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a new chapter

Deo Volente

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hello battle brethren (and sisters)


im starting a new chapter, the only thing is...

i cant make my choise ... c&c please?


this is lamenters armor




and this is celestial lions armor




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Lamenters have checks which are sweet but they have sissy-wuss fluff that makes the Imperium look weak, not to mention you're practically asking whatever kind of hoodoo/chaos/karma you believe in to give you bad die rolls...which will earn you stupid jokes when you lose and even more stupid jokes when you win.


Celestial Lions on the other hand are hawtt and under-appreciated. They also are brass, not yellow, which i think makes them totally boss not to mention ten times easier to paint (i have a few that are just blazing orange followed by a hansom drybrush gold and the lightest drybrush mythril silver, followed by a loose wash of catachan green and a final thin bleached bone highlight on the edges...they will mess you up. I'll try to find pics. 'Till then, there more typical goldies (GORGEOUS paintjob, but a little too gold for me...) I found googling are also worth a gander :



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I've just painted my first Lion, so I'm biased, plus they are great fun to paint.



ah nice one dude! i like the lions hood where did you get it?

im taking the celestial lions as my new chapter, they make more fun to convert, have lots of nice idea's but the lementars look cool to me 2 :(


ah wel.. lions it is

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