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[Artwork] 'In space no one can hear you scream...'

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Salutations, brothers...


I always did love that tagline (shamelessly stolen from "Alien" for this illustration!); and, last night i put it to good use in a moody piece I did, just for the hell of it.

I usually get a lot of work doing pieces set in the Dark Millenium as you all know, but it isn't often that I can just relax and come up with something completely unrelated to any project, for my own satisfaction. No deadline, no references... just fun. Something it's always good to remember when you're complaining about drawing Space Marines all day...


These soldiers are great and the situations they're in, are also fantastic. That's what first drew me into the hobby and GWs rich background. So this illustration is a bit of a homage to that first discovered 'awesomeness' that Warhammer 40,000 and especially Space Marines are all about.

The Chapter I chose is, of course, my favourite and the Daemon is obviously from good ol' Papa Nurgle...




I hope you enjoy it!


Also, to give this post a little more flavour, I thought I'd take this opportunity to post something I never did post here on the B&C and I think it's more than called for: my very first Chaos Space Marine!




As I said elsewhere, I actually did this image because something struck me whilst revising old works; I'd never drawn a Chaos Space Marine before! I mean I've drawn some Pre-Heresy Death Guard, even a Khornate Sister of Battle, but never a proper, fully armoured Chaos Undivided Captain. Thus, this illustration.

I wanted to depict a figure of commanding stature. Someone you would follow into the very Eye of Terror or against a Living Saint and I think I may have achieved it. Oh, and yes, I know his backpack isn't the usual Chaos backpack, but I always disliked those. I much prefer to think some of the Traitor Space Marines weren't so warped and still had that Imperial armour air to them which would cause more fear in the Enemy.


Let me know what you think as usual and until soon!


Aerion the Faithful

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To me the Chaos guy still seems very Imperial


To me he looks like he's thinking "What am I doing here? I can't be a Chaos worshiper this is silly. I'll just go back to the Templars. They'll accept me right?"


He seems like a Traitor to chaos!


I think if you want a more Chaosy look I'd at least give him like an evil grin or something more sadistic.


Remember Space Marines are Dark and Goth, Chaos Space Marines are Dark and Goth plus Acid trip!

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Like NACHO said, he seems to lack enough obvious Chaos imagery (8-pointed stars, God symbols, etc.) to make him stand out as a "Chaos Captain".


Either way, it's still always a pleasure to see your Warhammer art, and I'll never get tired of the style.


Keep up the great work, man!

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Thank you, brothers, for posting in this humble thread. I know it ain't Primarchs in all their glory but it's good to revisit just some plain Space Marines once in a while... and speaking of which.


I acknowledge the fact that the Chaos Captain doesn't seem as corrupted as the illustrations in the Codexes (or the Rulebook) have made us believe he should, but I think it makes for an imposing figure nonetheless. For some reason, i always disliked the whole 'ultra-hyper-corrupted' look. I think a Chaos Space Marine could instill fear in the heart of his brothers by just reminding them how much time has passed since the Heresy days and how their hatrd is still intact. I wanted to focus on the eyes, particularly, as I think it's a details most illustrators overlook when they're doing Chaos. They tend to just do the usual grinning mischievously kind of look... and I think there's Chaos of all flavours.

I've often wondered how a Brother of the 'Old Days' would look upon his brethren in the dark Millenium after spending (to him perhaps) some years in the Warp. How he'd despise how weak they've become, perhaps... thus, that's where I wanted to go with this image.


I'm happy that the Imperial Fist got noticed as well and that daemon does seems nasty CMG! I'm happy that you've liked it ad that you're always so supportive of my artwork in the boards.


Thank you all again and see you soon over the other thread!



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