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Nemesis Force Weapon (how to)


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Okay, first and foremost I have been lurking here for about 3 months and the advice and tactics given in EVERY aspect of this game and GK's has been unbelieveably helpful... so thank you very much GK/WH community, and I'm at 1500 GK points and growing :jaw:


To business: I have been all over this site looking for a good tutorial or ideas on how to paint Nemesis force weapons for my pure GK army. I went with the darker grey/silver and black wash for a really neat armor look on my units, but I'm a little bit stuck on how to make my force weapons look good... I dont want to go with yet another shade of metal/grey, and have seen some wonderful art on weapons such as: lightning effects, lightsabresque effects, and some "cracking with energy" looks; but can't find any "how-to"'s.


Would anyone be willing to share how they have done theirs? I promise if I steal from you I'll give proper credit such as: "Why yes, those swords DO look amazing! And can you believe that super cool member for B & C did them this way first?! Yes, he/she/it is Quite the talented artist! My cheap knock-offs barely do him/her/it Justice!"


Thanks in advance, and if the moderators are watching, I'm sorry if this is in the wrong forum...

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I did insanely luminous green ones, but they looked a bit like Necron weapons.




I cheated and used UV reactive paint over the top of normal GW paints, drybrushing up from Scorpion Green adding more white and yellow with each layer.

Yeah the green ones by far have been my favorite....

I did mine in the standard "power weapon" blue to match some of the art I had seen:


I would suggest doing a search on "painting power weapons" since model wise they have a lot in common.... its the rules/fluff that sets them apart in game terms. I'm sure you can find TONS of different color combos to help you make a decision.

Best of Luck,

  GlauG said:
I did insanely luminous green ones, but they looked a bit like Necron weapons.


I cheated and used UV reactive paint over the top of normal GW paints, drybrushing up from Scorpion Green adding more white and yellow with each layer.

Cool! Where did you get the paints for that, if I may ask? And also, is there other colors, like Red and White?

The UV paints are a mix of several different kinds, and one of them I literally only know to exist in a small model shop in Kyoto, Japan (it's glow-in-the-dark stuff for baiting Fishing lures). :/ The other kinds I used included "Glow Paint", which is a UK acrylic brand, and Gunze Sanjyo Mr Color florescent paints. I airbrushed the lacquers in a few layers over the "normally" painted GW paint, then drybrushed the UV mixed with luminous yellow and white lacquer and the glow-in-the-dark paint for the highlights.
I don't have a high enough quality camera for photos, I started mine by painting the blade black. I started layering a little Codex Grey from the hilt, whilst the black was still wet, adding a little more grey further down the blade. Did the same over that with Fortress grey, added white to the tip, then a little blue ink over the lot. I am happy with the result, albeit simplistic.



this is a bit of fairly thin malleable wire wrapped and twisted around the NFW using green stuff. The arcs are then painted white and washed with the wash detailed below.




This is boltgun metal with mithiril silver hightlighted onto raised edges the electrical effects are thinly painted on in three layers with skull white. Everything is then washed with a 1:1:4 mix of mithiril silver ice blue and water.

I did mine a little strange. First I painted them in the same way as the armor, boltgun metal->mithril silver->watered blue ink wash. And then I went along the blade and painted enchanted blue in consecutive lines. I.E. |||| darker->lighter followed by white in small segments to give it a "pulsing" look. Its nifty but subtle. I rather like it. ;)




A guy at a my club has a couple that he got painted as a commission, they look nice...

The weapons in particular are metal with tinge of blue, with a stronger tinge of blue coming from the beginning of the blade...


Only pic I could find that I have... From a battlereport with my 'nids, so unfortunatly the knight is being rather stabbed by a carnifex...

I hope it'll suffice... The weapons are bluer in real life though... Hard to get on camera, and especially if you can't place it down... (Long time ago, was a camera rookie)



This is how i paint my NFW :lol:

So the first thing you need is to possess the following four Citadel Colours; Chaos Black, Ice Blue, Skull White, Blue Ink


And so im going to apply these on a standard Nemesis Force Halberd, but this can be done on any and all blades..


Firstly i basecoat the whole thing black



And then on top of that basecoat I apply a thick layer of Ice blue, just to cover up the area.

Then i add stripes of Skull White on top of the Ice blue, these are going to be the sparks or lightning or whatever on the weapon, just to look cool! these can be applied pretty much randomly, but i usually draw some stripes among the edges of te blade and some inbetween..



After that is where the Blue Inc comes in handy, and you could just dipp the whole blade in it if you want to haha.. no, I but i just paint a thick layer of Blue Ink on the surface of the blade (not watered down or anything), and just let it dry!


(some light is reflected on the shiny surface of the Ink, thus not showing the exact scale of blue.. but you get the point)


hope this helps

I like, Krieghammer. :yes: Any chance you could slot in a picture of the NFW with Ice Blue coating but without the white stripes? Finally, what paintbrush did you use for this? If I get these, I may just have to ask you if I can put this in the Librarium . . .

Thanks for the positive response!

And of course feel free to use this metod as you wish, its really simple and quick to apply and also looks decent.


@ GM Tyrak; I cant produce a picture of that particular Halberd with only Ice Blue, since that blade is already painted :P but i sure can get a Ice Blue Blade picture of some other Halberd if thats satisfactory? (or really rewrite the whole thing and interpret on another blade.. it does not take much time the way im doing it haha)

Im using the cidatel Detail brush for the coating and Fine Detail for the stripes.

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