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Librarian Psychic Powers


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Hi all :lol:


Ordered myself a Librarian in Terminator armour today. Wondering what are the best psychic powers to take in general if you had to pick 2? I was thinking the re-roll invulnerables just for the usefulness, but what else?


Also I wondered whether many people allow you to just pick them before the game, rather than include them in the list.

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it depends on what type of enemy your playing against


the quickenning is great against shooty armies (obviously) for example


but my favorite combination is the teleportation one (can't remember its name) and either vortex of doom or the quickenning.


put him with a unit of assault termi's or something of the like deep strike them close to an enemy then either unleash vortex of doom or detach him from the unit use the quickenning then use him to charge to prevent your termi's from being fired at as much


but this is my personnel opinion it may not work for anyone else

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it depends on what type of enemy your playing against


the quickenning is great against shooty armies (obviously) for example


but my favorite combination is the teleportation one (can't remember its name) and either vortex of doom or the quickenning.


put him with a unit of assault termi's or something of the like deep strike them close to an enemy then either unleash vortex of doom or detach him from the unit use the quickenning then use him to charge to prevent your termi's from being fired at as much


but this is my personnel opinion it may not work for anyone else


I'd assume you'd be charging after using Gate via the Quickening? Sorry to say but nothing can assault after Deep Striking, (even if it has fleet) unless it has special rules that say so (like Vanguard). If you're not Gating then doing that then no problem.


As for the powers:


In my army I'm taking shooty termis. Suggestions that go with this?


Well if you're using shooty Terminators then I'd go for shooting powers. Gate is brilliant IMO, allowing your Terminators to threaten pretty much anything on the board. I'd then also go for a shooty power, but if you're going to be closing range look into Vortex of Doom. Your Libby will be Relentless, so you can fire it on the move, and the whole squad has an invulnerable save if you roll a double 6. If you take that power you might want to give the Libby a Storm Shield if you can afford it, make sure he stays in the fight.


Otherwise, maybe look into a supportive power such as Null Zone if you know you'll be forcing a lot of invulnerable saves. Or a combat power to buff your Libby in combat.

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For CC nastiness, I enjoy Quickening+Might of Heroes. Makes the Libby very dangerous in your combat round, and you can mix it up to use the Force Weapon if you find something that isn't an Eternal Warrior (a rarity in 5th edition, to be sure). Probably a more effective combo for a JP Libby, but isn't a bad idea to bolster last striking PF or TH Termies.


However, I won't argue against Gate+Vortex (or even Gate+Avenger) for shooty Termies, especially if you're not going to be giving them a LR. A large squad with x2 AC/CML could be very nasty anti-horde, especially if their shooting phase is underplayed. Keep in mind, this is quite a point investment. It may be a good idea to slot in some Teleport Homers/Locator Beacons to ensure your DS goes off as planned.

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Well the squad will mostly like start on the table and take advantage of the long range of it's cyclone. Only 5 though unfortunately. It seems that Gate is well recommended , although that leaves another spot. I plan on giving him a SS anyway :rolleyes: . I was thinking Null Zone for the usefulness. Against Daemons the effect is obvious, but even against other armies it means I can kill their terminators etc easier. I think that would also be useful for fighting characters, because they all seem to have some kind of Inv save, and the power fists can ID (or force sword from the librarian). Avenger sounds good as well though I'll have to try it out.
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Avenger is a great power to go with any form of deepstrike; AP3 and no cover saves? Hit up to 5 or 6 marines without trying very hard? Gold...

Very short range though - any sort of deviation on the Deep Strike and you are SOL.

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Thing is if you go for Cyclones you won't be going through a Terminator's armour in the shooting phase, that would have to be left for other things, unless you plan to assault them on the next turn.


Both Smite and Vortex of Doom go through Terminator armour, and have the same range, which is larger than the Avengers, allowing a little bit more leeway in your teleporting.

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