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Regent of Ultramar, 1st Company Captain Agemman

Pig Of Sparta

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Salutations! It's been a while since I posted in here :). Just thought I'd stick up a few photos of my now completed entry for the Bitz Box "Take Command" competition; Captain Agemman of the Ultramarines 1st Company. I envisaged him as being able to pick and choose his weapons load out for whatever mission he's required for, but in this incarnation I've gone for the Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield combo so that I could play him as Lysander under the 'counts as' rule.







any comments or criticisms are welcome



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I agree, that's a very nice looking blue and the white is nice and crisp as well. Overall an excelent mini!


The only thing I could see to improve the paint job would be some more personal touches, the Ultramarines symbol looks rather plain and some more campaign badges, scroll work and so forth on the other armor segments and his tabbard would add that little extra depth of character.

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@ Brother Tancred: Thanks, I figures that the Ultra's 1st company wouldn't ever retreat in the face of a foe (not that any self respecting marine would anyway) because to do so would dishonour their fallen brothers from the Battle f Macgragge, hence using Lysander's rules would make them much more effective in game terms.


@ Chaptermaster Graymantle: It took some doing, let me tell you, those checks on the bottom right were repainted about 4 times! But I'm glad I took the time to do it as I think it brings a touch of personality to the mini ;).


@ Vash113: :) you should know by now that I don't like my characters to be too flashy. I'll admit that I could have done more to add some bling, and that I really should have embellished the chapter symbol a little, but I (like to) think that the spartan-ness adds to rather than detracts from the mini (or if you want a fluffy reason, this mini depicts Agemman recently after his apointment to the Captaincy of the 1st Company, so he has yet to win many battle honours in this role, hence the lack of decoration on his armour.) Your opinion is no less valid for all that though, and maybe I'll revisit him at some point if inspiration strikes me.


@ hidje: thanks brother. I don't really have a favourite colour to paint but blue and red are fairly easy so they're about the closest I suppose. I'm not sure what I'll be painting next, but I'm sure that the blue will resurface sometime in the future.



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