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++ Call of the B&C ++

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Just a quick update letting you guys know that my Computer has promptly exploded so not sure if I'll be able to get a pic update anytime soon. Text wise I have finished the first five Devestators and am just preparing to undercoat the 2nd Five Chaos Marines. With work and weather going crappy over here I'm not sure If I'll even be able to get the guys done now... :unsure:
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So far so good, everyone has made some impressive progress on their vows!


Everyone thus far is still in the game, although a keen eye may have noticed that one person did not post an update, however i have had some PM contact with them and will not be dismissing them due to very unexpected circumstances.


So well done to all, and looking forward to seeing what this new week brings <_<

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Aye, no one has fallen yet!

I touched up the black, and did the sloppy highlights., and started on the cables for the Multi Meltas. I've been really busy with my Marching Band, so I haven't had time, urge, or energy to paint, so I had to get a little bit done today. Pretty much have the tabbards and chest eagles, and whatever little things these Sternguard have.



And I just decided, that these Sternguard have too many tabbards and stuff... I've started work on 3 of them...and this is going to be a lot of layering (using the paints for my Dw)...for some tabbards..I might as well finish my Deathwing for Pete's sake!

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@Shortsonfire: nice highlighting! i wanna see these guys finished! with so much stuff on each mini, they should look nice when painted ^^
@everyone: we shall not falter brothers (and erhh.. ex-brothers-that-turned-traitor? ;)) keep up the good job!
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Week 4 update:









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CDR Grendelwulf's Week Four Update: Dressed to Kill


The new Deathwatch recruits have finally been authorized to receive their general issue "Dress Blacks",

replacing the "Army Greys". Snug in their Primer, they are now ready for their final detailing.

Now, where is that Mithril Silver?


Two weeks and counting...



CDR Grendelwulf

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hmm, perhaps it needs a bit more weathering. any ideas? any weathering methods that make one's drop pod look like it has been in and out of countless atmospheres? ;)

now, on to some basing and painting non-vow stuff :)
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Unfortunately I haven't been able to post lately anything (comments or photos). The good thing is that my World Eaters need only some detailing done. My Emperors Children are all ready for priming and painting and my Thousand Sons are waiting to be pulled out from the warp.

Anyway, good work all!!!

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alright, my update for the week! I did a nice bit, most of the arms and stuff, torso's, and guns. This week I'll finish up the arms and boltguns along with the combi's and do a little detail work. On top of that I'll hopefully be doing the backpacks, heads and shoulder pads. well, now see the progress for yourself!




stay tuned folks!

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Well computer's fried still. (Damn Techpriests...) however I have got a little bit of work on my vow done. I have finished the second lot of Five Chaos Marines and have completed most of the conversion work on my Chaos Lord. Just have to wait for a couple of days till I can get some time off work to finish him. All things being fair I will almost get my vow done by the end of this week. If I don't then I doubt I'll get it finished due to work...
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Update 4, still no pics I'm afraid. I am starting to panic slightly since I still don't have a lot to show for 4 weeks, however real life has thrown a few spanners in the works and I will hopefully have a 90% completed assault squad by tonight or tomorrow by latest which leaves a tactical squad, bases and decals to go (I hope to have custom decals, if I cant get them working then hopefully they will still be "finished enough" for this call). I really want to complete this, even if lately I haven't wanted to paint but I always leave things to the last minute so hopefully can pull this off still :).
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nephew was over for the weekend so I didn't get nearly as much done as I wanted. I'm drawing to a close to about everything I want to do for my deathwatch army, so my work table has about 10 marines on it and a box of bit gathering for the next CotI. I'm hoping to have the final 2 astartes done for this call within the next few days.

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Reyner's Weekly Update 4/6

Not much progress this week for me unfortunately due to my girlfriend going into hospital for an operation, spent most of my time looking after her :) . Basically I've drybrushed the Beserkers and started adding the red to their shoulder pads! Will hopefully have better progress next week even though Uni begins again on Wednesday :)
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@ Reyner: Best of luck with your girl, I hope she recovers soon.


Just a text update from me: I finished the plasma gunner of the command squad en the company champion is about 75% finished. After him only the apothercary and company master need to get some paint.

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Well, at least noone can ever accuse me of painting fast :D


Pretty much all 18 CSM has had their basecoating done and I'm slowly working on the gold and highlighting, I hope to get at least one squad done by next week and hopefully get a little done on the bonus terminators.

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Reyner's Weekly Update 4.5/6

Done all the red on my Beserkers now and added the brown for all the boney bits! :P Some time tomorrow and I'll have most of the weapons done and be close to finishing the squad. Then I'll make a start on the "standard" Chaos Marines!
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