldn't surprise me if they start actively making stuff up now just to throw us off.

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The Trickster? i thought their were no Female Spacewolves. Must have had to much ale to notice her than.


? Where did you get "female" from? Loki, mentioned above, was usually depicted as a male god, there is nothing inherently female about trickster gods in conventional real-world mythology, and you're the first one to bring up gender in this thread.... So I'm just wondering what made you say that.

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The Trickster? i thought their were no Female Spacewolves. Must have had to much ale to notice her than.


? Where did you get "female" from? Loki, mentioned above, was usually depicted as a male god, there is nothing inherently female about trickster gods in conventional real-world mythology, and you're the first one to bring up gender in this thread.... So I'm just wondering what made you say that.


I think he just made a pretty half-lame joke about women generally being decivers? ;)' Y'know, the femme fatal stuff.


Anyhow. I agree with the "don't listen to your local GW guy" bit, then again, the last time I listened to me GW guy, was when he said he'd been talking to his friend at HQ, who'd seen the SW spre and, then, said there was like 36 heads on it. Which, yesterdays GD germany, more or les confirmed.


So.. I guess they're right sometimes? :thanks:


Damn, the GD Germnay thread was closed.. so I guess this is the only half-related to rumours thread we've got atm.


So.. I'll just post this here:


Better, IMO, picture of the Blood Claw from GD Germany. Notice how his sword angle and some other minor details are different from when we saw him in WD? :blush:

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Yeah, forgot to mention that, yeah, that's the master alright. Compared to the chaos sould grinder that stands beside it (not visible here though) it's like 20-30 cm high or something. Or that's what it looked like anyway. So kinda like the FW space marine I guess?


Would be cool to have one of those at home :)

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Alight so I'm not the only one who has noticed that there have been very few reliable rumors regarding the new SW codex. Where as with SM and the IG codex we all knew what was going to be in it well before the codex's came out. I'm still excited for it tho and plan on grabbing a copy.
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Then again, one of Loki's Children was the wolf Fenrir, so I guess you could still connect him to being somewhat wolfish ;P

Then again, Fenrir's mother was a giant.. so, well. That's more or less norse mythology for ya xD


I remember never understanding how the hell all this worked when we went through Swedish and Nordic religious history in the early years of school ;)

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Yes, as his other children were Hel, the goddess of the underworld and Sleiphnir the steed of Odin- an 8 legged horse.


Of course it doesnt have to have anything to do with the gods. Norse, and may other people besides, had descriptors they gave people after their names- many of wich became sirnames over time. "The Stout" "The Trickster" "The Red" "Son of _____" "Smith" "The Hammerer" "The Short" and so on and so forth- sometimes they were truthful, sometimes they were ironic *like short*, and sometimes they were just a reputation.


Lastly, it could be a "Pet" Dark Angel :).

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Then again, many other "iconic" Space Wolves, like Leman himself, have pretty obvious ties to people of similiar staues (odin, with his two wolves etc) in the norse mythology.. so if there's indeed a trickster, I'd be surprised if he didnät have any Loki-like cards up his sleeve :blink:
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