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++ Call of the B&C ++

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++ Call of the Bolter and Chainsword ++

To the followers of the Immortal Emperor of Man and the worshippers of the deities of Chaos, Hear the Call of the B&C!

The ‘Call of the B&C’ is a mini version of the Imperial/Chaos Call Project. This version has a significantly reduced number of participants and goes for a shorter duration than the average Call.

Be warned however, this is not for the faint hearted, as this ‘Mini Call’ will also be used test new Project rulings since the Mk III Calls. For those who think they are up to the challenge, now is the perfect time to grab those paints and brushes and paint all those unpainted minis!

++ Mission Statement ++

To assist individuals in the building, converting and painting of their army. By using a public-forum, each player will be able to inspire other players with what they are doing, and at the same time receive some feedback on the progress of their army.

++ Call of the B&C Rulings ++

  1. Your army must be supported on the B&C (E.g. Power-Armored and/or under an Existing Sub-Forum)
  2. The Call will last for 6 weeks only. Please be aware of this when entering what you will paint.
  3. You are allowed to submit between 2 to 5 items; no more, no less. An item is defined as: a single character/squad/vehicle from your relevant codex.
  4. You are required to submit a minimum of 1 update per week for the duration of the call. There will be consequences if this is not followed.

Should you complete your items within the 6 weeks and still have time to spare before the end, you are able to add additional items (to a maximum of 5 items).

To enter the call, all you need to do is sign and post the following (for those not doing a secondary pledge, please remove the relevant section):

[i]Brothers and Sisters of the B&C, hear my call!

I <Your name> hereby pledge my body and soul, and that of my troops to my board-based brethren.

As my Primary goal, I promise you that I will paint (to completion) <Number of Items> of <Your army> <optional: Item Breakdown> - within the space of 6 weeks. I also seek to submit a Secondary goal of <Number of Items> of <Your army> <optional: Item Breakdown> within the same period of time. 

As my last vow, I promise to provide my brethren at least one update per week for the duration of the Call or suffer the consequences should I not.

<Your name>[/i]

Although the Call last for 6 weeks, some unexpected real-life issues may appear out of the blue, which may require to step out of the Call. Should this occur, please leave a post stating that you are having to pull out of the Call (You aren’t required to list in extreme detail the exact reason why) and your name will be placed under the “Fallen in Battle” grouping.

As the rules require you to submit a minimum of ONE update per week, should you fail to comply with this you will be removed from the active participant list and placed under the “Spawn of Chaos/Excommunicated Traitoris” list. This will be enforced and there will be consequences should you leave the Call in this fashion!

Spawn of Chaos: As the gods have found you unworthy of their blessing and have bestowed a final gift upon you, transforming and mutilating your form into that of a Spawn of Chaos! You will be required to submit a single Chaos Spawn model to represent your status as a Spawn.

Excommunicate Traitors: You have fallen from the Emperor’s Grace and Mercy, your former Battle Brothers now purging anything and everything you have touched to remove your taint. You will be required to submit a single model of a now Renegade/Chaos version of your former Space Marine glory.

Failure to submit a model (Spawn/Excommunicate Traitor) will prevent you from being accepted in any future Calls.

Sign up will commence on the 28th of August, 2009 and end on the 30th of August, 2009. On the 31st of August, 2009, the Call will commence and end on the 12th of October, 2009.

As this is a ‘Mini Call’, both Imperials and Chaos will be housed within the same thread, but only 10 positions will be allocated to each side. Please only sign up if you agree to the Call Rules and the material covered in the Call FAQ, as any dismissals during the Call will not be re-allocated to anyone.



