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Back in Black: Grendelwulf's Deathwatch

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"Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more..."


I am recently back from my banishment to Detroit after my failure to complete

my sworn items from the last Call of the Imperium. I must succeed this time or

Twin.44 will surely banish me again!


My workbench is pretty much as I had left it: unfinished models and bitz, discarded

brushes and paintpots lay about as remnants strewn across the battlefield of some

long forgotten war


Now, I have picked myself up and shaken off the dust of inactivity. A chance at redemption!


Overall Goal: To complete an entire space marine battle company.

In order to have some level of flexibility between Codeci Space Marines, Blood Angels,

Dark Angels & Space Wolves, the battle company will be comprised of Deathwatch.

They recruit their members from all Space Marine chapters afterall.




Inspiration: Twin.44, who completed an entire Crimson Fist Battle Company in

three months (85 days actually) for the 3rd Call of the Imperium.

According to his timetable:

Pledge #1 - 5 Tactical squads 43 days

Pledge #2 - 5 Rhinos 10 days

Pledge #3 - 3 Rhinos, 1 Razorback, 1 Tactical squad 10 days

Pledge #4 - 2 Assault squads, 2 Devastator squads, 1 Command squad 21 days

Pledge #5 - 1 Commander 1 day


I shall be readying my workbench and bitz this weekend as the drums of war begin to call...



CDR Grendelwulf

I admit to not being the best with decals and hand-painted icons.

My plans are to use GW's custom pads for multiple chapters. Here are my comparisons...

Assault-crossed swords pad

Emperors Warbringers, Guardians of the Covenant, Sable Swords


Aurora pad

Aurora Chapter


Black Templar pad

Black Templars, Imperial Paladins


Blood Angel pad

Blood Angels, Angels Encarmine, Angels Vermillian


Commander plastic-eagle shoulder pad

Flame Eageles, Hawk Lords, Knights of the Raven, Raven Guard,


Cypher shoulder pad



Dark Angel pad

Dark Angels


Eagle Warrior pad

Eagle Warriors, Black Wings, Dark Eagles, Emperors Hawks



Genesis Chapter pad

Genesis Chapter


Imperial Fist pad

Imperial Fists, Crimson Fists, Fire Lords, Iron Fists, Subjugators


Iron Hand pad

Iron Hands, Dark Hands, Emperor's Hands


Mentor pad

Mentors, Black Consuls, Raptors, Raptors-Badab, Storm Hawks, Warrior Adepts, White Consuls


Praetors of Orpheus

Praetors of Orpheus


Ravenwing plastic skull-wing pad

Angels of Absolution, Angels Porphyr


Silver Skull pad

Silver Skulls


Skull-Veteran pad

Death Knights, Mortifactors, Red Hunters, Skull Bearers



Space Wolf Ragnar pad

Space Wolves, 13th Company, Lion Warriors, Red Wolves, Tigers Argent, White Panthers


Ultramarine pad



White Scar pad

White Scars


Word Bearer pad

WordBearers.gif would be suitable for

Brazen Minotaurs, Minotaurs, Taurans, White Minotaurs



CDR Grendelwulf

Rallying the Troops


I cleared through my debris field of bitz and came up with the following bodies so far:






I began wasting time haggling over which chapters to represent in each squad, which was going to carry special/heavy weapons, etc. I figured since I was planning to do more Deathwatch troopers in the future, it didn't matter. I could always swap them around later. So, for example, one of my initial squads will be using seven of the Mentor shoulder pads: Mentors, Black Consuls, Raptors, Raptors (Badab War scheme), Storm Hawks, Warrior Adepts, and White Consuls. It might look strange all in one squad for now, but it makes it simpler in getting them done.


I will soon be giving them all matching backpacks and filing off any unattractive flashing.



CDR Grendelwulf

Where or how did you get so many plastic Deathwatch pads? I have plenty of metal ones for my Deathwatch project but would like quite a few plastic ones for an all plastic Grey Knight army I am thinking about. Getting them in ones and twos is a bit of a pain in the ass.

@Commander Remiel:

I collected them a few at a time over the last year. Some from boxed sets, some from bitz stores, some from auction sites, etc. It took awhile, but thank heaven for my procrastination because I hadn't noticed how many I finally had until recently. When I noticed I had over 100, I realized I had no excuse NOT to do Deathwatch. I like your idea of a plastic Grey Knight army. I hadn't thought of using the pads for them.


I was going to use the metal Deathwatch pads, but I couldn't wrap my head around the expense. Of course, in retrospect of what I have spent here and there in this hobby, I probably should have. :D


I am keeping the model stances as uniform as possible for a regimental "at attention" look.

Does anyone think this looks too static? I am divided. Too many action poses might be too busy for a large force of models. Hmm, something to ponder...


