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++ Call of the B&C ++

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Wish I had a better update. On Wed, I pinched a nerve in my neck and shoulder which put a stop on all painting activity. I am slowly getting it loosened up but no luck yet. Also, this weekend is my company's huge labor day sale so there will be no painting for me right now. That being said, i have tuesday and wednesday off and will be painting like a fiend for those two days. So here in a few days I will have many, many pics for you all. Now on teh plus side, my librarian and the bits for the Sternguard came in today so i can assemble those.



Well I've been sitting on this Update for a few days but thought I'd better put it up here now and sort out pictures later on. I have finished, bar bases, the first five of the Combat Squad of the Paladins Sanguine. I prefer the way these guys came out compared to my last attempt. Working on a ruined desert style base. A question for those modding typed out there: I'm looking for a knightly lookinbg sword for my Chaos Terminator Lord and was thinking Grey Knight Terminator Justicar sword, but was wondering if it was easy to reposition the Lord so that he was holding it two handed and, if he was, how should I put his twin linked bolter?
well, here's my update! I didn't do anything at all yet. so yeah, just putting this up to not get DQ'd (worked a whole lot recently).

not armchair modding just warning here that there was a note stating expressly that you must have some actual work to discuss or you will be DQ'd - posting just to post would not be enough. Hope you get something in today ;).


Thanks for the comments guys, the model is that of a regular AoBR terminator body. The modifications are as follows:

- cut off the entire head from the collar (and save it for future use as basing or relics). If you use a standard termy, there is no need for this step.

- cut down a shoulderpad to leave only the sagittal trim and a minimal amount (1-2mm) of inset. place this on the collar to form the hood portion. If you use a standard termy, there is no need for this step.

- trim arms above elbow and turn outwards/replace with suitable (I used berserker arms because they will look better with the final ornamentation)

- cut legs at hip joint and above knee, then reposition gently and green to smooth

- chest tube originates from a Black Templars plasma gun or melta (i forget which i cut it off of).

@keimigca: get well soon, mate! may i suggest hot baths and perhaps a heat pad placed on the back of your neck while resting. anticipating the pics ^^












C&C more than welcome :rolleyes:

First of all I must apologize for the crappy pictures. Last minute photos in poor/improvised lightning.. Additionally I forgot about half of the troops at a friend's place and won't get them until tomorrow. I do have the ones with paint on them here though :)

Ok then, time for update #1.


4 terminators, lightly primed. The Lord/Sorcerer doubles as a..well, Sorcerer in low point games until I've finished converting my DP. Everything is stock except the power weapon on the Sorcerer that's the normal staff but with the blade from Tomb Kings Casket of Souls. Might need to cut away the sword thingies on their bolters before I start painting them though..


Assembled and primed Night Lords with the metal shoulder pads. Weapon change on the Melta guy, hence the lack of spray on him.


The three on the left have basing left as well as some kind of lightning-effects, the ones on the right have just the basecoating (mostly) done with no highlightning or shading at all. Since I really dislike the metallic gold, I've gone with a base of Iyanden Darksun, washed with Devlan Mud and highlighted again with Iyanden. It actually doesn't look quite as dark as the pictures show, but that's what you get from poor lightning..

For next week I've planned to borrow a friend's spray gun to get all the models basecoated, work on the gold and see if I can find a way of simulating lightning that isn't plain old lightning bolts. We'll see how that turns out..

Great work to all. The first weeks material has been reviewed and i am glad to say, everyone has adhered to the guidelines and no one has been excommunicated/mutated into a spawnling!


Although yes this may be a Mini-Call, it's the first Call-type of Project where everyone has made it into the second week!


Definitely looking forward to seeing what is coming up for this week in terms of updates :)


I wanted to do the shoulder pad as if it was shot with a plasma weapon and the metal is still red hot.
Also I will add some gloss to the guts and open flesh areas.

And now some C&C to all other fellow participants...

@ Skoby :The scouts are coming out well!!! Nice black scouts. Their pants look dark green. That is a nice combination of colors.

@ keimigca : Get well soon!!!

@ Sons_of_Erebus : He looks great!!! You nailed the stone effects for the signs!
But I think you should have put something on the top of his armor where the chaos trophy railings are. He has two gaps there...But apart from that he is great!!!Great work mate!!!

@ Seregon : Nice theme. I like tose special heads you got there...Where are they from???

@ CarbonBased : The orange seems well and smoothly painted. Are you going to place him on a base?

Keep it up guys!!!Great work so far!!!

My plan is to finish one squad each week. That is my goal. Depending on the arrival of my order...

@PlagueBearer: Very nice! Really like the paintjob! I vote for a couple of nurglings scuffling about.


The heads that are not from the normal CSM box are from the old Iron Warrior box, as are a few of the torsos. There are probably a few heads from the Night Lords box as well, but with the wings removed.

Woah! (Stares wistfully at qualtiy of PlaugeBearer's Nurgle GD)


Okay, this is a stop gap update which will soon be edited with pics :D


The MotF is almost constructed and I still need some primer for my storm, but in other news my chaplain is still falling into many pieces but is coming along nicely on the paint job, mostly details and some highlighting to go. Pics should appear by 21:00


EDIT: Piccy time :)





And here is the ALMOST finished MotF





And a little freebie just because I can.


Crazy these marine guys ;)


EDIT of EDIT : Hmm, my card reader seems to not like me. Anyone know why those pics are sliced and diced?

