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++ Call of the B&C ++

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Phew, I almost thought I missed the weekly update! Phew.

I've started all my stuff one way or another, but at my slow pace, I think I could finish in 6 weeks (and also hopefully the Land Raider I found)




And the Land Raider is part of that 'second' call thing.


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I still have to get my wifes camera working, but here is the first of many updates. I have primed the assault squad, purchased my sternguard and purchased my librarian. Just waiting on some bits for the sternguard and the librarian so that I can start on them. I will have pics later today of the progress so far.
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Quick Update


Due to an impromptue trip back home I haven't got a lot of progress done so far, all the models are primed and the tactical marines have their chest eagles painted allowing me to glue the bolters in place and the sergeant was already 75% finished. I have however managed to get some practice photographing minis and once I set up a proper setup (aka a box with paper and foil :Troops:) then hopefully I will be able to get decent pics. I will aim to get some pictures of my scout squad in atleast basecoated form by friday, maybe even completed, then I'm seeing family for my birthday until tuesday, after that I will have less distractions and all going well should be able to complete my call ahead of time ;)

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Update - Week 1 - Firenze


Right, I have now got a test scheme done for my Chaos. It is ready to roll and I have also thought about including my Khorne lord.


Here's the test scheme:




The squad to be painted along with the winged lord:



I also did a little on the base of my Knight, the body, head and legs structure is done before hand:








Hope you like!

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Raz's Weekly Update - week 1

Less of an update and more of a mission statement, considering I've yet to actually paint anything. Here's what I'm gonna be working with:

Chaos Marines





Hell Blade


Chaos Lord


Hoping to get the marines done in 2 weeks, then the Hell Blade in one week, then the Chaos Lord in one week. This SHOULD effectively give me a little less than a comfy two weeks of breathing room - which school work may or may not require me to use.

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First update:


Have begun chopping up and throwing about pieces of AOBR terminator, mixed in with sprue to form a rough housing, and then when my box showed up this morning (yay!) launched into the assembly of the main carroccio form. I'm thinking that the final product will see some shortened frontal armor and a great deal of skulls, helmets and scrolls between that armor and the feet of the martyr. oh, and the martyr needs feet :(. the original front armor will be moved back to his feet so that there still is some sense of a crew compartment.




Also, scouts are reporting a sighting of chaos forces in the area. though we have not made contact, this banner seen though a telepicture lens was able to confirm our worst fears:



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CDR Grendelwulf's Week One Update, #1: Rallying the Troops


I have been wanting to build a Deathwatch company for some time, so here it goes.


My chapter symbol painting is abominable, so I am using GW's shoulder pads. By painting them different colours, I hope to represent many different chapters. My last count for how many official chapters could be done was 56. Other paint schemes will be "homemade chapters". Of course, I only need 20 for this B&C Call.


I cleared through my debris field of bitz and came up with the following bodies:






I began wasting time haggling over which chapters to represent in each squad, which was going to carry special/heavy weapons, etc. I figured since I was planning to do more Deathwatch troopers in the future, it didn't matter. I could always swap them around later. So, for example, one of my initial squads will be using seven of the Mentor shoulder pads: Mentors, Black Consuls, Raptors, Raptors (Badab War scheme), Storm Hawks, Warrior Adepts, and White Consuls. It might look strange all in one squad for now, but it makes it simpler overall in getting them done.


I will soon be giving them all matching backpacks and some mild filing.



CDR Grendelwulf

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Aekold - Sarafan Order - Update 1.


Ever had some great ideas about a miniature, really wanted to start painting it and the further you get, the more you realise it aint gonna work?

That is how I feel about my librarian. The robe has come out way to dark. I think I will give it another layer of scab red. Lets see how that works out.


Here are some pics so far.






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@NemFX: Sadly no I'm afraid. The Mini Call was simply that - A Mini One so the numbers were kept to a minium, and even after the Imperial side filled up to the Max, the few that tried to apply were not given a spot despite the fact the Chaos side was two heads short.


However the Mk IV Calls will be later on in the year, so if everyone can hang tight for that, i'm sure getting a spot in that will not be a problem.


Also as a friendly reminder (especially since week 1 hasnt even come to it's end yet!)


