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++ Call of the B&C ++

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Love the look of your marines. But I might just be biased for black marines (since I play deathwatch :P ).


Small text update:

I've finished the Ironclad Dreadnought. And getting that kit was quite a blessing since I was wanting to redo my metal venerable dreadnought. I used the standard CCW arm from that kit and put it on the Venerable with a flamer and then used the hammer shoulder and mount on the other arm, putting a redeemer flamestorm flamer on the mount, to act as a twin-linked flamer. It looks quite good if I say so myself. I'll try and get pics up in the next few days.

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thanks Rindaris! appreciated :)


Whoah, nice positioning Plaguebearer! I especially like the champion! the chaos head you used is awesome, i might try to get one of these and file the little horns :P the assault marines' torsos fit nicely! is it me or every one of your world eaters stand in the highest position possible on their bases? heh! gaining momentum? :(


I'm doing the details on my devastators, i think they' re gonna be finished tomorrow

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thanks Rindaris! appreciated :)


Whoah, nice positioning Plaguebearer! I especially like the champion! the chaos head you used is awesome, i might try to get one of these and file the little horns :P the assault marines' torsos fit nicely! is it me or every one of your world eaters stand in the highest position possible on their bases? heh! gaining momentum? :(


I'm doing the details on my devastators, i think they' re gonna be finished tomorrow


The assault torsos fit the pre-heresy armor and also make them look more bulky. Since they have furious charge I believe momentum is essential for their charge...!!!

I completed the rhino but I am trying to make some symbols from plasticard. I have had no luck until now...

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@Everyone: Nice work painting and converting! Everyone's models are looking great.

It reminds me how much I've been slacking this week. :devil:


CDR Grendelwulf's Week Three Update: Promoting the Sergeants


My latest bitz order arrived, along with two models I have been waiting for:

Grandmaster Azrael & Captain Kor'sarro Khan


These esteemed character models will be reassigned as the new Sgts for my Tactical Squads 1 and 2.






My black primer needs to be replaced. A test run was very messy. That's what I get for letting my paint sit too long. I will be getting some more and making another attempt this weekend.



CDR Grendelwulf

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it's a bit dark but adds to the fluff :P

1 more unit to go! That chaplain should be a welcome break from all these bleached-bone-over-dheneb-stone armor plates
The drop pod is here, along with a tactical that it's gonna turn into a sternguard squad and 4 scout bikers. What should be my next and last unit for this Call? hmmm

Dear mods, maybe it's too much to ask, but can we add more than 5 (in total) units in our vows? that call has me working like never before and i want to make use of this opportunity :P i know it's against the rules and all, but still, i'd like that, sooo i'm asking :P
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thing is, there's a green xenos horde awaiting to get assembled and painted :D it's too much to ask, quite possibly, that thing with the 5+ units since it goes against the basic rules of that Call. So, instead, i'll just pledge my drop pod as my last (5th unit) and wait for another Call of the Imperium to paint these other models laying around :RTBBB:

so, we have:


1. Terminator Librarian

2. 5-man Command Squad

3. 10-man Devastator Squad

4. Chaplain

5. Drop Pod




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My third update. I finished my librarian and the first two marines of the command squad.


@Son of Erebus: The book is painted really simple: First bleached bone and then add some devlan mud. That is all there is to it.








Everbody keep up the good work.

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@Tutteman: you're a hero, undercoating using a brush!i tried it once but failed, due to boredom :HQ:



good work to all! we will not make a spawn of ourselves brothers! (or excommunicate for us loyalists) :ermm:


Freakishly I seem to be doing alright, as in better than normal...something strange is happening in portsmouth. :o


@ RazakelXIII...I really do hate you for your skill on that squad, love the cannon fodder...sorry, GUARD being shown their holy duty.

@ Sons_of_Erebus Nice production line work, my forces are badly screwed away from troops mainly because i simply cannot finish a squad of relatively similar models. Good to know you can, nice work.

@Rindaris Nice finishing off there, you may have inspired me to get on of those things...AFTER this call :o

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the drop pod is being assembled and glued.. quite an interesting model, although the instructions can get you frustrated. if you're gonna use the drop pod for infantry and not walkers, do NOT glue the central piece until you're done with placing the seats. and of course, don't do the same mistake i did, UNDERCOAT the central piece first and then go on with the rest of the model. I think i might have trouble doing the details on the screens behind the seats but oh well, it's a challenge!

I've also put magnets on the deathwind launcher and the storm bolter, they can be swapped whenever there's need for change of tactics -_-
more pics soon!

EDIT: sorry for the blur, it's the mobile phone i used this time :/

@Tutteman: thanks mate^^ i try to make them differentiate as much as i can to prevent them from becoming boring. but painting troops can get tiresome, i agree.
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Week 3.

I've had a very hectic week with real life stuff and I was planning on spending all day yesterday painting but I got roped into a fantasy doubles tournament. I am still confident that I can and will meet the deadline but it will be a bit closer than I hoped :rolleyes:. Some very nice work everyone, hopefully I will have more pics soon.

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I hope that i will be able to bless you (curse more like :tu: ) with pics of my finished chaplain and the in progress storm, for some strange reason I am still fiddling with the MotF and his beamer, but I hope to start his painting this week. The storm itself is about 80% done, just the crew to go :P
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