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++ Call of the B&C ++

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the plasma gunner has taken a hit on his helmet, you can see it tossed on the ground, now useless ;)
the other guy was luckier: he stands on top of a xenos headgear, belonging to uhh.. lemme check again, i did some thorough research which lasted a minute or so trying to figure out which Eldar craftworld lies near the Sons of Erebus base, in the Segmentum Obscurus.. Yme-Loc! that's 'em, the foul aliens <_<

you can see them fighting back to back:


p.s. the bases aren't finished yet, i'm gonna do 'em all together after i'm done with the painting

hey, i'm also waiting for some scout bikes, a tactical team and a drop pod to come! i'm not gonna get them sooner than Plaguebearer since we placed the order together, but still.. come on postman, do your duty, for the Emperor! (and maybe Nurgle and stuff :P)
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Those look great Son of Erebus!!!


Unfortunately I too have a problem with my call....

Maelstrom games seems to still be processing my order for almost 2 weeks now...

They still have not been sent and I have sent them an inquiry asking them.

No answer and this will probably delay my oath for this mini call.

Can I do anything about this?

I don't want to turn into a chaos spawling because of somebody elses fault....;)

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CDR Grendelwulf's Week Two Update: Inspecting the Troops


I did not have too much time to work on the troops this week. Cleaned some flashing. Corrected some misalignments. Added the backpacks.









CDR Grendelwulf

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So, since the detail of the items was optional, would it be alright to switch one item for something else? I hate doing it, but I can't find another SC Dread at a reasonable $$$.


Edit: Just got a good deal on an Ironclad. So since I pledged a dreadnought I will be completing a dreadnought.

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I redid the red on my librarian's robes and I am very pleased with how they came out.






Now that I have a good recipe for the robes I can start making some progress on the command squad and company master.

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Well, unfortunately I still haven't done much. IBM + End of Quarter = Overtime and Chaos!!!!!! But here, I got a little something this week at least!



Unfortunately, this guy was a bit more of a pain than you'd think...

Next week I'll be doing quite a few more guys. I plan on being a hermit for a while!

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Reyner's Weekly Update 2/6

Got the Sorceror started, going to finish him after the weekend. Got my dad's birthday tomorrow and then my sister's on Monday :tu:

Beserkers undercoated:

Chaos Marines undercoated and a couple drybrushed:

Also a couple of pics of a Rhino my girlfriend is painting for me ;) (Should probably add it to the Call)

Sorry if the pictures are a bit big folks ;)
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@aekold: whoah, nice robes! i really like the look of that old book too! can you please share your recipe for that old paper colour?

@Twin. 44: one mean space marine :tu: i particularly like the base!

@Reyner: your blending job on the sorcerer is sooo nice! very intimidating! the rhino your girlfriend is painting looks interesting too! the danger stripes are well drawn, good job!


as for me, i'm painting the banner man at the moment, trying to figure out what to paint on that banner.. With Sons of Erebus being a chapter with strong death iconography, i think i might be going for skulls and/or skeletons. Some angel bearing a sword might be nice too, but doesn't fit with the fluff so well. maybe a combination of both ;)

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Week 2 update:

Sorry no pics this week, I've done a couple of finishing touches on the scout models and started on my assault marines, probably about 75% done (not including bases that I will do all at once) unfortunately Space Hulk arrived which has been taking some of my time up, especially as I spent all day today painting one guy and I've still not finished him :jaw:

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Week 2 update -


mobilization has been slow, but we've confirmed reports that no fewer than 9 traitor marines have moved past the assembly point. their aspiring champion and lord have yet to be spotted, but are supposed to be in the area. Unfortunately, we do not yet have clear visuals of the enemy.



in non-fluff language i've been very busy but managed to assemble, prime, and wash 9 of the chaos marines. the color results have been pleasing but my camera is on loan to a friend so pics will have to wait. should have something going by the time i get it back though! <_<


Edit- photos




edit edit - not sure why that wasn't showing up for so long


if you see the two shoulderpads in the front and third rows, they show the final yellow (which has to wait until all the black rims are placed). They will take red gloves, as well as red weapon-casings. plasma gun will glow typical blues.


as you can tell the wash tones have a lot of variation, I'm hoping that this will carry through to the end, even once the highlights and final yellows have been applied, because i like the idea of the warp leeching into the armor and distorting its composition, resulting in the unusual colors and marks left by the many washes :).

