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Home made sanguinius model

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Hi one and all first time poster long term lerker of the boards may i just say that all of your work is simple out of this world you all inspire me to greater hights.


Now then to the matter at hand, im making GS model and parts of sanguinius as i collect blood angels ad Black templars i know blood with knights its crazy right lol.

Anywho i should have some pics up soon hopefully but i could use help on how to host them on the boards any suggestions wlecome as well as C+C.


Anywho thanks one and all !




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Hi one and all first time poster long term lerker of the boards may i just say that all of your work is simple out of this world you all inspire me to greater hights.


Now then to the matter at hand, im making GS model and parts of sanguinius as i collect blood angels ad Black templars i know blood with knights its crazy right lol.

Anywho i should have some pics up soon hopefully but i could use help on how to host them on the boards any suggestions wlecome as well as C+C.


Anywho thanks one and all !.


I like imageshack.us and xs.to, the first holding your images for more years at a time...


I think this forum might also have local hosting options, but why eat the bandwidth when other services are so convenient?

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Very nice greenstuff work, its very well detailed. However, the overall proportions seem a bit off to me, his hands and wings are quite small, his forearms are huge, and his waist looks like that of a supermodel :).


I like him alot, I just think that his proportions are a little odd, excellent job though.

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