I also have several "sergeant" models on order from GW:

Azrael, Kor'sarro, Ragnar, Sicarius, Vulkan, a Grey Knight Justicar, Dante, Shrike, Kantor, a techmarine "Iron Father"


Please, keep the C&C's coming.



CDR Grendelwulf

I've used a mix of plastic and metal deathwatch shoulders myself. HQ and sergeants get metal, as well as regular marines I really like for whatever reason. I don't mind 'stock' marines having the more generic, and affordable, plastic shoulders.


Good luck on the battle company ;) Hoping to have enough DW myself at some point to complete the same goal.

I have a feeling that some of the icons stemming from the space wolves pad will be a bit difficult if your planning to try and sculpt them. If not you could just leave as is because they are close enough i'd say to the icons you'll be using them to represent.
@Commander Remiel:

I collected them a few at a time over the last year. Some from boxed sets, some from bitz stores, some from auction sites, etc. It took awhile, but thank heaven for my procrastination because I hadn't noticed how many I finally had until recently. When I noticed I had over 100, I realized I had no excuse NOT to do Deathwatch. I like your idea of a plastic Grey Knight army. I hadn't thought of using the pads for them.

Geez, Louise. That is a lot of plastic Deathwatch pads. But considering I want to make an all plastic GK army with two DW pads per PAGK, I will likely need about as many. And that does not include plastic Inquisition Terminator pads, again two per GKT.


I was going to use the metal Deathwatch pads, but I couldn't wrap my head around the expense. Of course, in retrospect of what I have spent here and there in this hobby, I probably should have. :)

I managed to accumulate 35 metal Deathwatch pads but that is more than enough for a decent number of Deathwatch troopers. At least for now. Until they get something resembling a Codex (do you hear me GW????)


I am keeping the model stances as uniform as possible for a regimental "at attention" look.

Does anyone think this looks too static? I am divided. Too many action poses might be too busy for a large force of models. Hmm, something to ponder...

Many of the poses look similar since the heads and torsos are square with the hips and legs. The arms are even positioned similarly.


I would adjust some of the torsos off midline so some are slightly turned left or right and/or adjust the facing the heads as well. Maybe even swaps bare heads for some helmets. One thing I plan to do for my Deathwatch is add a few chapter specific items where available (e.g. Black Templar tabard, Space Wolf bearded head, Dark Angel robe, etc). Nothing major but enough to give them a little flavour and individuality. One thing that I am going to use are CCWs from the chapters such as Space Wolf and Dark Angel combat knives.


I also have several "sergeant" models on order from GW:

Azrael, Kor'sarro, Ragnar, Sicarius, Vulkan, a Grey Knight Justicar, Dante, Shrike, Kantor, a techmarine "Iron Father"

Cool. I have done something similar but gone with more generic chapter figures such as a Space Wolf sergeant. But characters (or at least bitz of them) would also work nicely (I plan to use Xavier's cape for a Salamander Deathwatch Capt).


BTW I am doing much the same thing with Chapter shoulder pads to maximize the number of chapters I can portray but I think you have me beat. But there are at least a couple you missed. If you are interested in some of the other things I am thinking about using to individualize my Deathwatch, I can dig out my project notes and give you a few ideas.


I look forward to see how your Deathwatch turn out since I am big fan of them (and other Ordos Militant). A bit disappointed they have not been updated for 5ht Ed (even though Sternguard are a worthy stand in, for now).

@ Rindaris: Thanks and good luck with your DW too.


@ dood515: Not planning on sculpting just yet, so I will be seeing how well I can paint to make the pads look like they should.


@ Commander Remiel: I was thinking of a plastic GK force too. Only, I was thinking of using the DA single sword plastic shoulder pads (if I can paint a decent open book on the same pad). Optimally, I would like to be able to do a 50/50 mix of plastic and metal GKs.


It is boggling that GW has not done something with Deathwatch yet...even a Chapter Approved article, or something akin to the Blood Angel codex. Hey GW! We do have $$ and ARE willing to spend it on Deathwatch!


The "at attention" look is lacking something. Another reason I did it was for "production line" building and painting, thinking it would be quicker. But, if the end result looks blah, then I better just take the time to do it right. I will be using chapter specific bitz for the sgts, veterans and command squad.


I would appreciate hearing any ideas you want to share on individualizing Deathwatch marines. I am planning on a full 100-strong company, so having a few marines really stand out would be good.


The Sternguard rules are indeed the best we can do for now. Maybe if GW made a special character that allowed you to take Sternguard as Troops. Or something just to keep Deathwatch really in the game. (psst, GW, one word...SUSPENSORS! ;) )



CDR Grendelwulf

I'd almost be afraid if GW made Deathwatch rules. I mean I want them, but I'd prefer to see a full Inquisition book that included the GKs and SoBs as well (they need an update just as much as we need a codex). I mean i want inducted IG in my Inq army just like the GKs and SoBs can have.


