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Ultraforge Nurgle Daemon Prince

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Over the weekend I played in a doubles tournament and brought along my Chaos Daemons (BTW: our team took 3rd overall & best sportsmen). It gave me a quick deadline to get some models painted up. I'm not much for speed painting so I was up till 3:00 AM on Friday to be ready for the game come 10:30 AM Saturday. So sometimes a little stress helps to get an army done.








The jump pack appears plain because I want to add some decals to the blank spaces. They'll be themed after the pre-heresy Death Guard Legion badge (like the color scheme on the model) & this guys traitorous involvement in the fall of Istvaan III. I'll do so this week and post a quick update when it's finished.


I can't say enough good things about the Ultraforge model. Big thumbs up to the overall quality & sculpt.


Comments always welcome (that is the point of posting after all right?)


Cheers, -OMG

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Nice! very nice... that "jet-pack" looks like it could be used as a weapon in it's own right. Who though has he stabbed up? green blood? ain't the headless termie thats for sure
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Who though has he stabbed up? green blood? ain't the headless termie thats for sure

Counts-as noxious touch. You gotta keep things WYSIWYG you know. Can't say that it isn't represented on the model.



I was torn between ordering 3 of this guy or 3 of the Nurgle Prince's from GW. You just sold me! <_<

Don't forget the latest Forgeworld one as well. The fan of all things Nurgle as I am I had to get one of each. That would be quite a trio to have all in one army.


Thanks gents, -OMG

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