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I am currently entering a 1250pt tournament (see the Codex Army Lists section) but in the anti-armour department my best weapons are my multi-meltas. I'm really concerned I'll come across a Monolith with it's Living Metal rule but that got me to thinking is there any other unit out there that I should keep an eye out for that negates the bonus of melta weapons?
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Wave Serpents don't allow you to take the extra d6 at half range for the Melta rule, if the shot is taken from the Front or Side facings. This shouldn't matter too much as you still get AP1 against 12 AV, but it is a factor to consider. You can also, of course, engage their Rear armor to negate this rule if you use fast units like Attack Bikes and Land Speeders. Figured I'd point it out. :(


An interesting way to counter the 'Lith and its Living Metal would be the Seismic Hammer on the IC Dread. It's a bit of a task getting one that close to a Monolith, but the +1 to Damage on the Hammer isn't negated by Living Metal (to my knowledge) and 4 S10 attacks can soundly defeat the floating terrain.

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At 1250 against necrons I would just ignore the monolith and go for a phase out win. Monoliths are really expensive and fielding a monolith means less points for necrons. so easier to phase out.
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At 1250 against necrons I would just ignore the monolith and go for a phase out win. Monoliths are really expensive and fielding a monolith means less points for necrons. so easier to phase out.

Going for Phase Out is definately the best anti-monolith tactic; even units that can kill monoliths (like IC Dreads) are often better off focusing on killing Necrons to go Phase Out.


Lysander can also kill Monoliths pretty effectively, since like the IC Dread he has S10 and + 1 on the Vehicle Damage Table.

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Actually I don't believe lysander gets +1 to the vehicle damage table, but is a very good monolith killer nonetheless. But yes, at this point level I would just go for phase out, less necrons having to be killed.


Actually he does.


Space Marine 5th edition Codex, page 91:


The Fist of Dorn: This is a master-crafted thunder hammer. All hits from the Fist of Dorn are resolved at Strength 10 and add +1 to rolls on the vehicle damage table.


But yeah, Lysander would be good at taking down a Monolith, but if you see one, go for phase out, should be easier.

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At 1250 against necrons I would just ignore the monolith and go for a phase out win. Monoliths are really expensive and fielding a monolith means less points for necrons. so easier to phase out.



uhh because the monolith is a skimmer you need 6's to hit it in close combat right?

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At 1250 against necrons I would just ignore the monolith and go for a phase out win. Monoliths are really expensive and fielding a monolith means less points for necrons. so easier to phase out.



uhh because the monolith is a skimmer you need 6's to hit it in close combat right?


lawl 4th edition.

Phase out FTW, don't forget about that ressurection orb tho.

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At 1250 against necrons I would just ignore the monolith and go for a phase out win. Monoliths are really expensive and fielding a monolith means less points for necrons. so easier to phase out.



uhh because the monolith is a skimmer you need 6's to hit it in close combat right?


Monolith's have special rules that prevent them from moving more than 6" per turn, so the worst case scenario would be 4+ to hit in CC, and lysander would be your best chance here, nothing else is effective enough.

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uh whoops my bad guys


well in that case a couple of lascannons and maybe a demolisher cannon would probebly be your best bet thats what I use every game that I vs my friend

(has two monoliths as well as maxed out troops with maxed out warrior squads with a few elites and full fast attack with destroyers only three in each group though) I take my pred W all lascannons and my vindicator. the monoliths usually get no more then a shot each before being destroyed but this does include throwing the occasional missiles at them as well

works like a treat every time

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