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Tempus Guard


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Hello, I am french. Per advance, sorry for my english ^^. I played to W40K 15 years ago and I start a new army. Is the fault of DAW2.


I'm proud to show my own codex chapter, the Tempus Guard.

The template:




This is my first tactical squad (thrid squad of second compagnie). I'll post all my finished units.







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Looks as if their statues, and I like it that way too! <_<

BTW, some english help. Compagnie is spelled Company.


I played to W40K 15 years ago and I start a new army=I played 40k 15 years ago and I'm starting a new army. (that's current tense, another way you could make that last sentence work is "started a new army". Which is past tense.
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Ok, In my mind, codex chapter is a chapter who respect some rules like compagny color for exemple.


Well...this is Prenos, dreadnougth of the second compagny. Not finished, but no more time this WE. Just somes details and it's ok (like peint another omega symbol on rigth leg).


Sorry for the poor quality of my pictures. I take it very quick before dinner.












Next pictures in one or two weeks, Terminators with assault cannon.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Ok, a few things. First, I like the paint scheme, and the quality of the models. Good Work! Second, "Codex Chapter" refers to any Chapter that uses the Codex Astartes as the basis for their organization. Third, I speak a fair bit of french, and offer my services at translating things better!


Merci :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello guys! My Terminator squad












I'm not proud by Omega symbol :'( it's difficult to stick it perfectly.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well I am impressed! Very very original! Good man :P


Don't worry grainy base coats are not unusual from spray cans (especially white) - to avoid this, shake like mad, and shake again, spray a little upsitedown to clear the nozzel, and spray at a consistant distance (usually forarm length). If its still grainy, consider taking it back, if its less grainy, then shake more!


Keep up the great work!

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Wow, I really love the color scheme on this chapter, especially that dread. I do think that your basing could use some work, maybe make it a bit grittier, but your highlighting is very nice.


Or, if you prefer...


J'ai vraiment l'amour du jeu de couleurs sur ce chapitre, en particulier celle mech. Je pense que vos bases, on repassera, peut-être faire un peu graveleux, mais votre surlignage est très gentil.

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