  1. aekold (Sarafan Order) - (3)
  2. CarbonBased (Dawnbringers) - (2)
  3. CDR Grendelwulf (Deathwatch) - (2)
  4. Skoby (Iron Hands) - (3)
  5. Sons_of_Erebus (Sons of Erebus) - (4)
  6. Rindaris (Ka-tet of the Ebon Dawn) - (3)
  7. Tutteman (Emperor's Angels) - (3)
  8. Twin .44 (Crimson Fists) - (2)
  9. Shortsonfire79 (Black Fists) - (3)
  10. keimigca (Ultramarines) - (4)


  1. PlagueBearer (Legio Haereticus) - (4)
  2. Seregon (NightLords) - (3)
  3. Reyner (Iron Warriors) - (3)
  4. RazakelXIII (Word Bearers) - (3)
  5. Silver Phoenix (Paladins Sanguine) - (2) + (Leopards Argent) - (1)
  6. Firenze (Soul Reavers) - (2) + (Adeptus Titanicus) - (1)
  7. Iron Phoenix (Eternal Fists) - (2) + (Iron Phoenix) - (1)
  8. Emperor's Instrucment (Daemons) - (4)
  9. - EMPTY -
  10. - EMPTY -

Fallen in Battle

Spawn of Chaos/Excommunicate Traitoris

++ Call FAQ ++

Question: What is the purpose of this ‘Mini Call’ instead of having the Mk IV Calls?
Answer: The ‘Mini Calls’ help us to trial out new rulings and changes we learned from previous Calls. As a result, things in this ‘Mini Call’ are different from some of the main rules from the Mk III Calls.

Question: Why is the ‘Mini Call’ only running for 6 weeks?
Answer: As the name implies, this is strictly a mini Calls project. Plus with 2009 slowly coming towards its end, we would like to be able to have a Mk IV Call before the end of the year.

Question: What are items? You say it's a squad/character/vehicle from the codex. Could this be clarified?
Answer: Essentially, an item is: A single HQ choice, a single Vehicle/Walker, a Vehicle Squadron, a Jump/Infantry Squad, a Monstrous Creature. Note that there can be overlaps, e.g. (a Daemon Prince is both a MC and a HQ choice, in this case it will still count as 1 item).

Question: Why are we using "items" and not points now?
Answer: We feel by using items, each individual's entry is stream-lined and equal to everyone elses. We also noticed in the past, individuals that posted some of these large 1500+ pts armies, a very small number saw completion. Remember, the main mission of the Call is to aid everyone in creating and painting their army to completion.

Question: Can I sign up for both Sides at once?
Answer: Yes you can. However, you will not be required to sign-in 2 items of the opposing side. Instead, you will nominate which force is your Primary entry (Imperial or Chaos) and ‘Secondary’ force can have no more than two items pledged. E.g. Primary Imperial (3 items) and Secondary Chaos (1 item). This also means that your Primary pledge is what will be listed, as opposed to having your name listed twice (this allows more people to sign-up, but lets those with multiple armies paint a bit of each).

Question: I'm a fairly new member, so I haven't seen anything about a Mk I, II or III of the Calls, what exactly are they?
Answer: The Calls are a special project that we hold to basically act as a forum-wide motivational painting blog. We understand that picking up the brush and painting a mini, although sounds easy in theory, is not always the case in practice. By holding the Calls, we hope that those who feel they require more motivation to paint will join in and with their fellow frater will be encouraged and encourage others to really sit down and paint the minis they have been wanting to paint for a while (who said friendly competion was a bad thing?).

Question: In past Calls, we have been able to have our own WIP threads (to avoid cluttering the main project thread). Is this still ok?
Answer: In the Mk III Calls, we saw a lot of this happening, but it ultimately caused a lot of un-wanted confusion. As a result, personal WIP threads are no longer allowed for the Calls, and any Call related submissions must be done within the main Project thread (I.e. This thread!!).

Question: I swear I saw a post from either Brother Nihm or The Angelus Sanctus that suggests they are in the Call but I never saw them sign-up. How is this?
Answer: As Co-Ordinators for Calls of Chaos and Call of the Imperium respectively, we are able to make submissions, but aren't required to sign-up since a lot of time and effort does go into planning these Calls. As such, it's a special privledge we can exercise should we choose to, and our participation is to help encourage everyone within the thread to finish what they have set out to do.
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Brothers and Sisters of the B&C, hear my call!


