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++ Call of the B&C ++

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Brothers and Sisters of the B&C, hear my call!


I of the Iron Phoenix hereby pledge my body and soul, and that of my troops to my board-based brethren.


As my Primary goal, I promise you that I will paint (to completion) 2 Items of Eternal Fists traitor marines (in the form of Balthasar, a Chaos Lord, and a 10-man unit of standard chaos marines) within the space of 6 weeks. I also seek to submit a Secondary goal of 1 item of Iron Phoenix Crusaders (in the form of a Whirlwind Tank converted towards a carroccio reliquary) within the same period of time.


As my last vow, I promise to provide my brethren at least one update per week for the duration of the Call or suffer the consequences should I not.


Iron Phoenix


In the fluff, then-brother-captain Balthasar of the Imperial Fists, promised with the immortality of his men, accepts Chaos. Sergeant Sebastianus and a dozen loyal men resisted, and though each of them fell in battle, they managed to fight off the traitors until help arrived. Sebastianus himself defended the distress beacon with his body, and was the last to die. So violent was their sacrifice that the memories permanently embedded themselves in their gene-seed, such that when it was bestowed, the new battle brothers gained the experiences and hatred of their predecessors. Unable to align their branching existence with the Codex Astartes, they were forced to split from their brothers the Imperial Fists, and formed the Iron Phoenix, spearheaded by the Knights I've started blogging. The only desire of the Iron Phoenix is to fight and defeat Chaos. The more radical crusaders believe that deep within the warp, the emeror's soul rests in stasis, and that it might be recovered bringing about the rebirth of the emperor and a new age of man. After retreating, Balthasar's men take the name of the Eternal Fists, and slowly began to twist in the warp. The whirlwind reliquary I'm building will carry the body of Brother Iunius, one of the twelve followers of Sebastianus, and will be adorned with the skulls, helmets, and ceremonial weapons of fallen crusaders.


How impressive do these updates need to be each week? Is it to show real progress or just to check in and verify our commitment? Currently the Whirlwind is in the mail, and I need to wait until thusday for the pocket cash, so my first update will likely be something like "hey look, my box got here!" and little else...?

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one more question: if we finish our items and still have time left for some more, can we add them at the time of completion or do we only have that chance now in the form of a secondary vow? can we decide what we want to paint next when we're finished with the primary vow? thanks ^^
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Brothers and Sisters of the B&C, hear my call!


I, Emperor's Instrument, hereby pledge my body and soul, and that of my troops to my board-based brethren.


As my Primary goal, I promise you that I will paint (to completion) 3 items of Chaos Daemons: One Soul Grinder, six Flamers (2 of 3) - within the space of 6 weeks. I also seek to submit a Secondary goal of one item of Chaos Daemons: one Bloodthirster within the same period of time.


As my last vow, I promise to provide my brethren at least one update per week for the duration of the Call or suffer the consequences should I not.


Emperor's Instrument

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one more question: if we finish our items and still have time left for some more, can we add them at the time of completion or do we only have that chance now in the form of a secondary vow? can we decide what we want to paint next when we're finished with the primary vow? thanks ^^

I think it says on FAQ we can add stuff in if we finish our original oath. I may throw in freebie things like a diorama/duel if I get the time, I can't see anyone complaining as along as it's PA.

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The update do not need to be too impressive. Updates can vary between pure text only posts, pure picture only or a combination of the two. However, if you just post something short and silly like"Still posting, just slow..." that won't be sufficient. We do expect that each update will have some useful content.


Like previous Calls, you can add new items in, based on the completion of your vow. If you complete two items of a Primary, then you can add more items within your Primary.


The Primary/Secondary vow (seems people are getting very confused) is NOT to include extra units for your Primary vow. Primary/Secondary is only for those people who wish to paint both an Imperial AND Chaos army without having to sign up for both sides. This is to save on space and give these folks a bit more breathing space to work with as they won't need to have an excessive number of units to paint up (since the minimum is two units per side).

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if i can still enter:



Brothers and Sisters of the B&C, hear my call!


I twistinthunder hereby pledge my body and soul, and that of my troops to my board-based brethren.


As my Primary goal, I promise you that I will paint (to completion) the terminators from space hulk (3 items i think) of blood angels optional: 1 librarian, 2 squads of terminators. - within the space of 6 weeks.


As my last vow, I promise to provide my brethren at least one update per week for the duration of the Call or suffer the consequences should I not.





note: if i can enter my 1st update will likely assembled/primed models

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Brothers and Sisters of the B&C, hear my call!


I Captain Lucas Raziel hereby pledge my body and soul, and that of my troops to my board-based brethren.


As my Primary goal, I promise you that I will paint (to completion) 5 of Astral Dragons (Chapter Master, Tactical Squad, Vanguard Veterans, Convert and Paint Sternguard Veterans and A Terminator Squad) - within the space of 6 weeks.


