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Why Flesh Hounds?


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Alright, I'm probably missing something here but I keep hearing all round praise for Flesh Hounds of Khorne and I look at them and just go "Why?"


To me they're nothing special, but is it their beasts status for the extra movement which makes them so great?


Also, Karanaks Codex entry states if he's selected his Flesh Hounds are picked as Elites? Or am I reading that wrong? (4 squads of the deaded Flesh Hounds?)

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  • 2 weeks later...
I don't really like flesh hounds. Basically from what I've read, 2 Flesh Hounds = 1 fiend. Except fiends have rending, and are S5 even if they don't get the charge, and have a worse initiative than fiends. But they do have the 2+ save for psychic powers. Fiends just seem better to me somehow.

Just noting here.


Body count for being outnumbered above fiends.

Fast attack choice when filling elites with things like fiends/juggers.

Rolling 6's to wound targets that have bad armor saves does not matter if its rending. (Orks)

Two hounds charging is 6 attacks just like one fiend.

Initiative 5 is enough to go first against most things on the charge.

Unit size of 20 when outnumbering the enemy and causing wounds on fearless units in weight.

Managing to safely Deep Strike a unit of 20 Flesh Hounds would be extremely difficult. You'd likely be suffering at least some causalities from landing in difficult terrain almost without fail. Flesh Hound units shouldn't be any larger than 12 to avoid this problem imo.
I swear, very few people realise the real value of a chaos icon. It would allow you to safely DS in a 20 hound unit and the model carrying said icon will be shot at ALOT, protecting your other units. Ah well, maybe its just my play style which means I take 4 in a 1500 point game :D


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