I Aekold hereby pledge my body and soul, and that of my troops to my board-based brethren.


As my Primary goal, I promise you that I will paint (to completion) 3 items of The Sarafan Order (company master, librarian, command squad) within the space of 6 weeks.


As my last vow, I promise to provide my brethren at least one update per week for the duration of the Call or suffer the consequences should I not.



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Brothers and Sisters of the B&C, hear my call!


I CarbonBased hereby pledge my body and soul, and that of my troops to my board-based brethren.


As my Primary goal, I promise you that I will paint (to completion) 2 units of Dawnbringers - within the space of 6 weeks.


As my last vow, I promise to provide my brethren at least one update per week for the duration of the Call or suffer the consequences should I not.


The Emperors loyal servant,


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Brothers and Sisters of the B&C, hear my call!


I, CDR Grendelwulf, hereby pledge my body and soul, and that of my troops to my board-based brethren.


As my Primary goal, I promise you that I will paint (to completion) 2 items of Deathwatch (2 tactical squads) within the space of 6 weeks.


As my last vow, I promise to provide my brethren at least one update per week for the duration of the Call or suffer the consequences should I not.


CDR Grendelwulf

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Brothers and Sisters of the B&C, hear my call!


I Skoby hereby pledge my body and soul, and that of my troops to my board-based brethren.


As my Primary goal, I promise you that I will paint (to completion) 3 units of Iron Hands (tactical squad, scout squad and assault squad) - within the space of 6 weeks.


As my last vow, I promise to provide my brethren at least one update per week for the duration of the Call or suffer the consequences should I not.



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Brothers and Sisters of the B&C, hear my call!


I PlagueBearer hereby pledge my body and soul, and that of my troops to my board-based brethren.


As my Primary goal, I promise you that I will paint (to completion) 3 Units of Mortis Custodis (Great Unclean One Greater Daemon of Nurgle and two 7man squads) - within the space of 6 weeks.

As my last vow, I promise to provide my brethren at least one update per week for the duration of the Call or suffer the consequences should I not.



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Brothers and Sisters of the B&C, hear my call!


I Sons_of_Erebus hereby pledge my body and soul, and that of my troops to my board-based brethren.


As my Primary goal, I promise you that I will paint (to completion) 4 units of the Sons of Erebus loyalist space marine chapter(one librarian, one chaplain, one 10-man devastator squad and one 5-man command squad) within the space of 6 weeks.


As my last vow, I promise to provide my brethren at least one update per week for the duration of the Call or suffer the consequences should I not.



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Brothers and Sisters of the B&C, hear my call!


I Rindaris hereby pledge my body and soul, and that of my troops to my board-based brethren.


As my Primary goal, I promise you that I will paint (to completion) 3 of the Ka-tet of the Ebon Dawn (1 dreadnought, land raider crusader, 5 Ka-tet Astartes [sergeant, multimelta devastator, 3 tacticals]) - within the space of 6 weeks.


As my last vow, I promise to provide my brethren at least one update per week for the duration of the Call or suffer the consequences should I not.



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Brothers and Sisters of the B&C, hear my call!


I Tutteman hereby pledge my body and soul, and that of my troops to my board-based brethren.


As my Primary goal, I promise you that I will paint (to completion) 3 items of Emperor's Angels (Master of the Forge, Land Speeder Storm and Jump Pack Chaplain) within the space of 6 weeks.


As my last vow, I promise to provide my brethren at least one update per week for the duration of the Call or suffer the consequences should I not.



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Brothers and Sisters of the B&C, hear my call!


I Twin .44 hereby pledge my body and soul, and that of my troops to my board-based brethren.


