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Raven Guard Test Mini

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I've started up my RG, and I have a 'test' model done. This shows my insignia, colors, paintjob, everything but basing.


I'm not totally decided on two things, basically: highlights and insignia


The highlights are to a bare minimum, because I'm keeping with that 'non reflective' sort of a look, as opposed to the Black Templars or Iron Hands, who could have a more prominent grey accent.


And the insignia is based on the B+C Raven Guard article. The rim is for the type of squad, and the squad and co markings are on the kneepads.


So, what do you think?




Left Pad



Right Pad





This is also my first time trying pics, so I hope it works!




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Like above, the freehand is excellent, just needs another thin coat to sharpen it up. But that freehand will become a nightmare after ten models... :P


I said that about my Dark Angels, and they got a fully painted 1500 Pt army before there were molded shoulderpads.


Yeah, that's right, before


Thanks for the advice, I'm going to try and neaten that up tonight. I have a new brush and some time, so I'll see if I can get the rest of the squad up. Notable models will be a Sgt with a powerfist, Marine with a flamer, and one with a Missile Launcher.


Thanks again for the adivce!




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