I have no idea why the photo is sliced but the chaplain looks fine!!!

Nice scribes on the parchments although using a smaller brush would make it look better but still that looks fine!!!

The conversions are great and the melta is wicked!!!

Great work!!!

I like the look of the Chap and the MoTF as well! Pretty rad.


I finished highlighting the blue on my Sternguard today. :) And I started on the metals. I officially believe, that I am stupid. I haven't touched up the black yet, but I used my last pot of chaos black to make a darker metal color....so....I can't touch up the black until I get another pot...dammit. :lol:


And I just want to show my tank again B) I drybrushed some metal color on the treads...but thats about it.


Just a quick text update due to my camera loosing a staring contest with the ground :lol:.


I have put together my command squad and company master. They will be receiving undercoat within a few days. The painting on the librarian continues.


Pics when I can get my hands on my girlfriends camera.

Week 2 Update.




One marine done, more work on the Raider done.





The TL Assault Cannon and Multi-Melta weapons are from another tank, but I figured I'd so a picture of them here to show what this Raider will end up looking like once I get it done (well... that and hurricane bolters on the sides....).


The other 4 marines have had more work done to them and I'm still waiting on the dreadnought to arrive.

OOOOO, Old school Raider? Nice work going on here :)


Yeap. I got it on Ebay and to say it was in poor shape is being kind. But it made it a perfect candidate for this conversion, since I didn't feel bad cutting into it in hopes of making it look nice once again.

OOOOO, Old school Raider? Nice work going on here :D


Yeap. I got it on Ebay and to say it was in poor shape is being kind. But it made it a perfect candidate for this conversion, since I didn't feel bad cutting into it in hopes of making it look nice once again.


I really should get on Ebay... :D Shame me parents still won't trust me with a proper account or card...probably because they know I'd use it for rubbish...I mean antiques like this ;)

hmm, posting the image doesn't work for some reason, oh well, if it doesn't work in the next hours, feel free to use the direct link:

@Plaguebearer : Very nice! Nurgle would be proud! I might get some greenstuff and stuff the holes you've mentioned, they don't look that good :P
@Shortsonfire: I like the way your units look, the sternguard bases caught my eye, cool ^_^
@Rindaris: wooaaaah, cool tank! wanna see it roaming through xenos scum, purging its way!
@Tutteman: nice conversions mate! the MotF looks nasty!

Keep up the good work, people!

@ Shortsonfire79 : Your work is coming along smoothly!!! Nice highlights and the Land Raider looks better!!!


@ Rindaris : That is an interesting project. Personaly I wonder how many marines can fit in there but old school minis can be awesome! I hope and wish you can restore it in all it glory!!!


@ Sons_of_Erebus : They are coming along nice! The apothecary is lovely and the aquilla is done nicely!!! The power sword is also nice. The light bulb above his head I believe needs some definition but he looks great overall!!!


As for me...I sent an email asking why my order has still to be sent. I usually get it a week after max but they still haven't sent them...I hope I get them next week.

I have my torsos ready and my sonic blasters are as ready as possible and I am only waiting for everything to arrive. But nevermind, I have 70 Brettonias I am painting for commission so my hands are full....


I had thought of that. Fluff-wise I am going to say it has an incredibly old teleportation technology. It can redirect from a cruiser in orbit and teleport troops directly around it. Should the tank be destroyed it automatically jettisons any occupants of the teleportation matrix (if you've ever seen Stargate Atlantis.. think of the Wraith ships that 'stole' people), and unfortunately due to the damage to the system not all survive (so if it goes boom, some might not get materialized, ie killed in the explosion).


I had thought of that. Fluff-wise I am going to say it has an incredibly old teleportation technology. It can redirect from a cruiser in orbit and teleport troops directly around it. Should the tank be destroyed it automatically jettisons any occupants of the teleportation matrix (if you've ever seen Stargate Atlantis.. think of the Wraith ships that 'stole' people), and unfortunately due to the damage to the system not all survive (so if it goes boom, some might not get materialized, ie killed in the explosion).


That sounds kewl!!!

Interesting idea too!!!

Weekly Update #2 -


Quickie text update from me this week, no pics for now. The 12-man CSM squad is up to Scab Red and 4 of 'em have Red Gore highlights. Noticing the primer went on thick in a couple places on some of them (shoulderpads, mainly), but it should look fine fully painted/washed, and what that doesn't fix can be hidden by impurity seals. I have the next four days pretty much completely open for painting, so I should have a pretty big update ready next week. :o

In regards to the SPACE CRUSADE dreadnought I won on Ebay and was waiting for to work on for this call....


hi,I am sorry but I think there is a problem,I have sent your item the day after I recieved your payment.it must have been lost by post in france or in england.I'll send your payment back this evening.

I'll sell others items like the one you have bought this evening :have a look



..... I've only lost two items in the mail that were 40k related. And they've both been space crusade items....


Granted, it is coming from overseas, but its been almost a month now. Not really sure what to do. I could try and get another and hope it comes in time. But this was one of the 4 armed space crusade ones, not the more common 2 armed ones.

I hate it when items get lost in the warp. I'm still waiting for my latest batch of rare earth magnets, but it's been over 2 weeks now.. with any luck they'll pop up either tomorrow or next week.


Not much time to work on my models this week. Will do a bit tomorrow and hopefully get some pics. Weekend is work out of town, so no work to be done then unfortunately.


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