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Vash's Imperial Fists


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Ok so my most recent army project has been Imperial Fists. The Dreadnaught and Terminators were the first models I painted and I'm somewhat pleased with how they turned out, though the Terminators look a bit flat for my liking. I really got the scheme down when I painted up my two Tactical Squads and have now added the Captain, Chaplain and two Devastator Squads. Hope ya like:


The Whole Bunch



Captain Vespasian and Shield Bearer



Vespasian Back



Vespasian Side



Shield Bearer Front



Shield Bearer Side



Chaplain Valdenforte Front



Chaplain Valdenforte Back



Oh and as for the Shield Bearer, he's like Azrael's helmet bearing watcher in the dark, just there to carry wargear. I didn't want to mess up the Captain's pose by slaping a huge Storm Shield onto him so I figure, if Azrael can have one, so can I! And I took some spare Guard parts, and a spare Termie Sergeant Storm Shield and gave my Captain a little Huskarl shield bearer.


I also updated the yellow on my Terminator Librarian and Chaplain but didn't get around to taking individual pics of the Changes. Still to go, 10 Tactical Marines, 6 Assault Marines, 16 Scouts, 6 Bikes, a Land Speeder, 5 Command Squad Marines and Lysander.... well I'm getting there I suppose.

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whey more fists :-)


i like the commanders hand may have to borrow that idea


And no surprise, the Fists are awesomeness incarnate :).


As for the hand, it's the empty hand that comes with the Terminator Librarian model. I had origionally used a similar concept with this model when he was a Librarian in my Blood Ravens with the open hand from a Missile Launcher model cut off and repositioned but I felt this hand was better looking and after stripping and reposing the model for the Imperial Fists, here he is.


Im interested to know how the shield bearer will function in game as I assume you are using C:SM right?


Love the captain model though, great job!


Yup using C:SM. Game wise he doesn't really exist, just like Azrael's Helmet Bearer he has no purpose other than aesthetics and wargear representation, he doesn't count for any other purpose whether it be LOS, Blast weapon hits, model count etc. In game he just represents that my Captain is armed with a Relic Blade and Storm Shield, and if my opponents really have a problem with that, I'll just leave the Shield off and the model has a holstered pistol that I can say is a Plasma Pistol to keep the points even or cut down to a bolt pistol to save points.


Glad you like the Captain though, I think he's one of my best work yet.

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As he said, the Shield Bearer is just there to say "Yes I have a friggin' storm shield", as he dd not want to compromise the pose by adding the shield onto the model and covering up 3/4 of the model.


Although, the shield bearer should be in a pose of struggling with the storm shield. It would be way too heavy to carry in the position its in now.

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Although, the shield bearer should be in a pose of struggling with the storm shield. It would be way too heavy to carry in the position its in now.


That's true, though I couldn't find a way to easily do a more struggling pose with the parts I had on hand. I suppose the IF could have augmented the serf with bionic arms or something to carry the shield properly or maybe it's not as heavy as it looks, after all a Storm/Combat Shield is really a force field generator built into a shield looking device. Either way the result isn't as bad as I expected, could be better and I might do something similar in future with a more dynamic pose.


I like the commander and how you have painted the powerfist on the chaplain yellow, makes it different.


Ah thanks, yes with the Chaplain I wanted to have some more yellow in there. With my old Blood Ravens I liked to keep an army the color of the Chapter on the Librarians so that they didn't look like out of place Ultramarines and with the Chaplain I wanted to work in some more yellow so I did one of the knee pads and most of the Power Fist army yellow to add that extra bit of contrast and tie the model in with the rest of the army better.

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they look good, but like I said in person, I think they could use a wash of ink to really make them "pop"


Having painted a few fists I concur. Slap on some devlan mud (or even better, some army painter, saves time varnishing them :P ) and they'll suddenly be much more defined.


Good luck with the rest!

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they look good, but like I said in person, I think they could use a wash of ink to really make them "pop"


I'm still debating whether to do that or not, haven't decided yet but am doing some tests and may update the scheme with a wash. But alternately I may keep things simple and not. It depends on how the progress on the rest of the army comes along.

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might want to try thinning your paints a little - the yellow looks a bit thick and lumpy in places - wouldnt benefit from a wash because of that


I'm at a loss as to what "lumpy" spots you are seeing. I do thin my paints heavily and there's nothing I can see indicative of a thick coat.

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Lookin Pretty good sayz I. Whats next? Another Dread? An Assault Squad?


Not sure, I started on the Command Squad but didn't get far and am now starting on a Tactical Squad, if I can motivate myself to get some more work done this week I may get the 3rd Tactical Squad finished and then I'll probably work on either my Assault Squad or my Bike Squadron to add some fast attack.

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You should seriously water down your paints and your models will be great. You got a good conversion here, but the paint is too thick.


I really hate repeating myself but I already said that I water down my paints heavily, so what is it you are seeing that is indicative of thick paint? I'm curious because I can't see anything that would suggest thick paint in the pictures or on the models themselves.

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