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Marines VS Orks Diorama

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Hey everyone, I have taken a break from my blood ravens for a bit, I went into town today and had a bit of an idea. I had some cash so I went and bought a box of Ork Nobz, a SM Combat Squad and some Green Stuff. I have never done a diorama before and was eager to try it, and I have also never used green stuff before! But what the hell i'm giving it a go.




this was my starting point, I tacked up a quick mock of a dual. I know there are still mould lines, it was just a quick rough idea. I wanted it to seem like the marine sergeant had moved to the side and had come down hard with his chainsword, decapiating the ork.





With this in mind I started the final assembly of the two...




Its not perfect I know, there's not much movement in this one, but you need to remeber this is my first attempt, and it can only get better :D


With these two almost done I moved onto another ork, one armed with a flamethrower. I wanted to try and add the flames like other people had done, and like I said, I have never used Green Stuff, so it's not the best...





I found the flames hard to do, but i'm happy considering they're a first attempt.


And heres where I am now, so more updates soon...


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The Marine o' cutting ork heads off. seems a little too static too me. Maybe if you replaced those Tactical legs with some Assault legs, it would add a feeling of motion, also perhaps cut up that arm and give it a more fluid pose, with bends at the elbow and altered wrist position.


Also is there going to be Green stuff gore coming from the ork's neck? I just couldn't see a chainsword cutting into an Ork without gore, or an Ork turning his head from an enemy.


Looks promising, keep at it.


EDIT: Oh and that Ork reminds me of a dog who is getting the back of his head scratched. "Oi, yeah right der puny Marine Boy! Woof!" :)

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Thanks eveyone for the replies, I'm happy with it as it is only as first attempt


There is some green stuff gore around the orks neck, but becase its such a tight space you cant really see it anyway, but I'll have a play about and see what I can do.


This morning I carried on a bit and came up with this...





Firstly, I know there are mould lines and I havent tidied them up yet, dont worry, I will.


Since I have never used Green Stuff I thought I'd try and make an Ork arm from scratch and I'm very pleased with it although its not perfect.


I wanted to try and make this look like the Marine had had about enough and had lunged onto the back of the Ork in a last ditch attempt to shoot it in the back of the head, a little bit like the clip from Dawn of War 2 where the marine climbs on the warboss' back and them hits him with the hammer.

I had originally opted for a right arm with a Grenade, looking like he was going to shove it down the Orks back and then run! Perhaps a little inspiration there from Starship Troopers :lol:

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Another quick update, just a few pics to show whats there so far...









And this is the latest trial



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All of the poses look good to me. One thing I personally think when people make battle scenes is that they place all the models to far away from each other. I would consider, moving everything a bit closer to one another. Also, what is the skortcha ork shooting at? I love the marine thats grabing the back of the orks armour. Really looking forward to how this turns out.
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Thanks to everyone who is enjoying ths thread it means a lot :(


The damned- that ork in the picture is shooting at nothing because when I took the picture I had removed the marine that was there, I'm going to have him aiming for the marine who is kicking the ork off the hill I think, but i'll have a play about.

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RIGHT! Here we go... the first unveiling.


This is my first Ork I've ever painted and I hope I have made you lot proud lol..





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