As my last vow, I promise to provide my brethren at least one update per week for the duration of the Call or suffer the consequences should I not.


Captain Lucas Raziel

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if i can still enter:



Brothers and Sisters of the B&C, hear my call!


I twistinthunder hereby pledge my body and soul, and that of my troops to my board-based brethren.


As my Primary goal, I promise you that I will paint (to completion) the terminators from space hulk (3 items i think) of blood angels optional: 1 librarian, 2 squads of terminators. - within the space of 6 weeks.


As my last vow, I promise to provide my brethren at least one update per week for the duration of the Call or suffer the consequences should I not.





note: if i can enter my 1st update will likely assembled/primed models


Now that will be interesting!!!Can't wait to see those great models painted mate!!!

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Brothers and Sisters of the B&C, hear my call!


I Greatcrusade08 hereby pledge my body and soul, and that of my troops to my board-based brethren.


As my Primary goal, I promise you that I will paint (to completion) an ultramarines chaplain and a full tactical squad - within the space of 6 weeks.


As my last vow, I promise to provide my brethren at least one update per week for the duration of the Call or suffer the consequences should I not.




As a side note this comes at just the right time, as i have literally just started my new BFM themed army, the models are almost assembled and ready to paint.




Edit: just read the rules and only ten people per side???

Maybe they can squeeze me if no more chaos members sign up?

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if i can still enter:



Brothers and Sisters of the B&C, hear my call!


I twistinthunder hereby pledge my body and soul, and that of my troops to my board-based brethren.


As my Primary goal, I promise you that I will paint (to completion) the terminators from space hulk (3 items i think) of blood angels optional: 1 librarian, 2 squads of terminators. - within the space of 6 weeks.


As my last vow, I promise to provide my brethren at least one update per week for the duration of the Call or suffer the consequences should I not.





note: if i can enter my 1st update will likely assembled/primed models


Now that will be interesting!!!Can't wait to see those great models painted mate!!!



this is assuming im allowed to partake and yes it will be interesting especially painting the librarians personal heraldry which i plan on doing.



@terminator in hell: i have school too and i also want to make sure i pay a bit more attetion to school work doesnt mean i cant paint when homeworks done or at the weekends. :P

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Registrations have now ++ CLOSED ++


I apologise to those who tried to enter but were not allocated a spot. As this is a mini call, the positions were intended to be limited. However, there will be a Mk IV Set of calls before the end of the year, so feel free to join that one (Positions will be back to relatively 'normal' size).


For those that have signed up, as the initial post outlined, today is the first day of this project, so feel free to start posting away!


Just remember:


- Weekly updates ARE Required!!

- Personal WIP threads are NOT allowed! All Call content must be posted here!


Feel free to read through the rules and FAQ section again to make sure you are up to speed with the rules!



Doom and gloom aside, I wish to those that have entered good luck and may we see some stunning models in 6 weeks time :)

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The FAQ has covered that:


Question: In past Calls, we have been able to have our own WIP threads (to avoid cluttering the main project thread). Is this still ok?

Answer: In the Mk III Calls, we saw a lot of this happening, but it ultimately caused a lot of un-wanted confusion. As a result, personal WIP threads are no longer allowed for the Calls, and any Call related submissions must be done within the main Project thread (I.e. This thread!!).



Your Call Updates must be here, but you can still post updates as well in a WIP thread. However if you miss a update in here and try to claim it was done in the WIP thread, you will be dismissed from the Call.


If your name is listed in the participants, then you got in. I was expecting to have seen a full house, however two spots on the chaos side weren't filled in.

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If your name is listed in the participants, then you got in. I was expecting to have seen a full house, however two spots on the chaos side weren't filled in.


well, it's chaos. you actually relied on them? ;)


On a more serious note; this week I'm broke and out of primer until friday or saturday. this is not my official update, but I'll get something (hopefully).

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Week 1 Update: Ka-tet of the Ebon Dawn

Starting point:
Picture was taken in a hurry, apologies.

So while in one way I've been trimming down my collection (ie selling excessive tanks & marines I have no intent to ever redo as Ka-tet) I've also been expanding my current army. This Land Raider was one I was going to use for a CSM force, before I dumped the idea. As I've sold my other RT Land Raider I really want this one to be very nice, in fact worthy to be a centerpiece for a tournament force. I intend to add modern crusader hurricane bolter sponsons on the sides. The openings have been opened wide enough to allow this. I'm just waiting on a LGS to get the bits in. Should have had them in 2 weeks ago, but they got the wrong thing. Which is perfect because the delay made this item a perfect entry into this call. No name has been decided for this warmachine yet.

I'm also awaiting the arrival of another space crusade dreadnought. This is the one with 4 arm extensions. It is missing its legs, but I just happen to have a set of the new sentinel legs that should work wonderfully. I intend to give it a DCCW in addition to another undecided weapon.

