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Blood Angels Honour Guard Marine


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hey B&C...


this guy has been sittin' on my table 90% finished for months...

since i'm tryin' to finish a new mini for ebay each week, half-finished minis can't just sit any longer...









this was an experiment to see if i could get a nice Blood Angels scheme with P3 paints...

if tried to create a bit of zenithal lighting, and sharper highlights...

this is the first time that i have taken highlights up to yellow, and then glazed 'em back down with red ink...


the shoulder pad insignias are freehand...

the base is another from Dragon Forge Design...


hope you like him...

he's up on coolmini if ya care to vote:



thanks for lookin'...




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I love the hair effect. In fact, it's also my only gripe. It looks like he's rockin a fro! Which, I don't mind, it just looks kinda...wierd. I love how you painted it, though. And that powerfist is pretty frightening looking. Great model, JJ! Got any more Rastamanders to show off? :)
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thanks, all...


i appreciate the love, and the critiques...


@shaun: that icon does seem rather appropriate, considerin' all the other aquilas on his armour, doesn't it...


@c-wrex: no rastamanders, as such, on the horizon, but Vulkan is almost done...

i'm lookin' forward to what is comin' for the space puppies soon...

they are my faves, with sallies a close second...




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