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Tornado w/ HB and Assault cannon


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I don't field land speeders because, frankly, I don't like the way the models look. (I will probably make an exception however when I put together a scout team with a transport.) On paper it looks like a HB/Assault Cannon combo would be really nice vs infantry.
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The thing about that Land Speeder is that it is expensive and puts itself in vulnarable positions. If you're in range with the Assault Cannon, then pretty much every anti-tank weapon (except meltaguns) and standard infantry weapons are in range of you, and can easily destroy it or at least shake it.


My comparison, the increased range on the Typhoon Missile Launchers means that only things like lascannons and perhaps heavy bolters (if you're planning to use yours) potentially keeping your Land Speeder out of range of things like bolters and especially pulse rifles.

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I wouldn't say its goo for killing elite infantry but maybe gribble, but as has been said you risk putting yourself at risk and unlike MM speeders your may not be going after a Hight Value target that will more than pay for the speeders cost with one good turn of shooting.
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I have in the past run the configuration and it is rather expensive, fragile and problematic.


In order to use it to its fullest you need to operate at 24" range moving no more than 6". This is quite problematic as it means your 90 point model is highly susceptable to any and all fire (bar pistols), it also means that fleet or fast units will catch them in two turns or you will be forced to move at a speed where one of your guns will not be able to fire.


The armourments are fairly good at taking out infantry and will completely mow through 4+ Sv models, it also has a scary 9 shots a turn. However when you look at what else you can arm the landspeeder with you see that it is not the pinacle of anti infantry.


  • You can army a single model with two heavy flamers for the ultimate 4+ SV infantry killer all this for 30 points cheaper. It also has a chance at wrecking rear armour without the hassle of having to deal with cover.
  • You can have two heavy bolters for 30 points cheaper as well. This gives less shots overall and a lower strength but it operates at a much safer range of 36".
  • For the same cost as the Tornado you can run a Typhoon. Two S4 templates and a heavy bolter at 36" range, both more and less likely to create more T4 kills than your option but it can do it whilst travelling at 12" and still be 36" away. The typhoon also allows for an ingame shift to anti tank much easier and cleaner with the two types of missiles it can fire.


For my money the Typhoon is a much better investment, dont get me wrong I have some under slung Assault Cannons which attest to my previous trials with this set up but I have since learnt that the lanspeeder has to be flexible enough to cover as many battlefield uses and I might require. For this I have MM/HF onces and have my eye on the Typhoon parts for a future modelling project.


Put simply there are better and wiser things to spend your precious points on.


Hopefully I have covered all the bases, they used to be more popular but that was because Rending was better in the previous edition.



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They are better at exploiting rear armour than any other Land Speeder variety.


They are also more expensive that the de facto standard HF/MM Land Speeder.


If using one, I would place it in a squadron with at least 1 and preferably 2 HF/MM speeders, in order to prevent it from being shot too early in the game.

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