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WIP Lysander


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No, the mini was primed white, then airbrushed golden yellow and given a sepia wash to deepen the colour. After that about 5 successive, progressively lighter coats of yellow with an increasing amount of VMC ivory from above. There'll be further glazes of yellow/sepia mix to increase contrast, highlighting with ivory/yellow and a few spot washes to further increase contrast further where required.
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  • 1 month later...

i think you could do with making the yellow a bit more shaded and highlighted to provide stronger contrast. personally i don't think the checkers suit the model and give a completely different feel to the model compared to how i think lysander should be. then again, i don't know for what purpose you're painting this.


but thats just me, overall it's looking nice and the cloak, well it's superb ^_^ the parchment is looking great, but again a little contrast would bring out even more colour and definition. keep up the good work - it's nice to see some good threads on B&C



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  • 2 weeks later...

After getting a 6.0 average (meaning some folks were voting 5 or less :cuss) on CMON I

decided that pulling Lysander out for further tweaking was required. Here's the result after a few sepia and yellow/ivory glazes:


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I think he looks superb! I certainly would not have voted 5 or 6 for that, at LEAST a seven for me (8 on a good day - 9/10 for crazy GS'd GD winning models).


The only thing I'd say is that I'd always expected Darnath to look a bit more scary/troubled/menacing even, after going through what he has.

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That yellow is fantastic. It looks Master Class, if you ask me. The red is beautiful, and your scroll work is the same. I love how the black turned out, as well. Your green could use a wash in the cracks for more depth, though. It looks like it is only two colors at most.


The only thing that really needs work is your free hand. I think that's why your score on CMON is lower than you'd like it to be.


Your photos are also a tad grainy, which I think lowers the score some more. I think the pictures also explain why some of the colors look bad. IE: the green. Also, the paint on the base looks a tad thick. In the first picture you can see the actual brush strokes from where you painted the edge.


Last, but not least, I think the flock you used might have hurt it a tad. I personally don't care for that flock, and most painters I personally know agree with me. I think it doesn't look anything you would find on the ground in real life. Static grass is more believable, IMO.


Hope this helps.

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All good feedback - the scatter you don't like - is that the big green clumps?

Actually it's sanding lines you can see on the base. I'll eventually put a very thick coat of gloss black on there, which'll hide 'em all.

I think the huge clumps like that look ugly, but that just might be my opinion. Have you honestly ever seen something like that laying on the ground? It just looks out of place. Static grass would me a much better choice.


I would hesitate from using gloss. Joker, another painter on here who is now retired/inactive, used some on the base of one of his Golden Daemon models and it never dried all the way. He said after even a day it was still tacky. Gloss-painted anything reminds me of little kids using Testor's paints on model kits. :P

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