Question: In past Calls, we have been able to have our own WIP threads (to avoid cluttering the main project thread). Is this still ok?

Answer: In the Mk III Calls, we saw a lot of this happening, but it ultimately caused a lot of un-wanted confusion. As a result, personal WIP threads are no longer allowed for the Calls, and any Call related submissions must be done within the main Project thread (I.e. This thread!!).


Now i know a few people have had previous WIP threads going throughout their time here, however i will have to ask that any Call related material be kept to this thread. Any non-Call related material you can post within your WIP threads of course, but the reason why we try to keep all the material within the main thread is to actively encourage either, thus things like "clutter" ARE expected, even the previous Call threads surpassed 400 posts each. When the Mini Call is complete, by all means post any special WIP images and/or final images into your WIP threads (since they will be topic specific), but for your main updates please keep them here. This is to avoid any un-wanted disqualifications (and it DOES happen!) and to keep the purpose of the topic alive rather than having a Call project with 18 odd personal WIP threads hosting updates.

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My first piece arrived today through the mail!!!

My Ultraforge Greater Daemon came and I must say he is a sweaty...er...uh...a stinky!!!





I will glue him on a Dread base and add some nurglings.

I have scratched of some aquillas of some assault torsos for my World Eaters and I am transforming my heavy bolters into sonic blasters for my Emperors Children.

Here is an example...




Not much yet. I am waiting for my Maelstrom order to come...

That is all for now but I hope that 2morrow I will have some paint layed on the Greater Daemon....

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Sweet ^^

@Firenze: I like all three of the appearing themes, with a preference to purple. There are some mold lines present and the paint could be thinner on the test model but still you get a nice result


@RazakelXIII: I admire your greenstuff skills and can't wait to see the flamer and the exploding head painted :D that lord head is pretty awesome too!


@Lord Phoenix: Where's the corpse of brother Iunius from? great model, will be a perfect caroccio! enjoying your fluffy thingies in your posts :)


@Grendelwulf: whoaah, so many chapters, so many different shoulder pads, so many different painting schemes! a very promising project. one question though, why don't you relocate the arms and turn the heads a bit so that one can tell between different marines? they all have the same pose


@Plaguebearer: heh, can't wait to see him painted and on the battlefield :)


Nice to see so many updates, keep us informed!

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@The Angelus Sanctus: I am sorry, I thought when you said this...

Your Call Updates must be here, but you can still post updates as well in a WIP thread. However if you miss a update in here and try to claim it was done in the WIP thread, you will be dismissed from the Call.

...that it was okay to post here AND in a WIP thread. I will refrain from "double-updating" and leave my WIP thread just for the bigger aspirations of my Deathwatch force.



@Grendelwulf: whoaah, so many chapters, so many different shoulder pads, so many different painting schemes! a very promising project. one question though, why don't you relocate the arms and turn the heads a bit so that one can tell between different marines? they all have the same pose

I was trying to go for an "at attention" look. Does it look that boring?

If I get time, maybe I'll build a few "in action" to offset them.

As I plan to eventually add to the force, they should blend in.



CDR Grendelwulf

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Mini update...


I'm glad I called the LGS where I was getting the crusader conversion kit for my Land Raider. Seems after they screwed up the order last time they didn't bother to reorder the correct items.... so hopefully I'll have them soon. I've got the mount placements in place (had spares) and some decorations to fill in the gaps where the original TL Lascannons were mounted.


I've also decided against having a CCW on the dreadnought. Going for 2 TL Autocannons. Weapon bits are orders, and I'm still awaiting the arrival of the dreadnought itself. Oh, and decided a name for the dreadnought: Bojack. No name for the Land Raider yet.

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Since we are still trying to iron out the no WIP issue, i think we will have a blanket no Call material in Call Project Period. There were a few issues in the last call because of it (and yes, there were some Disqualifications because of it), so I'm thinking that main Call material should stay in here. Anything that is more on a grand scale (Ie not within the formal 'this is what I vow to do' text) can be touched on in a WIP thread.


Ultimately what will happen, when the Call ends, personal WIP threads tend to do Call Summaries and go back to WIP thread 'business as usual'.

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I seriously hope this is okay, but I'm bumping Land Raider Hephaestus (Greek Mythology) up to the first part of the call, but I'm keeping everything else up in the first as well.

