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An interesting situation

Vincent Black Shadow

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Hey, everyone. Looking for advice for an upcoming campaign battle. I'm facing off against a tough tyranids force run by a very experienced player (he took 'nids to Gen Con and did fairly well). I expect hordey gaunts, shooty 'fexes and warriors, and lots of stealers. From what I've seen, he tends to leave gaunts out of synapse holding home objectives, and push up a huge pile of teeth-gnashy horror. For some reason, he likes to mass his troops in one big pile behind his gaunt screen during deployment.


Because of planetary empires rules, he will have 150 points more than me and choice of USR on one of his units, but I will have a +3 to reserve rolls. How should I play this? Probably 1850 or 2000 points.


What would you do? What goes good against bugs when your main advantage is being able to control when your reserves come in?

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Well, off the top of my head DP armies are nice against Nids, as you can use podded units to snipe Synapse and big gribblies, or jack objectives from small Gaunt broods. The Reserves bonus will come in real handy after the initial assault, too.


A Khan Outflank list could have several advantages as well. Even though most Nids are Fleet, their average move is about 9-10" so your Bikes/Transports have an edge in terms of speed. Once again, Reserve bonuses can help you to launch attacks on your timescale, and divert his numerically superior forces away from where you'll really be attacking.


What it'll really come down to here is what sort of missions you roll, and the tables you'll be playing on. I would highly recommend building a mobile, take-all-comers sort of list with an extra splashing of anti-horde firepower (TFC, Dakkapred, LRC, etc.). Actually, this is what I usually suggest in general! :D

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I hadn't considered khan, that could be interesting. I was thinking about pedro + sternguard for dual heavy flamers from the back of a rhino for clearing objectives/horde control, and toss in a couple drop pods to tie up his 'fexes, and/or vanguard vets. Definitely bringing some pie plates along... I'm thinking vindicator + dakka predator would be a good combo. But I'll have to give some thought to squeezing khan in. Not sure I can rustle up the bikes by next week, especially considering I'm planning to do some serious converting on bikes for my DIY chapter (quad bikes, 6-wheeled attack bikes). But I do intend to put everything in a rhino or LRC, for certain.


I have an idea for objective missions wrt reserves that'll be fun, and mind-blowingly awesome if it works.


What else should I consider?

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Id say your best bet is to grab a whirlwind instead of that dakka predator- simply because of his deployment style.


The Whirlwind can hit his genestealers and warriors turn 1 and ignore their armor saves if hes not upgrades to extended carapace- and they get no cover save from that gaunt screen. Heck, if I could Id take two of these guys, alot of tacticals to shoot the heck out of them, and devastators with plasma cannons and sterngaurd for the big nidz.


As for the reserve rolls the best use for that.... landspeeder storms outflanking with heavy flamers and scouts with a combiflamer and shotguns- wipe out those little swarms left on the objectives, and then claim them. Its likely you can swap the squads back and forth on most boards so youll always get the SMF cover save for them and hitting on a 6+ in CC while maintaining nominal control of both objectives. Hell never see it coming.

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