As my Primary goal, I promise you that I will paint (to completion) one Crimson Fists Sternguard Squad - within the space of 6 weeks. I also seek to submit a Secondary goal of one Crimson Fists Dreadnought Drop Pod within the same period of time.


As my last vow, I promise to provide my brethren at least one update per week for the duration of the Call or suffer the consequences should I not.


Twin .44


Side Note - The Sternguard squad amount is right now at a varied number. Anywhere from seven to nine not including the one almost finished.

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Nice to see some familiar faces in this mini-call!


Just remember folks, the rules have gotten somewhat tigther than the last, but i like to think they are still reasonable. However, i suspect Rindaris and Twin .44 would be able to comment on their experience from the last Calls rules.


Surprised there hasn't been a lot of Chaos entries yet. Just remember, as this is a minimal crew, once those spots are gone, they are gone and no additional positions will be allocated (emphasis again on MINI Call).

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Brothers and Sisters of the B&C, hear my call!


I Shortsonfire79 hereby pledge my body and soul, and that of my troops to my board-based brethren.


As my Primary goal, I promise you that I will paint (to completion) 3 of the Black Fists, in the form of a Terminator Squad, a Complete Sternguard Squad, and a Vanguard Squad - within the space of 6 weeks.


As my last vow, I promise to provide my brethren at least one update per week for the duration of the Call or suffer the consequences should I not.



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Yeah, I really don't suggest bombarding yourself in this. My head almost exploded under the mass amounts of blue I had to deal with every day. And because of that, I started to forget about updates! So that's my advice, don't get carried away with yourself.


And I almost Forgot, the DreadPod isn't something fancy, just a normal drop pod with the interior removed. If I get a missing bit, I may very well do the Dread as well!

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Brothers and Sisters of the B&C, hear my call!


I Keimigca hereby pledge my body and soul, and that of my troops to my board-based brethren.


As my Primary goal, I promise you that I will paint (to completion) 3 items of the Emperors most glorious 13th Legion of Ultramarines, 3rd Co. - within the space of 6 weeks. I also seek to submit a Secondary goal of 1 item of of the same legion within the same period of time.


As my last vow, I promise to provide my brethren at least one update per week for the duration of the Call or suffer the consequences should I not.


Chris Keimig aka keimigca

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Brothers and Sisters of the B&C, hear my call!


I, Seregon, hereby pledge my body and soul, and that of my troops to my board-based brethren.


As my Primary goal, I promise you that I will paint (to completion) 2 units of Night Lords (two nine-man squads of Chaos Space Marines) - within the space of 6 weeks. I also seek to submit a Secondary goal of 1 unit of Night Lord Terminators (one four-man squad) within the same period of time.


As my last vow, I promise to provide my brethren at least one update per week for the duration of the Call or suffer the consequences should I not.


Chosen of the Talonmaster,


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Brothers and Sisters of the B&C, hear my call!


I Reyner hereby pledge my body and soul, and that of my troops to my board-based brethren.


As my Primary goal, I promise you that I will paint (to completion) 3 of Iron Warriors in the form of a Sorceror, 10 Chaos Marines and 8 Khorne Beserkers - within the space of 6 weeks.


As my last vow, I promise to provide my brethren at least one update per week for the duration of the Call or suffer the consequences should I not.





should be a tougher challenge than last time but it'll motivate me all the more!!

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Yeah, I really don't suggest bombarding yourself in this. My head almost exploded under the mass amounts of blue I had to deal with every day. And because of that, I started to forget about updates! So that's my advice, don't get carried away with yourself.


Couldn't have said it better myself. Though I am quite glad another challenge has come up, been lacking a bit of motivation to work on stuff lately.

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Sounds like fun, I'm in.


Brothers and Sisters of the B&C, hear my call!


I, RazakelXIII hereby pledge my body and soul, and that of my troops to my board-based brethren.


