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Vanguard Veterans

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Well I'm back, with a new project :P


as well as my Blood Ravens and my Marine VS Ork diorama I have started ANOTHER side project. Yesterday I was in London at Covent Garden and popped into the GW there.


I wanted something fun to paint so I bought the new Vanguards. I love these modes, full of character, only thing was that they were cast a little badly especially for GW, a couple of the skulls have half of their...well...skulls missing, and just things like that, but what the hell, i'll deal with it


So heres WIP of them for you, hope you like...


Whilst getting his new armour painted sergeant lucius ran into some sort of machine..




Not too happy with the giant pepperpots intrusion the marines swarmed, and completely obliterated the infernal contraption.





But with some of his armour painted this marine was eager to show off..





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Where is beaky? :P Don't you like him? Shame on you :P



I personally found the Vanguard a pain to paint, hopefully yours will come out better than mine :P And by the looks of your test model (which looks pretty good so far), Sons of Orar?



Lol Beaky is having a rest behind the others, you can just about see him, his arm fell off so he's having it repaired.


Like I said above, I have no idea of the chapter, I'm just painting away with what I think looks good :P

Woah that looks awesome! How do you paint the red?


Hi Verpine.


The red is a simple basecoat of Blood Red all over the armour, I then give it a wash of Baal Red, when thats dry I give it another wash of Blood Red mixed with Chaos Black, make it quite dark, when that has dried simply highlight the edges with a touch of Blood Red. Give it a go and see what you come up with ;)

Well I'm keeping you posted Erik, he's finished, just need to do the base








I know in the pictures he does look a little mssy, but you're going to have to trust me when I say that he's not like that in real life, its the camera, always does it, picks up every little detail that our eyes cant always see.


And now i'm going to start the last 4, but I dont know whether or not to keep them the same colours. I'm tempted to paint each model a different chapter, they're not going into an army as I dont play, so it wouldn't really matter..


what do you all think?

That's a nice white on the helmet. How many layers was that over the grey? There really is nice separation of the armor plates, and that is a beautifully darkened red.


Thanks Fenris, um its only one coat, I undercoated the models with a grey primer, then just the white on top, followed by a light wash of grey, then just highlighted with white again, nothing special.


heres the start of the Ultramarines one..




Well i've cracked on, started painting the last 3..




They're not really specific chapters, apart from the Ultra, and perhaps the Red one,




The yellow guy was supposed to be an Imperial Fists, but I apologise to all those who Imperial fists players, I havent done them justice, but i'm still pleased with it nevertheless

I think the IF guy looks pretty good. I'm not an IF player but I am a Son of Dorn, you did well enough! the other two look stunning though!


Thanks Twin, IF isn't finished, I've just more to him so when he's done he'll look as stunning as the rest of them :P

Quick update, Ultramarine is done, and I just need to do the back of the IF




Man those are cool. Care to say how you did the IF? I'm always intrigued into peoples techniques to doing yellow, simply because I never could!



You're not alone Mike, this was my first attempt at doing yellow armour....and I hated every minute of it.


All I did was an airbrushed coat of golden yellow, then a wash of gryphonne sepia (next time I might forget that bit, as it made it a little brown, might just water down some black or something next time) and then just highlighted the edges slighty with golden yellow again, Not the best but it gives him a battered look

Instead of black, which will make him look green/grey, I'd actually suggest something of a redder wash and instead of golden yellow use sunburst yellow on the lights so that you get better edges. :).


Sanguine tone inks work best for this, available at any proper art store. Suggest home-mixed varieties but Higgins and others are also good. Mine comes from Zecchi in downtown Florence. Nice people and great products if you're ok with shipping :).

Instead of black, which will make him look green/grey, I'd actually suggest something of a redder wash and instead of golden yellow use sunburst yellow on the lights so that you get better edges. :).


Thanks, I had tried sunburst yellow on the edges, but it just looked stupid, almost fluorescent, but hey ho, maybe next time i'll try and do better :), for the time being though i'm happy


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