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Landspeeder Typhoons


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Hi all,


Just debating buying a couple of Typhoon upgrade packs to outfit a couple of speeders I am not currently using.


I have not seen much mentioned of these in lists though, mainly MM/HF which I have 2 of already. I figured that they would be more popular with their ability to fire so many weapons on the move and switch between anti tank and anti infantry so easily in game.


Are they that bad or is it that they are an experience unit which you have to learn to play?


I appreciate that there are things "considered" better so if this is the main reason just say so.


I am trying to build a flexible list (too many years of playing hit em ard Ork lists) and these seem to fit the bill nicely.


So opinions?



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I run a Typhoon as LR support for my DP list. Its very adaptable, and the 48" helps keep it out of trouble.


Having a Heavy Bolter backup gun isnt bad either, and makes it even more effective against hordes- to small pies and 3 HB shots is sweet.


It starts on the board, sometimes along with some scouts... and then I throw down a couple of podding dreads and a WGTDA squad, with my two GH packs coming in later on to snap up objectives or hit the enemy in the flanks.

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I love mine.


Fire support role: 3 HB shots, 2 Krak shots. This can be done while moving up to 6"


Anti-horde role: 3 HB shots, 2 Frag shots. This can be done while moving up to 12"


Late game, zoom out to take/contest objectives.

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I've started using one in my Blood Angels (thanks to a rule in my group that lets us use Imperial Armor 2 update).


It does well most games. Against hordes the 2 frags and heavy bolter are great, light vehicles can go down to 2 mobile krak missiles, and marines don't like getting hit with 2 kraks and a heavy bolter. Works well against anything. Except Land Raiders/Monoliths.

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The only problem with it is that it's quite expensive for an AV10 vehicle. I would always pair it with a cheaper Land Speeder wingman. A wingman with a Heavy Bolter can add a bit of firepower to the squad while running interference/intercept, while one with a Heavy Flamer can offer an evil surprise to any deep strikers or other fast movers who want to chase you away.


Or of course you can take both weapons for a 60 point wingman.

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It definitely needs to be integrated into your army rather than added as an afterthought. Lots of ways to keep it survivable...


... opposite corner of the table from your Thunderfire Cannon

... hanging back while your terminators and vindicators are all up in the face of the enemy's long range units

... deployed in limited LOS areas

... as part of a larger fast/mechanized force where it's just one of many targets


Or, all of the above at once. :)

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Just a quick question, would a pair of Land Speeder Typhoons be viable, perhaps in seperate force organisation slots? This will therefore make your opponent split his shooting, ignore one entirely, or ignore both if you present him with more pressing threats. Thoughts?
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Eh, its got its ups and downs- different slots means you can split their fire, takes two units minimum to destroy them, and they can be on opposite sides of the board.


On the other hand it restricts your unit choices *leaving only 1 FA open* and removes the nifty *extra armor* effect they get from squadrons and gives up an extra KP.


Its up to you how you want to do it, but at 180pts I think Id rather throw down four ML wielding long fangs.... 8pts more and I can split fire.

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Its up to you how you want to do it, but at 180pts I think Id rather throw down four ML wielding long fangs.... 8pts more and I can split fire.


... Every word I hear about Space Wolves is making me seriously reconsider running a C:SM army.



I like the idea of keeping the Typhoons together for the extra FA slot, the ability to treat Stunned as Shaken, and because it is my opinion that, generally, anything worth shooting a heavy bolter and 2 frags at is worth shooting 2 heavy bolters and 4 frags at. Same applies to 2 versus 4 krak missiles. It's not like the Land Speeders are slow, you can always move the squadron if you feel their combined firepower would be wasteful overkill where they are. Personally I welcome a little overkill most of the time, it makes up for my dice rolling.

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I run a biker list with two typhoons, and they've always left me satisfied. I run them as two separate FA slots (all my bikers are troops) and just have them skulk around the edges of the board taking potshots at tanks and infantry concentrations. the two krak shots are very useful, especially against transports. The ability to get good angles and 48 in range usually means two cracked transports a turn. That's why I keep them in separate slots, as I can focus or divide fire as needed. Their mobility allows me to move around to get tanks out of concealment and maintain fire lanes, which the long fangs can't do w/o wasting a turn moving.
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I'm itching to field a couple alongside my budding biker list in the same veind as TJWyrm above.

The one thing I'm trying to balance is whetehr to add one more speeder to each slot as a sort of "ablative speeder", or if the extra footprint ont he table will negate that.

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The main thing that I would be worried about when fielding Typhoons is that for 90pts they are an AV10 vehicle, bolters can take them down. This is of course negated somewhat due to the Typhoon's long range, but if they get hit by a lascannon they won't be doing much. I'd imagine the best way to combat that would be to take two of them or lots of other vehicles.


Do any of your opponents see your Typhoons as a high priority target?

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I use 2 squadrons of land speeders - 1 has 2 tornados with mm and hf, and 1 with just hb, and then 1 typhoon on its own. The typhoon ALWAYS gets it's points back. Although bolters can get it it's so manoeuverable and has such good range that it's never shot at by bolters. Lascannons can be a problem but with the cover rules and its manoeuverability you can usually ensure you're getting cover as well. I took this instead of a 5 man, 2 missile launcher devestator squad and have never looked back since!
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The main thing that I would be worried about when fielding Typhoons is that for 90pts they are an AV10 vehicle, bolters can take them down. This is of course negated somewhat due to the Typhoon's long range, but if they get hit by a lascannon they won't be doing much. I'd imagine the best way to combat that would be to take two of them or lots of other vehicles.


Do any of your opponents see your Typhoons as a high priority target?

My typhoon (which to be fair, I've only played 4 times since I started to use it) has yet to be a high priority target. The predator, the mm attack bikes and the horde of jump infantry seem to focus people away from the speeder.

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The main thing that I would be worried about when fielding Typhoons is that for 90pts they are an AV10 vehicle, bolters can take them down. This is of course negated somewhat due to the Typhoon's long range, but if they get hit by a lascannon they won't be doing much. I'd imagine the best way to combat that would be to take two of them or lots of other vehicles.


Do any of your opponents see your Typhoons as a high priority target?

My typhoon (which to be fair, I've only played 4 times since I started to use it) has yet to be a high priority target. The predator, the mm attack bikes and the horde of jump infantry seem to focus people away from the speeder.

That's been my experience as well; most people view Typhoon as fairly low-priority targets, especially since only weapons in the 36" to 48" range can usually reach them. Vehicle-mounted Multi-Meltas, Rhinos full of Troops, and just about anything out of the Heavy Support section tend to be soak up most of the Krak Missiles and Lascannons (or equivalent weapons) my enemies field, and thing like Heavy Bolters often aren't seen as potential anti-vehicle weapons even though they do a fair job against Land Speeders.

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Yeah... thats the thing, so many people are HUGE on meltaguns these days that they just dont have the LR ack-ack to deal with a few landspeeders in a reliable fashion. When you throw down a predator and a couple of your own MM attack bikes all of a sudden they say "heck, its just an AV 10 skimmer... who cares? I can get it anytime I want to."


And then they never get around to "gettin" it.

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I am a newer player, yet yesterday i played a game with one Typhoon as support for my drop pod list and it stunned a hammerhead, then dodged a railgun and sped away later taking out 2 crisis suits and 2 kroot. (my two MM/HF speeders toasted 10 firewarriors in the game as well before one got melta'd)


So far i am finding them handy. Makes me want to use a LRC to hit one side while a typhoon or two snipe from a flank. I can really see them surviving with a raider rushing up and some dreads in their face.

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