As my Primary goal, I promise you that I will paint (to completion) 2 items of Word Bearers (1 12-man Chaos Space Marine Squad and 1 Chaos Hell Blade Fighter) - within the space of 6 weeks. I also seek to submit a Secondary goal of 1 Chaos Lord within the same period of time.


As my last vow, I promise to provide my brethren at least one update per week for the duration of the Call or suffer the consequences should I not.



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Yeah, I really don't suggest bombarding yourself in this. My head almost exploded under the mass amounts of blue I had to deal with every day. And because of that, I started to forget about updates! So that's my advice, don't get carried away with yourself.


Couldn't have said it better myself. Though I am quite glad another challenge has come up, been lacking a bit of motivation to work on stuff lately.

I hesitated before applying however I have a battleforce to paint and I need motivation. I've already painted the rhino and the combat squad was converted into sternguard which are 95% finished. I'm aiming to do 5 models per week, theoretically giving me 2 weeks extra so worst case I have a safety net to finish my pledge, best case I can churn out more models <_<. Now I've just got to practice taking photos of minis to show off my hard work :cuss

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Brothers and Sisters of the B&C, hear my call!


I Silver Phoenix hereby pledge my body and soul, and that of my troops to my board-based brethren.


As my Primary goal, I promise you that I will paint (to completion) 2 units of Paladins Sanguine <Item Breakdown: 1 Chaos Lord and 1 10 man Chaos Marine Squad> - within the space of 6 weeks. I also seek to submit a Secondary goal of 1 unit of Leopards Argent <10 man Devestator Squad> within the same period of time.


As my last vow, I promise to provide my brethren at least one update per week for the duration of the Call or suffer the consequences should I not.


Silver Phoenix


I'll try and get the Paladins started with this mini call. I found the Call helped last time but I'm not going to overwhelm myself at the start this time. After all, there is always a repledge once I finish the first guys.

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Changes to the actual army can be done, so i'll change the name for you PlagueBearer.


Although i'll need to update the listing, looks like the Imperial side has been fully filled. I will not be accepting anymore Imperial based armies after this post. :)



However, if you are signing up with a Primary Chaos army, you can still nominate a small secondary Imperial unit or two.(I've noticed people are getting confused with the Primary/Secondary Goal bit :lol:). The way the Primary goal works is that the army you select is the one that gets put into the main Imperial/Chaos side. The secondary goal is only for those who dabble in both Imperial and Chaos armies, but can't justify the extreme work load of having two main sign ups for both, thus they can do some of their opposing side army without taking it too extreme. Otherwise, everyone has all still been within the one army thus far.



Just in case anyone was wondering, should you 'fail' the Mini Call, although you will be expected to submit a 'failed' mini, you wont be expected to paint up the whole army to go with it as well. However, i probably will chase you up for the mini :lol:.

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I was thinking of painting a unit of World Eaters, a unit of Thousand Sons, a unit of Emperors Children and a Greater Daemon of Nurgle. All are for a generic chaos army list. All will be painted in pre-heresy colors. So I think that makes it a total of 4 uits. The army will be called "Legio Haereticus".
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Yeah, I really don't suggest bombarding yourself in this. My head almost exploded under the mass amounts of blue I had to deal with every day. And because of that, I started to forget about updates! So that's my advice, don't get carried away with yourself.


Couldn't have said it better myself. Though I am quite glad another challenge has come up, been lacking a bit of motivation to work on stuff lately.


Same here. That drop Pod has been sitting on my shelf for about 2 months now doing nothing. I've painted 2 models since the end of the CotI.

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Brothers and Sisters of the B&C, heed my call!


I, Firenze pledge my body and soul, an those of my troops to my board-based bretheren.


As my Primary goal, I promise I shall paint 2 units of Soul Reavers Chaos marines within 6 weeks. I also seek to complete a Secondary goal of 1 Adeptus Titanicus Knight Titan within the same time limit.


As my last vow, I shall provide my brethren with at least one update per week for the duration of the call or I shall suffer the consequences should not.



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