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Deathwatch Ultramarine in a hurry


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Thinking I was going to be away for a friends campaign of deathwatch (each player is a deathwatch marine using inquisitor rules) I had made nothing for it and then when it got cancelled I suddenly found I had very little time to make one. This is what I managed to whip together from my bits box.


The idea I wanted was an Ultramarine Tyranid hunter that had been recruited into the Deathwatch and thought this suited the hellfire amunition of a heavy bolter. So away I went making a model that wouldnt look so static as the recoil suppressors on a Deathwatch heavy bolter means that its less like a typical special weapon. I thought adding a drum-mag also helped to show that off as he could swing it around more easily.


From my nid bits-box I found some armour plates on devours for armour plating on the right forearm, left shin and then a ripper skull finished that off nicely giving some definition to the knee-cap. Wanting something a little more I made a nid-tooth necklace out of greenstuff to go over the right shoulder pad (I was really happy with this, I reckon the best tooth necklace I've done - technique noted ;p). All of this was "bolted" on so there was a reason how it was attached. I had two hours for this before I had to go out and didnt have time for any more as greenstuff was drying and I didnt want to trash it by trying to work on other parts of the model (I HATE it when that happens, Im so impatient).


Onto painting... Now this was a rush job! I literally had to paint and base him in 6 hours including drying time. This included me finding out I had no ultramarine blue in my paint box and having to march to the local GW (30-40mins each way) so thats probably about 4.5 to 5 hours painting time.








All in all Im happy with how it turned out. The black highlighting is subtle (which hasnt come out perfectly in the photos) but still visible and the little leave I had recently got a hold of are a lot of fun. Hopefully the base and the slight highlights give him a quite "grim" look.


On thing that has really annoyed me is the Ultramarine symbol. Not having enough time to do any research I totally blanked and without thinking painted the wrong symbol!!! :) The correct symbol for a Tyranid Hunter should have a gladius through the "U" *Hits head against wall*. I know some people dont care about this stuff but Im admittedly very anal when people do things like nids with more than six limbs or female marines or whatever, and am much harsher with myself. I will have to change this at some point to stop it eating away at the back of my head :P


Anyways, a bit of a long rant there but hope you like him.

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When I say tyranid hunter I mean he was a Tyranic War Vet (before he was brought into the deathwatch).


Yeah the ammo hopper if from the landspeeder assault cannon, its a bit of a pain to get it stuck on and I had to do a bit of green stuff work to get the thing to look like it could get ammo into the gun but it wasnt too bad.


Thanks for all the comments guys (and girls).

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