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Lego Landraider

Commander Sasha

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In a thread last week regarding proxy etiquette, I mentioned my son's Lego Landraider; the side view is almost exactly LR sized, as we had a side from one in a bits box; without a whole model, we had to guess the width, and it came out a bit wide, but the Lego Tracks are 5 pips wide. We also have alternative sponsons for Freem and Fry.


The pottery class monolith I also mentioned got broken by the kid sister last week, and the distraught 10 yr old had binned the bits before I could take photos :o

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I hate proxies, but that I would be fine with. I'm also fien with models built out of plasticard. If it looks 90% like it is suppose to, is the right size, and has the right weapons without any explanation then throw it on the table all you like :cuss .


maybe for the lego drop pod, for the base you can use those wing like parts that are like triangles with two corners cut straight?


Actually with legos a drop pod wouldn't be to hard. probably easier than building it with other things.


With the lego star wars, lego batman, etc. I've actually wondered what lego 40k would be like. thank you for completing the first step to seeing my dream come trye :P .


Well actually there is a guy who built an emperator titan out of legos, but that is another story and way to much.

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