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++ Call of the B&C ++

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Good to see that everyone is still alive and well :)


Congratulations to Sons of Erebus for completing his vow with two weeks to spare! If you could perhaps post a pic of all your completed units together that would be great :)


With two weeks to go, it should be interesting to see who still completes their vows and those who unfortunately fall short.


Nonetheless, you guys have put a fantastic amount of effort in, and i hope in the future, we'll see a few more of these "Mini Call" projects pop up :)

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Congrats to those who have finished! In an unexpected turn of events I have finished my assault marines and mostly finished half of the tactical squad (just eyes and purity seals to go), I have various things to sort out this afternoon so I will try to get pics of both tomorrow, and how knows might have everything painted by the end of the week :woot:
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Congrats to all those completed! Unfortunately I've been moving slow myself but today is the end of the quarter and I will have weekends open again! I still need to do heads, backpacks, purity seals and the sarge, not to mention the entire drop pod :D But never fear! I will get it done and have three out of three competitions completed!


Once again congrats to all done! Can't wait for all the group photos!

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Far from being done, I have 'completed' my Sternguard squad. I have painted it to a little bit less than tabletop standard. I need to touch up blacks, blues, and metallics. As well as paint the gems and all the little goodies. But I need to announce it done, as I only have 2 weeks to finish my Vanguard and Terminator squads for the vow. So they'll be slightly less than standard, but I'll be able to complete them at a later date, I'm just painting them to tabletop now.





I will leave the back-banner on the Sternguard blank until I can come up with a suitable icon for him.

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Well congrats to those guys whom have finished. I must say I'm a little jealous. I was hoping to be well and truly done by this stage but because of work and a fried computer things have not progressed as smoothly as I had hoped. HOever, the computers back (praise the Omnissiah) and I have finished the Chaos Lord. I think I went a little over board wit the blood on him but then again he is a chaos blood angel successor wit hthe mark of Khorne so blood is ok. Should get pics up tomorrow. All that is left now for me to do is the final five devestators so I suppose I can say Primary vow completed.

EDIT: Tomorrow is here and so are pics. Firstly I give you Captain Un-named of the Paladin's Sanguine 1st Company. Once a noble and devout warrior Un-named was the first of his chapter to truly fall to Chaos when he found the Blood letter possesed sword Soul-Splitter on his homeworld of Kyum during the planets Tyranid Invasion. Already regarded as slightly blood thirsty and under observation by the Chapter's Chaplains for signs of the Black Rage the sword took over the Captain turning him into a raging beserker, more intent on the slaughter then on the long reaching goals of th Paladins. This has, on several occasions, caused conflict between un-named and the Chapter Master of the Paladins.



Secondly I present Squad Solinus of the Paladins Sanguine 2nd Company. One of the few remaining squads from the 2nd Company after the seige of Chiralt Solinus and his squad were with Un-named when he bropke through into the Sons of War's Central Chapel. He was ther when un-named slew the Sons' Chapter Master Azaziel, his powerfist accounting for a few of the honour guard as well. Since the Chapter heresy he has been instrumental in the destruction of several holy sites and has been considered for elevation int othe Paladins 1st Company on two seperate occasions.


Finally we have Devestator Squad Hastor of the Leopards Argent, or at least the first half of it. Assigned the the newly rebuilt Fourth Comapny under the command of Captain Keros Squad Hastor is yet to truly prove itself on the battle field. Notable in a few small skirmished the Squad has been, for the most part, overlooked. Its recent assignment to Keros' command, however, will most likely change that.


The rest of Squad Hastor should be done in the next few days. Until then, adios.

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I would like to add my own congratulations to all who have accomplished their goals so far, as well as to everyone else still working. I have been derailed abit this week with some RL issues, so it looks like I am going to really need this last week afterall.


CDR Grendelwulf's Week Five Update: Down to the Wire


No change from last update, troops still sitting in primer awaiting detail painting:





CDR Grendelwulf

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