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Salamanders! Oh my!


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Well, it's been over a year since I last posted this army. RL issues and yadda yadda yadda. Anyway, it pretty much has gone from being just the first company to just an explosion of Space Marine models due to very sweet deals (complete SM company for $50 :) awesome) Anyway, figured I'd post some pics as to what the army looks like now:


Here's a view of it covering my mother's kitchen table (the only place I could actually put it all out, packing up an army and heading to the 'rents just to take pics sucks sometimes)




Here are some closer views of the army, though not very detailed, it kinda shows what the army consists of:










Anyway, I'll try to get some up close pics of the models and there were some still added after these pictures were taken, I promise I'll get them up in the next few days.

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