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Dozer blades

Grand Admiral Thrawn

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You dont need them on predators and whirlwinds, because these tanks by design are best kept stationary, so they can shoot all their weapons every turn.


Dozer blades on rhinos and razorbacks would be useful if they're transporting expensive/dangerous units. For example, a sternguard unit would profit from having a dozer blade on their rhino transport (you dont want your 300 point sternies footslogging because their transport got immobilized in terrain). Likewise, a dozer blade on a razorback thats transporting your command squad is always a good thing.


A vindicator I think profits a lot from siege shields, as it basically means the vindicator can move and pivot through most terrain, forcing the opponent to deal with it and drastically improving its threat factor.

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In my experience, it really depends how much you see the vehicle moving. At 5 points, it won't break the bank, and it can be very useful on any tank with some short ranged weaponry which you will want to push forward for effect.


They are essential for vindicators, though a siege shield gets rid of the roll completely for another 5... I love vindicators :P

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I had 3 Rhinos go through difficult terrain in a battle yesterday. I rolled 3 1s... thankfully my most important squad has a Dozer Blade, but the loss of mobility on the other two was a kick in the teeth.
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In a 750 point doubles tournament I once immobolised the same razorback first turn, twice in a row, small deployment zones and an abundence of terrain forced me to either have it in a prime spot for anti tank weaponry or have to drive out of terrain... I thought I would be lucky :P If I have 5pts spare, dont need any meltabombs then yeah I would consider it, but when it comes to a large mech list it could easily mean the choice of reducing a squad size or not adding a powerfist to a sergeant, it depends how vital it is that the vehicle stays mobile.
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Adding dozers to your tanks will make you bolder.

By this I mean that you'll look at that patch of forest in front of an objective and think "I'm driving THROUGH that!" instead of "I'll have to expose my side or rear armor to drive around that."

It'll also give you the freedom to deploy your tanks inside cover/ruins/whatever on turn one, and drive them OUT of it. Nothing like the equivalent of free smoke every turn (for those using 5th Edition Codex Marines anyways).

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I find I'm always moving my Rhinos more than 6 inches, so the dozer blade is not useful. It's kind of a joke in my gaming circle that although driven by women, my SOB rhino plow 12" through terrain and never get immobilized!



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Yeah its so nice to just plow through terrain it feels so nice to not worry about that tree thats blocking my LOS because my vindicator can run it down!

but yeah basically back to the topic dozer blades only really worth it on vehicles you need not to stop moving (i.e.transports, etc)

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I've used a dozer blade on Vulkan and his Sternguard's Rhino for a few games now and don't regret it. The amount of ones I've been able to re-roll thanks for it is unreal. I'll agree that they make you bolder, and if you have the points spare they are worth taking.
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I find I'm always moving my Rhinos more than 6 inches, so the dozer blade is not useful. It's kind of a joke in my gaming circle that although driven by women, my SOB rhino plow 12" through terrain and never get immobilized!




The "new" dozer blades allow you to use them even at cruising speed. I now take one on every rhino I field....I've rolled too many "1's" and been in dire straits as a result. If I could take them on a Land Raider I'd do that too.

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If I could take them on a Land Raider I'd do that too.


AMEN! I can't count the number of times my LRC has gotten itself stuck. These days I refuse to even attempt going through terrain with it. It's just not worth it. However, for my DH army, I'm definately going to be putting dozer blades on all of my LRs.

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I agree, I will always take dozer blades on all my vehicles that move (even my IG ones, though they cost 5 more points for some reason). The fear when you go to roll that dangerous terrain test is pretty high for me as I roll 1's an unatural percentage of the times.


And land raiders should get a free dozer blade, or have a rule where they just cant get stuck on terrain, like they just bash trhough it or something. It is a landraider after all!

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