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Loyalist Commanders Speech

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This will be our Planet; a place of beauty;

A place where lost souls can find a home;

I believe everyman has a path laid out before him;

And our path is a rightous one;

For we have been chosen as the Protector;

And the Destroyer;

We live by a code;

A code of the Emperors creation;

The only code there is;

And we follow it as it is set down before us;

Danger lurks in the darkest corners of this galaxy;

And it is our duty to carry the Light to them;

Nothing can hurt us;

For our bodies are weapons;

We are instruments of war;

And pure above all;

We are the hammer in the right hand of the Emperor;

In these dark times people need something to believe in;

The bearers of the Emperors Light;

For it is only a matter of time till the clouds part;

And the might of the Emperor shines through;

We will be there soon;

His Angels of Death;

We will leave a mark so great;

That it will be felt for years to come;

And history will remember our names;

There is not turning back;

We must stand in our resolve;

For we are His Angels of Death;

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