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Right well heres an update


Havent been on in a while, been a bit busy with other things.


I'm sorry to say that to those who are follwing my diorama it is on hold for a while, until these are done


but the good news is that that they are almost done :P






This IF is not my best, the photos do make him look a lot worse than he is though so don't believe everything you see! I'm still pkleased with him.


The base is plain at the moment, need to touch it up a bit, was going for a scorhced earth type look, am going to buy the new dead grass flock from citadel.




Again the base isnt done, only temporary, I'm also goign to get the snow flock




and this is the 4th one, as you can see he is still a work in progress, in the messy stage :P

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