In the picture, the tracks are VERY brown...its hardly noticeable in real life, thats just the flash in my camera...in fact, the tracks still look black on the tank!




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@Shortsonfire79 : I love it when someone uses Greek Mythology...:P Why not heavy drybrush it with boltgun metal to make them show???


@CDR Grendelwulf : I believe some action poses will make them look better. I imagine that a Space Marine standing attention will have his legs closed and stand tall and prevailing. But I do believe the background doesn't help. If they where in a fleet ship getting ready to invade then I can imagine them in this pose. But I think it will also be more interesting for you to have some action posed marines.


@aekold : That looks nice! Great colors and well highlighted!!!


@Iron Phoenix : Great idea and well made!!! That whirlwind looks evil!!! I love it!!!


@RazakelXIII : As mentioned by others great work mate!!! The point black headshot is wicked!!!


@Firenze : Nice start on your Knight. But you do need to dilute your colors a bit more just to get a better result and to paint the models easier and faster. The color scheme is nice and I want to see your Knight painted!!!


@Sons_of_Erebus : You saw him on the battlefield...Hehehe....

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Skobys first real update


I managed to get some progress done and my scouts are nearly complete. I used them as a bit of a guinee pig for my black highlighting which shows up better on the actual models than in the pics, but I basically combined extreme highlighting with layering with roughly Chaos Black 3:1 Codex Grey, CB 1:1 CG, CB 1:3 CG, with a little bit of blending and the extreme highlighting was done with half chaos black and half codex grey followed by just codex grey and it was all tied together with badab black. Unfortunately in the pics you can hardly see the layering/blending and can see the extreme highlighting all too well (especially the bits that suffered from a shakey hand or were in awkward places). The detail on the skin and hair also seems to have been washed out by my camera and messing with photoshop didn't help. They are deliberately pale and slightly palid but have more contrast than the pictures show. Anyway enough excuses ;) here they are:


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Carbonbased's Week 1


After spending all week driving to and from South Carolina for my son's graduation from basic training I got very little accomplished.


Current progress: Landraider nearly finished with assembly and magnetization. Dread assembled.


Pictures coming as soon as I save pictures from my trip to SC and clear my memory card.

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@Grendelwulf: depends on what you want them for actually, they' d make an excellent piece in a showcase with different chapter colours while at the same position. i'm sure they're gonna blend in just fine in a larger army ^^


@Shortsonfire: I've also been using greek mythology for my chapter theme and names! Hephaestus, god of Forge and master craftsman, also lame because Hera, the queen of the Olympian gods threw him off Olympus while he was still a baby! If you feel like it, why not add some character based on the name you've chosen? a half-repaired track, or some iconography depicting say, a bearded, ancient techmarine in red armor, or flames rising from the tank's base? his name could also have been Hephaestus ;)


@Plaguebearer: yep, i've seen him saving almost a dozen wounds using his inv save, if i'm lucky his luck will change when he's fully painted :)


@Firenze: i find dilluting the paint a bit of a problem too, since adding too much water can lead to disaster.. Patience is rewarded, but quantity has a quality of its own too (in a short period of time, the quantitative quality rises :P) your army, your decision, apparently. looking forward to seeing the titan complete!





C&C welcome ^^

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@Shortsonfire79 : I love it when someone uses Greek Mythology...:) Why not heavy drybrush it with boltgun metal to make them show??

haha, the tank isn't close to being done yet X-D But yes, I'll be hitting it with several metal colors before its done. =-D


@Shortsonfire: I've also been using greek mythology for my chapter theme and names! Hephaestus, god of Forge and master craftsman, also lame because Hera, the queen of the Olympian gods threw him off Olympus while he was still a baby! If you feel like it, why not add some character based on the name you've chosen? a half-repaired track, or some iconography depicting say, a bearded, ancient techmarine in red armor, or flames rising from the tank's base? his name could also have been Hephaestus :P

My whole 1st company will be based off of Greek Mythology >>>See here<<< for the plan. I plan on finishing the fluff for the Hephaestus and Prometheus, my Sternguard squad thats attached to it tonight hopefully =-D

The battle damage/character is a great idea, I'll have to look into that!

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