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Nemesis Force Weapon (how to)


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Hey everyone. Currently in the deserts of Afghanistan so i will reply when I can. For painting mine, actually I kept them grey until their first daemonic kill, then painted their weapons according, blue, red, purple, or green. Then am working on lightning effects, bright at the bottom and darker towards the tips. Hope maybe this is something people like. Catch ya later
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  • 1 year later...
A trick I found for force weapons is to go to a auto parts store and pick up a can of blue chrome, you can stab the sword through a piece of paper to block off the rest of the model so it doesn't get sprayed. I have my grey knights painted like this and will get a picture up as soon as I can. I have yet to figure out about the static look. i was going to try ripping up a thin net and dipping it in paint then just barely touching the weapon with it to get straight and sporadic lines. Ill let you know if that works.
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Gotta love the resurrection of my very first topic on the B & C.... I went ahead a bought a few more termies and run Draigo wing, and of course they still need to be painted as do their NFW's. As there are likely a slew of new/returning GK players, does anyone have any more examples of how to's? After two years (and a brief flirtation with Space Marines) I'm back to scratching my head for more and better ways to paint everyone's favorite force weapons.
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