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black templars vs tyranids

shan vener

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Shoot the genestealers and MCs, smack everything else up in close combat.

Simple and effective. My Space Wolves use just this tactic and end up with an odd tasting but very filling BBQ by turn 5. Higher strength multi shot weapons are useful... Heavy Bolters, Assault Cannons, Autocannons etc.


Ignore the little ones and take out those stealers, followed by the MCs and warriors, then smash the rest up with bolter and chainsword (cliche!?)

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I would agree with prioritising shooting the Stealers and MCs and bashing the little ones up in combat. However, it is also possible that you may come across outflanking Stealers, which are just plain horrible, and may not give you much time to shoot, so you may either want little squads they can kill quicker (allowing you to shoot them), or bigger squads to tarpit them.


Also, vows. When playing nids there are a few that spring to mind. Honour the Emperor (your 6+ inv save one), would not be the best choice, although as its cheap you can fit more men. However, only MCs, rending, and warp blast is going through your armour, and all are close ranged so don't worry too much.


Your +1 S, -1 I (can't remember the name), could be handy is lots of Stealers and MCs are being used. It won't upset the initiative order, and make things easier to kill in battle.


Your abhor the witch vow can also be handy if there are lots of Zoanthropes and a couple of Tyrants, giving you an extra move and some immunity from psychic powers, though as your friend's army is CC based this probs won't be too much of a problem.


Finally Accept any Challenge No Matter the Odds, could help a lot in combat, with you being more likely to hit your foes. However, it may force you to charge in situations when you don't want to, although unless I could be sure of destroying a Stealer brood in shooting I would rather charge them and deny them the extra attack.


In your situation, either the +1S or Accept any Challenge if you reckon you'll be combat a lot.


Just my opinon on the different vows vs Tyranids.

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Finally Accept any Challenge No Matter the Odds, could help a lot in combat, with you being more likely to hit your foes. However, it may force you to charge in situations when you don't want to, although unless I could be sure of destroying a Stealer brood in shooting I would rather charge them and deny them the extra attack.

The simple solution to this is to just have one marine with a bolter and then double tap it in the shooting phase. Then you can't be forced to charge.

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