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I felt that the original plan to use CoD pieces wouldn't fit in with my army well as I based the first Termies on just some sand, so I found some of the cork I bought a while ago, that I had deemed useless.





Looks good huh? They're all pinned with 1 inch pins...or something of that similar length. No risks here...and they're not glued onto the pin yet, but the pins are glued in to the cork. :mellow:

And I finished basecoating the metallic parts, now just to highlight and add the gold.


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@ Shortsonfire79 : The action poses are cool! And the blue looks nice too!!!


@ Sons_of_Erebus : Now those are some kick @$$ models!!! I really love the banner and the scorch on the melta came out swell!!! The blue plasma energy came out fantastic!!! They rock!!!


@ Reyner : Nice transaction from red to white on the sorcerers helmet!!!


@ Twin .44 : The pose is great and I love the combi melta!!!


As for me, my order was sent on Friday so I hope I will receive it this week... As soon as I get it I shall start painting and converting...

Thank Nurgle I finished the GUO...^_^

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Okay so for my week 2 Update: Things have gone a little pear shaped. With a sudden influx of RL I have been so far unable to base my First Five Chaos Marines or get any painting done on my Devestators. I have, however, carved the mold lines and off and undercoated the first five. With two days off in the next week I should get some progress on them and then I have most of next week off for som painting. Expect big things over after this week...
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Update 3... pure text due to being sick


3 of the 5 marines are done. Sergeant just needs a bit of touch-up then he'll be done.


Land Raider still awaiting sponsons from LGS, but pretty much done beyond that.


Dreadnought should be arriving today or tommorrow and I intend to get it done fast.

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Okay, yet another text update which will be suplemented later in the week with images.


But basically I'm still lacking primer, intend to get some ASAP but thats going to take time, need to get to GW though I plan to do it maybe at the weekend. The MotF is basically finished with a little detail work to do and I'm focusing on putting the chaplain together so it'll be in one piece.


EDIT: No pics but I've decided to do the storm the old fashioned way, no spray primer, just a brush...I forgot how boring that is ;)

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It is good to see at the end of Week 2, no one has been reduced down to a Chaos spawnling or excommunicated from the Emperor's light! Well done too all :) :lol:


With Week 3 now underway, i will have to remind everyone that we are quickly approaching the half way point of the Call. Still, there is sufficient time to get the work done (unless real-life deals you a very poor hand).


Looking forward to seeing the upcoming progress reports :)

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Alright, I got some pics... since I finally got the conversion kit for my land raider and got the dreadnought.


Ironclad Dreadnought Bojack



Land Raider Crusader




And the 3 out of 5 completed marines


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note1: need to finish the units of this Call since a large force of xenos (orks) has been sighted and is quickly approaching the sector!
note2: despite having those orkses roaming in the sky, using the airmail services, we shall not falter! i'm thinking of adding another unit to my vow, a drop pod perhaps, but i have to finish these ones before moving on, so no additional promises for the moment :P we're allowed to add units up to a maximum of 5, right? i can't decide between a converted sternguard unit and their transport!

@Iron Phoenix: i really liked your other works, so i'm anxious to see how these guys are gonna turn up! keep it up, mate!
@Shortsonfire: i never thought cork would look so good for basing! very nice!
@Tutteman: you're a hero, undercoating using a brush!i tried it once but failed, due to boredom :blink:
@Rindaris: cool stuff! like the conversions and that shoulder light looks good painted!
@Plaguebearer: thanks for the comments mate! can't wait to see your Legio Haereticus glued and painted!

good work to all! we will not make a spawn of ourselves brothers! (or excommunicate for us loyalists) ^_^
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The champion got 2 power weapons and a nice pose....

All bases are from microart studio.
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