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XXXth Host, Word Bearer Defiler

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I'll be building the XXXth Host of the XVIIth Legion - Word Bearers!

So far, the only part of my army that is 100% assembled is my 1st Defiler.

He represents what continued Daemonic Possession for ten thousand years will do to machines.

So, here it is for all to see. Enjoy.










* * * There's more at my Defiler album here* * *

It may appear to have a Slaanesh theme with all of the rings and loops. Well, that's not the case (my Word Bearers would not tolerate that). Those loops and rings are there to restrain and torture it while not in combat.

Hope you enjoyed viewing it, as much as I enjoyed building it.

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Thank you for your positive feedback. I really appreciate it.


more of the Army to follow, soon I hope. I'm finishing up a move to Hawaii right now, and getting the house straight, work , and trying to lose about 20 pounds I picked up somewhere are competing for time with the hobby.

is it just me or is the placing of the battle cannon a bit awkward :P

That seems to be a common thought for many that see it for the first time. What's really going on in your mind? :)

But really, I couldn't put it in the chest, that would have ruined the whole model. I like to think the Battle Cannon is in the Belly.


Very clever use of the Soul Grinder kit and normal Defiler kit. Well done :tu:


I think you have modelled very effectively what a true Daemon Engine should actually look like! :)

Daemon Engine. Yatzee, that's exactly what I was going for.



Thanks everyone.

Now, to put a coat of primer on it. I really hate this part.


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