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Stable Platform


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Basically he title says it all. I am looking up everything that can move during the game but in the end still have the model/unit still fire a heavy weapons. I became curious about this as for what I know a Rhino moving at 6 inchs i though could fire its weapon and I have always heard before that the Rhino like bikes are a Stable platform as long as you don't go 12 inchs. so in a game i played last night i had 2 rhinos with Marines with heavy weapons in it and I moved 6 inchs and fired the heavy weapons. after doing it the first time my oppoent ... flipped to say the least saying that I wasn't aloud to do such amove because under Tactical marines weapons if the unit moves it may not fire...


how does this work? is he right am i I don't know, I just want to know what is classified as a stable platform to beable to do it. and if Rhinos count o.o should i tell the shod to shut up next time?


Signed, David.


P.s. the only stable that I know of personally always are Space Marine bikers but what else is there!

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You opponent was correct. Rhinos have to be stationary for Transported passengers to fire Heavy Weapons from the top hatch.


As for "what can fire Heavy Weapons on the move", well;


Land Speeders (all types) can fire one Heavy weapon while moving up to 12", or all weapons while moving 6".

Attack Bikes can fire and move 12"

Land Raiders can move 6" and fire twice, or move 12" and fire once, and critically can do so at 2 seperate targets

Predators can move 6" and fire one weapon, as can Vindicators and Razorbacks

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as far as C:SM is concerned, i think that the units able to move and fire heavy weapons are:


all vehicles(the number of weapons fired depends on the distance moved)

all dreadnought varients

bike mounted characters

attack bikes


TDA characters


im pretty sure thats the lot, dont think i missed anything :devil:



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Pretty much every unit in the Space Marine Codex that is a vehicle, and therefore subject to vehicle shooting rules (which includes restrictions as to whether you can fire or not depending on how far you moved), and anything with the Relentless USR, which pretty much includes bikes and Terminators.
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do Jump pack infantry have the Relentless rule on them? I am curious as i heard one Blood Angel player saying his did and as such somehow he could give bolters to his jump marines troop choices and they could jump and then fire as normal or rapid fire. is this possible... hell can they even take bolters!
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do Jump pack infantry have the Relentless rule on them? I am curious as i heard one Blood Angel player saying his did and as such somehow he could give bolters to his jump marines troop choices and they could jump and then fire as normal or rapid fire. is this possible... hell can they even take bolters!

no. Jet packs give the user the relentless rule, but marines can't take jet packs. Jump Packs do not confer the relentless rule.


A lot of people make the mistake in thinking jump packs and jet packs are the same thing.


Now. a BA with bolter and jump pack can jump and fire. But he can't charge then. And he can only rapid fire, not fire one shot out to 24 inches.

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do Jump pack infantry have the Relentless rule on them? I am curious as i heard one Blood Angel player saying his did and as such somehow he could give bolters to his jump marines troop choices and they could jump and then fire as normal or rapid fire. is this possible... hell can they even take bolters!

no. Jet packs give the user the relentless rule, but marines can't take jet packs. Jump Packs do not confer the relentless rule.


A lot of people make the mistake in thinking jump packs and jet packs are the same thing.


Now. a BA with bolter and jump pack can jump and fire. But he can't charge then. And he can only rapid fire, not fire one shot out to 24 inches.


JamesI has it right, jump packs don't have relentless.


Also, just checked on it Blood Angels Assault Squads can't take bolters. Conversly Blood Angels Tactical Squads can't jump packs. However, Blood Angels Veterans can take either a bolter or chainsword in addition to their bolt pistol, and come with jump packs as standard. However, this means that they are Elite, and therefore not Troops or scoring. Honour Guard can do the same, but once again won't be scoring.


So no, no relentless scoring Assault Marines with bolters for the Blood Angels.

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