Along with that SC Dreadnought I'm getting 2 SC conversion beamers. I intend to convert one for one of my 5 marines in the call and use it as a Multi-Melta. Fluff: A variant conversion beamer that works in reverse. The closer the target the more powerful the beam.

Yes, one of my Ka-tet Astartes has a searchlight coming up from his backpack. In 4th edition I ran 2 squads of Terminators pretty regularly. One of them had a sergeant that had a searchlight mounted on his armor and I always liked the remarks about the uniqueness. But I can't stand fielding termies in the new codex. So I decided that I was going to give a PA Astartes a searchlight. I was originally thinking the sergeant, but considering the winged helmet making positioning hard, and making it to busy, I went with a stock marine.

So this is what I'm starting with. I'm hoping to have the marines done first, followed by the Land Raider and the Dreadnought last.
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First of all I want to wish everybody the best!!!


Second of all I want to introduce to everyone my new project. My new project is a CSM amry that has all 4 gods troop choices.

They will all be painted in Pre-Heresy colors and they will be called "Legio Haereticus".


So I am basically going for these colors and ideas:



Pre-heresy colors:


They will be a 6 man squad. Five of them will have Sonic Blasters and the Champion will be equiped with a power weapon and a doom siren.

The Sonic Blasters will be made out of converted heavy bolters. I will also add 2 maybe 3 beaky helms and i will try to decorate them as much as possible.



Pre-heresy colors:


This will be an 8 man squad. Half of them will have chainaxes and the rest will have chainswords. I am also thinking of adding bayonets on their bolt pistols.

Their torso will be made from the Space Marine Assault sprue.

The problem here is their helmets...Shall I use Bunny Eared helms or classic space marine helms?



Pre-heresy colors:


As you can imagine this will be a 9 man squad. I want their bolters to stand out since they have inferno bolts installed and the Sorceror will be modelled maybe with a Power Armored Librarian.

Again I am not sure whether to use the classic Tzeentch models or Space Marine ones.


All legions are tainted from chaos but they haven't changed their colors yet. So this is the question..Do I use standard Khornate and 1k sons models or Space Marine ones???



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All legions are tainted from chaos but they haven't changed their colors yet. So this is the question..Do I use standard Khornate and 1k sons models or Space Marine ones???


I'd say use standard 1k sons. They havn't really changed, except for the sorcerors. For the khornate ones I'd use the legs and bodies, but not the helms. But thats just me.

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All legions are tainted from chaos but they haven't changed their colors yet. So this is the question..Do I use standard Khornate and 1k sons models or Space Marine ones???


I'd say use standard 1k sons. They havn't really changed, except for the sorcerors. For the khornate ones I'd use the legs and bodies, but not the helms. But thats just me.


Thanks for your reply Rindaris!!!


I was thinking of using assault space marines for the Khornates. Their legs are running and the torsos are sweet! Then they also have bolters and chainswords. Would it be cool if I used them and added Khornate heads on???

As fot the 1Ksons I thought of using normal space marines with some tabbards added and using heads from the marauder sprues from WHFB. After I have cut of their horns and stuff.

I really don't know yet that is why I am asking all of you guys what do ou think I should use...

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Have fun, everyone :P

@PlagueBearer: i'd go for the classic, loyalist helmets and the assault squad torsos and legs, but hey, i'm an Imperial myself, so maybe that's biased :P but i think you can make your 1k Sons look really cool and.. 1k sons-esque with egyptian hieroglyphic symbols and stuff

@Rindaris: i can't wait to see that old land raider up and running!


here we go:

~~Week 1/ 1st update~~


Firstly, i sat down and tried to figure out how i was gonna equip each squad. For the devastator squad, i decided that there would be 3 plasma cannons and 1 missile launcher for that anti-personnel pinch in my army list :P i used AOBR bolter marines for the bolter-carrying devas, so i had to scrape off the tactical arrows from their shoulder pads. i think i'll have to cover some of the battle-scarred brothers with parchments or something




The command squad members were already primed so i only had to pick the special weapons i needed among the primed. I added a banner for the fun of it and one of the sword swinging apothecaries of the glorious Sons of Erebus chapter.



(mental note: never put black models in front of black background :P)


Finally, there are two independent characters i'd like to introduce, Chaplain Cerberus (counts as Cassius) with his combi melta hellfire boltgun of doom :P and librarian Ekaton.. with his servo skull respectively

without further ado:






i'll need to add some rubble on the libby's base before undercoating him again since half of the miniature's paint has already come off.That's it! Hopefully, i'll start working on the librarian first thing tomorrow :P

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Heya, time to start I guess. Right now for those who haven't remembered everyones oaths (so all of you I hope) I have oathed the completion of a Land Speeder Storm, a Master of the Forge and a Jump pack Chaplain.


Now so far I have not quite finished my Master of the Forge (MotF) and he is my second "True" Scale model and has a customed Conversion beamer, progress.





And the jump pack chaplain. Not much to see so far I'm afraid.




Updates will follow :D

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