One thing I found after painting scores of marines is that static appearances got so tedious to paint. I had to make each marine special, convert them somehow, to make them more interesting. Interesting enough to paint anyways.


Maybe a DW special character:


Master Badarse (cause you know everyone would make their own version... I know I would).


6 5 4 4 3 5 3 10


Power Armor, Iron Halo, Orb Bomb, Power Fist and Stalker Bolter, Hellfire rounds, Sternguard rounds



You replace your Chapter Tactics with the Deathwatch ability. Sternguard made be chosen as troops. If chosen as troops they may not choose Combi-weapons as upgrades. They do count as scoring. All models must have the Deathwatch shoulderpad or some other form of Inquisition icon.


True Grit

For +3 points per model you may upgrade any Sternguard squads with the True Grit ability. This ability allows them to count Bolters as a CCW weapon. They do not get +1A for charging however.

CDR Grendelwulf:

Here are some chapters I think you missed from your incredibly well-documented list. many use old Legion of the Damned pads (so availability may be an issue unless you know a LotD fanatic. :tu: ) or Death Company pads. Some pads may require some alterations. Some also appear mirror image to chapters insignia but when used as Deathwatch on right, will face correct direction (fwd). Some chapters may be able to use more than one pad so I have listed them in multiple locations. I may have also included some chapters you already listed but with an alternate pad. I have not bothered to include chapters that already have their own pad available (for obvious reasons) or chapters that use exactly the same symbol and thus the same pad (e.g., Crimson Fists use Imperial Fists symbol/pad).

Death Company winged blood drop (may be the same as Blood Angel pad)


Angels Encarmine, Angels Vermillian


Death Company small skull


Exorcists, Invaders, Novamarines, Omega Marines, Red Legion, Sons of Medusa, Storm Lords


Small size of skull would allow adding details (either GS or bitz)

Flesh Tearers

gallery_39545_4000_1088.jpg Yes, there is a Flesh Tearers pad.

Flesh Tearers


Imperial Fists

Iron Lords


Legion of the Damned flame or flame and skull pad


Angels of Fire, Fire Hawks


Legion of the Damned profile skull with banner


Imperial Harbingers, Relictors, Revilers


This is an example of the suggested pad facing the opposite direction to the chapters. However, when used on the right shoulder, as required for Deathwatch, it faces forward like the chapter symbol.

To be continued...........


Legion of the Damned or Death Company skull


Death Knights, Mortifactors, Red Hunters, Skull Bearers


I know that you listed these four under Skull-Veteran pad but I believe the two I listed may be a closer representation.

Night Lords

NightLords.gif could be modified to use as

Angels Sanguine


Veteran pad 1 (starburst)


Aurora, Metamarines, Novamarines, Sons of Medusa


Veteran Pad 2 (winged skull)


Angels of Redemption Angels Sanguine



gallery_39545_4000_860.jpg Yes, there is a Warmongers pad although the 2004-5 Catalogue lists as Dark Angels.



Cypher's sword points up IIRC while the Warmongers points down. Cyphers would be better suited to the following:

Storm Warriors


WRT the Flesh Tearers and Warmongers pads, I know they exist as I have some the pads (and have seen them in official GW literature). I realize some of the pads I have referenced may be difficult to acquire at a reasonable price. However, with the additional chapters I would be able to add to my Deathwatch just by using your list, I would willing to do a straight up trade of pads if you are willing CDR Grendelwulf. But I cannot guarantee I have all the ones I listed above. If you are interested, PM me.

@Rindaris: Thanks for Master Badarse. I will have to see if I can play him sometime. :)

@Commander Remiel: Thanks for the additional pad uses. We can add another two chapters:

Veteran pad 2 (winged skull)


Doom Warriors


Death Company Skull


Doom Legion


I think the total count now for pad uses is 77 chapters.

Update on the Battle Force:

1st 20 bodies: added some backpacks, cleaned some flashing, & corrected some misalignments.

Also, started on another 40 bodies.







CDR Grendelwulf

@Rindaris: Thanks for Master Badarse. I will have to see if I can play him sometime. :HS:

@Commander Remiel: Thanks for the additional pad uses. We can add another two chapters:

Veteran pad 2 (winged skull)


Doom Warriors


Death Company Skull


Doom Legion


I think the total count now for pad uses is 77 chapters.

Excellent Grendelwulf. I will add them to the compiled list (as discussed in our PMs) for eventual posting (still working on a couple of things).

The Deathwatch company is looking very good.

Excellent Grendelwulf. I will add them to the compiled list (as discussed in our PMs) for eventual posting (still working on a couple of things).


The Deathwatch company is looking very good.

Thanks for the support!


