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++ Call of the B&C ++

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Here are some pics of my finished World Eaters and my wip Emperors Children...






A close up of the Champion:






A close up to see the blood splatters!!!




And my Wip EC:






My Thousand Sons aren't made yet but hopefully I will get to them in this week and finish them!!!

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Both squads of Night Lords are blue and gold, and the bolters have just been drilled. Up late now working on the reds for the bolters/boltpistols and the bat wings, as well as all of the skulls. After that it's just washing, some highlighting and basing to do to finish my vow. I'm not gonna be able to make it with the bonus squad of terminators unfortunately.


I'll try to throw up some pictures tomorrow, warp willing.

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Okay, I'm about to go get pics :P But basically I've finished the Land Speeder Storm and the MotF is started, still need to start shading him cos right now he looks terrible...to shiny white ;) (shivers)


EDIT: Pic removed because I got a better version, on a new post :D

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Yep I'm being boring and posting a text update again, got just 4 tactical guys to paint then basing and possibly decals if I can get them looking good from decal paper. I have had a hectic time of late and haven't had a lot of time for warhammer but will try to get everything done by the deadline :).
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All of you have come a long way, and it's great to see that everyone has been making progress.


This will be the last week folks, with this Mini Call concluding on the 12th. Of course due to time zone differences, there will be a small amount of give with the actual thread closure, so good luck to all those who need to get cranking. Nonetheless, i'm sure we'll see some impressive work come next week :)

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All of you have come a long way, and it's great to see that everyone has been making progress.


This will be the last week folks, with this Mini Call concluding on the 12th. Of course due to time zone differences, there will be a small amount of give with the actual thread closure, so good luck to all those who need to get cranking. Nonetheless, i'm sure we'll see some impressive work come next week :P


I have to get everything done up by friday on this end. Tournament saturday, then a birthday party for my friends kid sunday. Brutal stuff. My sternguard will be done tonight, all I need to do is the banners/purity seals and they'll be done. Drop pod won't take more than a day since the interior is removed. I'll post up the pics tonight!


On another note, I must say I am quite shocked there have been no traitors, spawns or brothers fallen in battle. Excellent job everyone! that in itself is an achievment! 20 Gamer points for all!

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All of you have come a long way, and it's great to see that everyone has been making progress.


This will be the last week folks, with this Mini Call concluding on the 12th. Of course due to time zone differences, there will be a small amount of give with the actual thread closure, so good luck to all those who need to get cranking. Nonetheless, i'm sure we'll see some impressive work come next week :wub:


I have to get everything done up by friday on this end. Tournament saturday, then a birthday party for my friends kid sunday. Brutal stuff. My sternguard will be done tonight, all I need to do is the banners/purity seals and they'll be done. Drop pod won't take more than a day since the interior is removed. I'll post up the pics tonight!


On another note, I must say I am quite shocked there have been no traitors, spawns or brothers fallen in battle. Excellent job everyone! that in itself is an achievment! 20 Gamer points for all!


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Achievement noise, Red vs Blue style ;)

Well It's officially been too long since I've touched my X-box or anything 360 related.... BUT! Here's the reason why I haven't! Sternguard complete!


Nothing says "Serve the emperor" like blunt trauma to the skull.



On to the Drop Pod! To be completed Thursday!

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Yay, finished the last five Devestators about five minutes ago. I guess that makes both my vows (Primary = Chaos, Secondary = Loyalist) complete. I'll post up some pictures hopefully tomorrow. Has been great fun again, even with work eating most of my time. I'm actually amazed that I have got it done this early with the many problems I've had.


Anyway, there is still hope for the others. Get moving guys, less then a week to go.

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good job everyone!

@Plaguebearer: luv your job man! the world eaters look great, the blood stains are awesome! however you have to drill the bolters mate! or paint the nozzle black :/ i'd also change the chainsword position on your EC, i think flat on top of the backpack might look better :lol: great job!


@Tutteman: nice insignia! makes me want some more pics, looks pretty cool from what I see


@Twin.44: I like your Fists mate! Nice highlighting, care for a nozzle drill or painting? trust me, they'll look a lot nicer with a minimum amount of effort :D hmm, the white parts of the bases might look better with a wash or something but i can't be sure :/ if you try it, let us know!


Congrats on everyone completing their vow! keep it up, the rest of you!

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@Twin.44: I like your Fists mate! Nice highlighting, care for a nozzle drill or painting? trust me, they'll look a lot nicer with a minimum amount of effort :P hmm, the white parts of the bases might look better with a wash or something but i can't be sure :/ if you try it, let us know!


I need to pick up something to drill holes with at my LGS, but I've been buying so many models that I can't afford the little extras :P I'll give the wash a shot with a darkgrey/black to age it. maybe even paint cracks on it too ;) since it's supposed to look mossed over. And thanks for the compliments on the highlighting, i finally figured out a decent way to do them instead of unsteady brush strokes. Check out my WIP, I got a raider I'm in the middle of and I could use the criticism on it.

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@Tutteman: nice insignia! makes me want some more pics, looks pretty cool from what I see


Yeah thats my favorite bit, i won\'t claim it\'s freehand, cos it isn\'t and obviously isn\'t ;) , and I DO have more photos...it\'s just that my card reader :) Seems to like slicing and dicing photos in transfer, that was the only one with limited sliced-ness and the none of the colour change it puts in, darn annoying...


EDIT: Well I\'m frankly annoyed, I told my dad about my card reader dicing photos...and he asked why were you using the reader? there's an card slot in the computer itself... :D (Facepalm)

Anyways, this means I have nice photos to show you, enjoy...okay i say nice ;)






And yes, the driver did lose his arm...I need to go in there and glue it back... :P

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All of you have come a long way, and it's great to see that everyone has been making progress.


This will be the last week folks, with this Mini Call concluding on the 12th. Of course due to time zone differences, there will be a small amount of give with the actual thread closure, so good luck to all those who need to get cranking. Nonetheless, i'm sure we'll see some impressive work come next week :D


Ahhh. We're so close I have so much stuff to do before Monday! Ugh....Essays, SATs...Grandma's dinner...nuts!


Quick! Pull some Asian powers, and finish this tomorrow night!

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I finished all 3 items of my vow :D.


Here are pictures of all my items:


First some new pictures:


Command squad:




Company master:





Some pictures we all have seen before, Librarian:




And some group pictures:




I just noticed that the company champion has some white paint on his sword. I will correct that this evening.

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Wow, that command squad looks pretty sweet. I just started mine (not part of the call) but yours puts them to shame. I notice there is no Chaplain in the picture. Is that to keep us in anticipation for a latter pdate or have you decided to just go with the libby instead? I say this because I'd love to see your take on one. Anyway, sweet command squad.
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