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++ Call of the B&C ++

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nice job aekold! carefully and masterfully painted!
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I have finished all the painting and have based every model, just need to paint the bases. I will try to get all the photos done tomorrow but my gf is here all day and I take up a lot of room taking the pics, if I don't get it done til monday morning is that a problem?


I've definitely learnt something from this call, firstly dont leave it to last minute, and secondly not posting WIP pics is kinda going against the aim of it :P if I enter one again I'll try to do better ;)

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So I managed to get some time and paint all that was left to do...

I have to say my Thousand sons were really fun painting but my Emperors Children just didn't come out as I wanted them to.

Anyway here are some wip photos of my thousand sons and after are the completed photo of all but the GUO that is at my LGS.
















I want to say to everybody that this was also a great ride and sorry for my poor feedback but I had little time and some pc problems. Anyways, I hope everybody enjoyed themselves and Hurrah to everyone (completed vows or not)!!!



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All Done.







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Final Update: Everything finished and based. I am fighting a losing battle with custom transfers, so these have no army or squad markings, I have 2 more sheets of transfer paper which I will attempt to get working properly soon, but the painting is finished :huh:


Assault Squad:



Combat Squad1:



Combat Squad2:



Whole Tactical Squad:



Group Shot:



Congrats to everyone who finished, there's been some great stuff here, I hope to enter future calls. Hopefully by then I will have a better setup for taking pictures, currently I'm using the back of a large mirror on my bed with an anglepoise lamp (with daylight bulb) bits of paper as the backdrop and my hobby vice as a makeshift tripod for my cameraphone. It's far from ideal ^_^.

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Master of the Forge Complete, Call Complete.











And a poor group shot... :huh:



EDIT: Man these guys look so bad ;) ah well, call is complete.

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Reyner's Final Update

My vow is complete but unfortunately for you lot my camera is on the fritz so I'll have to post the pics tomorrow or possibly later tonight (charger is a bit random with how long it takes...)

So yeah my completed Sorceror is here:

I'll edit the page with the completed other 2 squads and a group shot (With decent lighting I promise!)
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...how are we for time? It is roughly 4:00pm, Monday October 12th 2009,

in my part of the world, so here goes...


CDR Grendelwulf's Final Update: To WAR!


Okay, here are my two squads completed.






My vow has been fulfilled.


This Call was surely a learning experience for me. I definitely have to manage my time better when working. I admit my models aren't as nice as many I have seen in this Call, but then I never claimed to be a highly skilled painter either. My highlighting skills are so terrible I ruined my original sergeants for my squads, so I had to go with two bolter-armed leaders. When I get better, I will come back to these for tweaking. These are tabletop ready even if I know they ain't gonna win no awards.


For the future, I know how much more work I am going to need to put into something like this. I had some problems along the way and came up with a few answers to solving them next time. I definitely shouldn't take some things for granted. For me, as I said before, this has been a real learning experience.



CDR Grendelwulf

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I have failed you my Brothers. I managed to finish the Jump Chappie, the Dreadnaught, but the jump squad is not done. They are all finished except for their shoulderpads and bases. I am sorry.


Pics to follow soon, as soon as th wife gets home with her camera.

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And that is this first Mini Call completed ;)



Well done to all who actively completed what they set out to do, but regardless if you completed your vow or didn't, feel free to pat yourselves on the back for your efforts nonetheless.


Next few days we'll try to get the final results in on overall placing of how well everyone did and see if we can get a nice Mini Calls gallery set up.


If anyone has anything they want to get off their chest now that the Call is complete, feel free. Given how well this Mini Call has gone, i suspect there may be several in the future.




In other news, i may have heard news that the Mk IV Calls will be starting their last 2009 set shortly, but who knows, rumor mills are fickle things ;)

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In other news, i may have heard news that the Mk IV Calls will be starting their last 2009 set shortly, but who knows, rumor mills are fickle things :)

hands over ears

LA-LA-LA-LA, I'm not listening, LA-LA-LA-LA!

Oh, wait, I can still see my pc screen...aaargh! Too late!


I would personally like to thank everyone involved in the Mini-Call

for their constant motivation & inspiration. I applaud all of you & the work you have done.



CDR Grendelwulf

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I really liked this arrangement. Made it a bit more of a challenge. Doubt I'd do another mini-call though... not for lacking the desire, but really not much else to do for my marine army. I know what i want to do for the next big Call.... been collecting materials to get started on the project and just been waiting for it to commence :lol:
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I would personally like to thank everyone involved in the Mini-Call

for their constant motivation & inspiration. I applaud all of you & the work you have done.



CDR Grendelwulf


Yeah, I agree, and I must say, thanks guys, I got more praise on here than I did/do on my normal threads :huh:

Great job everyone, everything looks fantastic!

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Congrats to those whom finished and good effort to those whom didn't. The positive comments were fairly good from people this time around. I was actually looking at the thread for the original Call of Chaos just yesterday. I wonder if the B&C might do a similar call style in the future. Not wit hthe multiple units, like the Calls that we all love, but a singular model painting deal like the B&C's own Golden Daemon style event. Oh well, looking forward to the Calls, if I participate next time. Probably will... <_<
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i loved the call experience! it gives you a target to accomplish and gets you painting in no time! it keeps you motivated! thanks guys, you inspired me in many ways! i only hope i won't miss the Imperium Call due to lack of viewing the right threads :P


congrats to everyone for the effort!

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Congrats to everybody. It was the first time I participated in a Call and I really loved the experience. It really helps to have a a goal. I will be joining the next Call for sure.


Special mention should go out to Tutteman, because he painted twice as much as we did, since he had to undercoat everything by hand :P.

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Congrats to everybody. It was the first time I participated in a Call and I really loved the experience. It really helps to have a a goal. I will be joining the next Call for sure.


Special mention should go out to Tutteman, because he painted twice as much as we did, since he had to undercoat everything by hand ;).


You say that, but I deliberately picked items that wouldn't require batch painting like squads...but strangely most of it came out better than Iit usuallly does when sprayed... :) But I'm glad to have had the motivation to finish it all up. Loved doing the mini call. Well done to ALL!

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