I will PM you later with another 26 chapter possibilites (that would cover 103 chapters). About a third of them may be stretching similarities, but it gives us more to work with. I want to dig out/make some decent scans of the original pads and chapter heraldry for direct comparisons.



CDR Grendelwulf

Thanks for the support!


I will PM you later with another 26 chapter possibilites (that would cover 103 chapters). About a third of them may be stretching similarities, but it gives us more to work with. I want to dig out/make some decent scans of the original pads and chapter heraldry for direct comparisons.

@Grendelwulf - stretching compatibility is what we want to do. Offer the possibility to others to C&C and we can determine if it works. If it is usable then we will include it in the final list (see below).


As for the getting some better scans of the pads that do not have images in the Avatar section, I think that would be great particularly with chapters that have variant pads and/or versions in plastic and metal (e.g. Dark Angels, Black Templars, Ravenwing, Legion of the Damned, etc). The images I scanned and cut from GW's "Space Marine Collector's Guide" are not the best.


I am also looking into the use of the Avatars for most of the chapters and pads. And since there is a template, I am going to check with the creator on how best to use it (especially with insignia).



***To all Deathwatch commanders out there as well as interested Loyalist chapter masters.***


I am currently working on a project (in conjunction with CDR Grendelwulf since he started the thread and the idea in my head) compile as complete a list as possible of GW sculpted pads usable with official Loyalist chapters. At the moment, there are some concerns with IP regarding images but I am working on that. When I have everything worked out, I will be posting a new thread with the compiled list for C&C by any and all.


I will also post in this thread letting those interested that we have moved the project from Deathwatch to official Loyalist status and are inviting C&C. We hope to eventually have the list posted in the Librarium as an article for everyone.


Anyone with question, etc can contact me either via posting to this thread (IF stays, in general, on Grendelwulf's topic) or PM me.

@Commander Remiel: I am glad to hear the article continues. Counting your addition of Marine Exemplar, there are two more to include to bring the count to 106 (which works out perfectly for my battleforce count). Grey Knights & B&C Legio! Okay, the B&C isn't an official GW chapter, but how could I resist making my Deathwatch model Commander anything else?


@Twin .44: Should I have said, GO BIG OR GO BACK TO DETROIT? Abit too lengthy. Besides, how could I resist stealing from the best? :lol: Work is indeed progressing. I am putting together four of my Tac Sgts now: Azrael, Kor'sarro Khan, Ragnar & Sicarius. Plus, I finally put a roster together of which chapters to be represented in each squad. I can't have too many of the same badge lumped together, can I? Of course, I may still need a few shoulder pads to complete the 106 model total. Worse case scenario, I make a few "homemade" chapters to fill the bill until I get more pads.


@Terminatorinhell: If I run short on pads, and I can replicate your CG with a GW one, I will. :)



CDR Grendelwulf

@Commander Remiel: I am glad to hear the article continues. Counting your addition of Marine Exemplar, there are two more to include to bring the count to 106 (which works out perfectly for my battleforce count). Grey Knights & B&C Legio! Okay, the B&C isn't an official GW chapter, but how could I resist making my Deathwatch model Commander anything else?

I should add to the list Xavier's pad (since we have Cypher's). That would add the Sallies plus any similarly themed chapters like the Star Dragons.

I have one Xavier pad from the Xavier I am converting into a Legion of the Damned assault veteran sergeant.

Oh, and I found another chapter that would use the Veteran 1 pad (starburst):

Dark Sons


Personally, I do not know about the B&C Legio since they are DIY. But since the list is for the B&C community, it might be a worthy addition.

As for the Grey Knights, which pad do propose putting them under - Deathwatch??

@Terminatorinhell: If I run short on pads, and I can replicate your CG with a GW one, I will. :)

Right!!! You are going to run out of pads. ;) Just put a new order into GW for some of the 10 packs. ;)

@Commander Remiel: Yay! More chapters! I can plan a second Command Squad...or maybe some Veteran squads? Hmm...


The B&C pad is easy enough. It's Deathwatch!

As for the Grey Knights, I was either going to chop one off a Justicar or, more easily, use the plastic Dark Angel single sword pad. This is what I was planning to use in building plastic Grey Knights in my "Shades of Grey" thread.


Update on the Battle Force:


Needed a break from Tacticals, so I decided to begin the Assault squads & their "special" Sgts.

Jump packs and pads to be added later...









CDR Grendelwulf

-sigh- Why do I not see any paint yet? I see all these models, and good job on that, but these guys need to be brought to life my friend!!!!!! :lol:


A combination of family, work, & weather have kept me from painting.

I figure when all models are built and ready, I will primer them all at once!

Once I get a base coat on them, the rest will surely follow.


Hopefully, this weekend will bring a hole in the ozone layer above my home

when hell is unleashed in the form of aerosol spray. I must remember my

sunscreen lotion...



CDR Grendelwulf


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